[FNZ] Super Role Madness Pokemon Chose your own starters

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@Naomi Did you see Blue's full claim? Pages are not loading for me correctly right now. Do you think Blue is a town indie, neutral indie or a hostile indie and should I worry about him? I just remember one completed Pokemon game where he was a neutral indie and I don't remember what were the other indie roles like in the other games except for the cult leader.
There is a possibility Fuji just made neutral indie because Blue loves this type of role
It's fucking hard to keep track of who's posting what on a phone. I read the post, but for some reason, my brain doesn't tell me to look at the posters name

Pot Goblin

@Naomi Did you see Blue's full claim? Pages are not loading for me correctly right now. Do you think Blue is a town indie, neutral indie or a hostile indie and should I worry about him? I just remember one completed Pokemon game where he was a neutral indie and I don't remember what were the other indie roles like in the other games except for the cult leader.
Probably just neutral as the fella claims, he only lies about being a fellow purple

Best not to put him out of mind though just in case
You said you were going to leave and play a game and the way how Naomi described your scum play made it look like the way how you were playing here fits on what you do as scum.
This is another sentence of words. Just like your prior things it doesn't actually address what I'm saying. Naomi lacks complete and utter fundamentals for how I play a wolf game. If you look as recent as the last wolf game I played on this forum I was second top poster. Many people use the argument that I'm more active as scum infact.
I am playing another game, I can SS my progress. I'm only doing things when people qoute my post sand mention me.
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