Questions & Mysteries "Law tanked g4 tier punches "

or maybe, just maybe..... Oda retconned act 1 feat and on the roofotp hybrid Kaido would never be able to knock out act 1 Luffy?
Everyone in Onigashima could tank Kaido's attack and get up.

You cannot actually believe that Zoro who is defenseless on the ground with broken bones tanked hybrid bagua better than full HP G4 Luffy who has haki around him.
He used curtain and that is after he hitted Zoro first.
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Besides, not at the head.
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There is a huge difference between hitting at the head and hitting at the body after hutting Zoro.
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Big Mom doesn't have a feat where she shows that her AP is equal to Bound Man, she used a defensive elbow plus her tons of weight which stopped her from being sent flying.
He had used curtain earlier and Kaido broke the barrier. Unless you believe Law is quick enough to create another barrier to defend himself, by all means go ahead and give him that feat
It's a really bad idea to try and argue this..

What? Big Mom doenst have that AP. Heck, Luffy even had a clash with her with Gear 3.
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He had used curtain earlier and Kaido broke the barrier. Unless you believe Law is quick enough to create another barrier to defend himself, by all means go ahead and give him that feat
He did have enough time, he used it when he had Kaido in his face, when Kaudo used TB he hitted Zoro first....

Besides, we dont know if he broke it.
Did you miss the part I said BM standing =/= bM on her back

If you think your striking power is the same when you're on your feet as when you're when you're sleeping on your back, you need help
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"Wci g4 has shit AP"

Luffy didn't hurt kaido cause he lacked AP, he lacked the skill to bypass his dura
BM arm rattled after blocked G4 punch

And btw
We never saw Law and kid tank A coated haki punch from BM (on her feet)
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Law wasn't hit on the head
Come up with another comparison
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Go ask a boxer
Or show me anyone on her back hitting as hard as when they're standing on their feet

BM on her back didn't dish out g4 tier AP lol
You guys are really insane

G3 had Dragon kaido sent're really talking about Law tanking g4 tier ap
Law whose body is still fragile no matter how good his endurance is
“Wasn’t hit on the head” :gokulaugh:this is the best you come up with? Where do you get that G4 Luffy got it harder than Law when Kaido was in base, not using ACoC, and just sobered up as he was mocking the shit out of Luffy?

Law tanked a Hybrid ACoC Thunder Bagua and was still conscious ready to fight Yonkos while WCI G4 Luffy got KOd like fodder.

Law’s stomach durability >>>>>>> WCI G4 Luffy’s head. Law has feats of tanking Yonko Haki attacks consistently, WCI G4 Luffy got HURT AND KO’D BY A YC1.

And Bigger Mum’s CoA multiple punches >>>>> single base BM CoA elbow that negged G4 Luffy.
What? Big Mom doenst have that AP. Heck, Luffy even had a clash with her with Gear 3.
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He did have enough time, he used it when he had Kaido in his face, when Kaudo used TB he hitted Zoro first....

Besides, we dont know if he broke it.
We do know he broke it

The panel shows a barrier over Law, Kaido hits Law and we get a “Krash” sound effects which is more in line with glass like material breaking, next time we see Law there’s no barrier over him

We also know the sfx is not from Law hitting the rocks because Luffy literally was sent flying the same way and there was a different sfx

Another day, another reason to not entertain OP fans

If you keep thinking Linlin punches she threw at Law was g4 tier or above, you need help
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“Wasn’t hit on the head” :gokulaugh:this is the best you come up with? Where do you get that G4 Luffy got it harder than Law when Kaido was in base, not using ACoC, and just sobered up as he was mocking the shit out of Luffy?

Law tanked a Hybrid ACoC Thunder Bagua and was still conscious ready to fight Yonkos while WCI G4 Luffy got KOd like fodder.

Law’s stomach durability >>>>>>> WCI G4 Luffy’s head. Law has feats of tanking Yonko Haki attacks consistently, WCI G4 Luffy got HURT AND KO’D BY A YC1.

And Bigger Mum’s CoA multiple punches >>>>> single base BM CoA elbow that negged G4 Luffy.
Yeah Law > Oden, Luffy,...

Who do I believe,
Law who doesn't have zoan fruit nor is he a freak but apparently has better durability than Oden and Luffy who got koed when hit on the head
We do know he broke it

The panel shows a barrier over Law, Kaido hits Law and we get a “Krash” sound effects which is more in line with glass like material breaking, next time we see Law there’s no barrier over him

We also know the sfx is not from Law hitting the rocks because Luffy literally was sent flying the same way and there was a different sfx


What a stupid analysis 🙄.

