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Literal headcanons. Red Roc was used once and its flames barely did shit to Kaido, and he was caught offguard. No sold by Warcury

Zoro dragon blaze cut a horn and only had Kaido and Big Mom commenting about how Oden's magic blade was carrying Zoro's ass

"That is no ordinary sword!!":suresure:

Kawamatsu pulled out similar feats with a fodder sword :suresure::suresure::suresure:

Meanwhile base Sanji with Zoro's EoS opponent :shocked:

As i said, you're making things up, stop embarrasing yourself :willight:
I couldn't understand what that panel was until I read the comment :gokulaugh:
Can you show 1 panel of Crocodile ''clashing'' with Akainu ? A clash implies both sides trying to hit each other; did it occur ? No, Crocodile used and attack to ''slowdown'' Akainu who didn't even bother to retaliate.
Same thing with Mihawk, just a sneak attack that was blocked and then everyone moved on with their lives.
He attacked akainu while he was made of lava and was not affected by the lava. Volcanos produce more heat than it takes to melt sand into glass. The only way he can make this attack without taking damage himself is with armament haki
I don't watch American Football or Soccer, I find watching both sports boring.:saturn:
watching soccer is so silly bc it's just grown men kicking the ball to each other and rolling in the ground with very little contact 😭😭

they barely score goals in the given time too like get a life omg it's so boring 💀💀💀
Well to be fair Oda heavily foreshadowed everything
That aside, it's pretty clear that he is going the same route as Naruto... but Naruto other than Naruto heavily focused on Guy, Kakashi, Obito, Sasuke, Madara...

OP is only wanking Nika Nika Nika Nika Nika Nika Nika Nika Nika Nika Nika so funny so great so nice the best Nika Nika (whether Nika, Joy Boy or Luffy, is the same)

Ni we are wanking in wano kinemon momo kanjuro :)))))
I couldn't understand what that panel was until I read the comment :gokulaugh:
New fanfic, Runji set Venus' head on fire and ofc he cut the bite diff panel.

Lanjisisters didn't get the memo
"The Bakotsu (馬骨, lit. 'horse bone') is one of the 16 yōkai depicted in the Tosa Obake Zōshi, drawn during the Edo period; it appears as a skeletal, flaming horse, claimed to be the spirit of a horse that perished in a fire."

Now they're begging for Runji to be amped by the Mother Flame (spelt Mother Flame), how much of a fraud do you want him to be? :risitasad:

Now for something more on topic (not found by me):

Sanji vs Bald Horsey

Zoro vs Bird

Wanky dunking on Worm?
Jörmungandr the world serpent. Wranky always steps up. :myman:
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