I'm sure you didn't really mean seriously this either.
You see.. everybody in the court would understand the principle of saying something for the laugh one or two times. But repetitively in multiple place.... (exhibit C)
I'm sure that anyone in the court can agree that this is not the behavior of someone that is always calm and reasonnable.
Which leads me to my next point:
Mr Reloaded, here is the photo of your ex wife dead body taken before the autopsy
(Exhibit D)
(Exhibit E)
As you can see here, we can clearly see the stab that caused the death of Mrs Reloaded, right in the back on Exhibit E. The autopsy confirmed that this was done by a small and sharp blade.
But the 50+ stabs that we can see on exhibit D in the front of your wife's body was actually confirmed done HOURS after the death. You can see that mainly because of the absence of bruises around the cuts.
Here is my question mister Reloaded:
Do you think that this kind of atrocity can be done by someone that is always calm and reasonnable ?