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Plot twist: The current wg are the real criminals
If Oda wouldn't keep writing oh so bad and super evil activities celestial dragons do for basically no logical reason at all, I'd be full on supporter of the WG, probably including even Ohara.
Ends almost always justify the means.

But they do explicit evil stuff and are rather of the generic evil villain type. They are not interested in a normal functioning world government, no they want to commit mass murder for fun. That's the ridiculous part, not the WG or how they came to power a millennium ago.
Remember when Oda angels used to make fun of Naruto for turning into a story about fate,reincarnation,prophecies and saviourism? :kobeha: :kobeha: :kobeha:
That shit was in the story since it start anyone that think other wise was dumb as hell.
Like by AB and you had robin talking about will of D should clue people in and that was near 20 years ago .

Bet he's trying to land the juicy revelations on some special chapter number again
Oda does not care about that shit .
We know he was not going do anything special for chapter 1000 until editors and other people around told him he should .
You had people saying he do something special for 1100 and there was nothing .
If Oda wouldn't keep writing oh so bad and super evil activities celestial dragons do for basically no logical reason at all, I'd be full on supporter of the WG, probably including even Ohara.
Ends almost always justify the means.

But they do explicit evil stuff and are rather of the generic evil villain type. They are not interested in a normal functioning world government, no they want to commit mass murder for fun. That's the ridiculous part, not the WG or how they came to power a millennium ago.
Everyone who thinks the gorosei are badly written should take a look at the real world:saden::saden::saden::saden::saden:
That shit was in the story since it start anyone that think other wise was dumb as hell.
Like by AB and you had robin talking about will of D should clue people in and that was near 20 years ago .

Oda does not care about that shit .
We know he was not going do anything special for chapter 1000 until editors and other people around told him he should .
It's not how goroawase works
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