Nothing in there shows that barrier breaking pure headcanon. We see a Boulder broken while Luffy that doesn't happen.
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Oh god are you one of those people who actually think Kaido somehow loses momentum or power whacking multiple people with TB? That hitting Zoro first somehow makes his second attack weaker?:gokulaugh:

Law tanked a ACoC Thunder Bagua, multiple CoA punches from BM whose base hits can KO a YC2, it is consistent. WCI G4 Luffy is simply ass, hell even Law’s Gamma Knife has better AP than multiple Kong Punches. Feats are feats.

Look at the panel again? Zoro was literally KOd after that attack.
He does lose power, its common sense.

And those baby hits from Big Mom arent as strong as her real attacks.

Law indeed has great endurance, but dont confuse durability with it. Luffy has better durability.
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“Wasn’t hit on the head” :gokulaugh:this is the best you come up with? Where do you get that G4 Luffy got it harder than Law when Kaido was in base, not using ACoC, and just sobered up as he was mocking the shit out of Luffy?

Law tanked a Hybrid ACoC Thunder Bagua and was still conscious ready to fight Yonkos while WCI G4 Luffy got KOd like fodder.

Law’s stomach durability >>>>>>> WCI G4 Luffy’s head. Law has feats of tanking Yonko Haki attacks consistently, WCI G4 Luffy got HURT AND KO’D BY A YC1.

And Bigger Mum’s CoA multiple punches >>>>> single base BM CoA elbow that negged G4 Luffy.

Dude, you really think that being hit at the head and being hit in your stomach is the same?

That was the whole point of Act 1 Luffy vs Kaido, a 1 critical hit at his head so Luffy could go to Udon 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️
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Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
All out Giant Big mom:

Holding back regular size Big mom:

Nodle is trying to show Latakuri not look bad whose Armament defense didn't hold vs G4, while Law hold BM's armament punches and still hit her with Puncture Wille. :milaugh:

And who was stopping Big mom from getting up? Right, Law.

You act like someone was holding BM down while she was punching Law lmao.
Ndule is the only user Erkant is capable of ratio’ing lmfao
All out Giant Big mom:

Holding back regular size Big mom:

Nodle is trying to show Latakuri not look bad whose Armament defense didn't hold vs G4, while Law hold BM's armament punches and still hit her with Puncture Wille. :milaugh:

And who was stopping Big mom from getting up? Right, Law.

You act like someone was holding BM down while she was punching Law lmao.
Lerkan negging noodle, what a sight to see
What a stupid analysis 🙄.

Nothing in there shows that barrier breaking pure headcanon. We see a Boulder broken while Luffy that doesn't happen.
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He does lose power, its common sense.

And those baby hits from Big Mom arent as strong as her real attacks.

Law indeed has great endurance, but dont confuse durability with it. Luffy has better durability.
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Dude, you really think that being hit at the head and being hit in your stomach is the same?

That was the whole point of Act 1 Luffy vs Kaido, a 1 critical hit at his head so Luffy could go to Udon 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️
You really think Oda believes a whack to the head makes a difference :gokulaugh:

Ragnarok to stomach:
KOd like fodder

Later, Drunk Mode Ragnarok to head


"Critical head shots" are literal headcanons. :suresure: It's either you're durable enough to take it or you're not.

Wano Law shits on WCI G4 Luffy in every category including durability, feats are feats.
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Another day, another reason to not entertain OP fans

If you keep thinking Linlin punches she threw at Law was g4 tier or above, you need help
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Yeah Law > Oden, Luffy,...

Who do I believe,
Law who doesn't have zoan fruit nor is he a freak but apparently has better durability than Oden and Luffy who got koed when hit on the head
YC2 Queen got KOd by two base hits from brainless nerfed O-Lin.

Wano Law took multiple (>>>>2) punches from a 1-year life powered up BM using her CoA.

What a stupid analysis 🙄.

Nothing in there shows that barrier breaking pure headcanon. We see a Boulder broken while Luffy that doesn't happen.
headcanon? you realize even the anime did it as I stated?

If anybody is going by headcanon its you. We can visually see the barrier going away, and we can also see the sfx for the barrier breaking lol.