Usopp has been more of an asset in Egghead than the ex Warlord.
Which is unfortunate. Now the people saying "Jinbei shouldn't be part of the Strawhats" was right lol.
At the same time, we have the Gigachad Franky who:

- Got hyped by Vegapunk(the Greatest Scientist in the World)
- Was in faced of an Admiral/Gorosei
- Saved Luffy from Saturn
- Used Radical Beam in a Gorosei
- Tanked an Kizaru's kick

I have to wait 5 more days for Nami hype.
She and Sanji still talking on the phone.
“Jinbe and Zoro just returned, we’re all here.”
“Great. Get the ship to the giants. I’ll be there soon however Punks bleeding out and Luffys playing around.”
“Alright meet you at the rendezvous spot.”

Rest of chapter is just Nika
She and Sanji still talking on the phone.
“Jinbe and Zoro just returned, we’re all here.”
“Great. Get the ship to the giants. I’ll be there soon however Punks bleeding out and Luffys playing around.”
“Alright meet you at the rendezvous spot.”

Rest of chapter is just Nika
1/3 of the chapter will focus on Marcus Mars trying to find the place where broadcast is happening