[FNZ] Super Role Madness Pokemon Chose your own starters

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When were you under the impression this game is..
Idc if Ultra is better at Pokemon battling he ain’t MVP lol

Fuji what was the conversion to lol
in i wanna replay!!!
@Dr_Professor83 vs @Ultra
@Kiku vs @Pot Goblin
@Mr. Reloaded vs @Naomi
@Red Night vs @Alwaysmind

You guys know what to do right?

Go to https://pokemonshowdown.com/ and create a name and then PM the name.​


The End and the Beginning
Btw I wanted to shoot Orca once Juliet gave me the amp by reusing Absorb on Psychic and copying Gad's role, but I was dead same WU.
What I was saying then was correct by the way. No reason to shoot Mango when he has already survived a kill instead of shooting the next man up. If he flipped scum we would have full clarity going into the night, all killing Mango early did is give you peace of mind a little earlier that I wasn't scum.
What I was saying then was correct by the way. No reason to shoot Mango when he has already survived a kill instead of shooting the next man up. If he flipped scum we would have full clarity going into the night, all killing Mango early did is give you peace of mind a little earlier that I wasn't scum.
I was under a lot of pressure that day. For you it was easier since you had 2 confirms aside from your own role. For me I had to calculate the best way to put Town in the driver's seat. I was confirmed, so had a lot more responsibility.

With @Alwaysmind gone all threats to town have been vanquished and town wins.

To celebrate this win I will be holding a Pokemon Showdown Tournament that will decide the MVP of this game for those interested.

First 8 to quote this post are elligible, dead or alive players are welcome.

1- @Yoho Pokemon Trainer Yoho Killed Night 1
2- @Pot Goblin
3- @Kiku Pokemon Trainer Kiku Killed Night 5
4- @Flower Pokemon Trainer Flower Killed Day 6
5- @Psylocke Pokemon Trainer Psylocke Killed Night 5
6- @Ratchet
7- @Red Night Pokemon Trainer Red Night Killed Day 5
8- @The Orca Team Maximum Executive The Orca Killed Night 6
9- @Polar Bear Team Maximum Executive Polar Bear Lynched Day 2
10- @Mashiro Blue Pokemon Professor Blue Left the Game Day 5
11- @Emil Pokemon Trainer Emil died Night 2
12- @Naomi Pokemon Trainer Naomi died Night 3
13- @Dr_Professor83
14- @Luka Team Maximum Grunt Luka Lynched Day 3
15- @Mr. Reloaded Team Maximum Grun Reloaded Lynched Day 5
16- @Sallucion
17- @Yo Tan Wa Pokemon Trainer Yo Tan Wa died Night 4
18- @Juliet
19- @Sir Yasheen Pokemon Trainer Sir Yasheen Killed Night 6
20- @Alwaysmind
21- @RippedCal Pokemon Trainer RippedCal Modkilled Day 5
22- @Lord Melkor Pokemon Trainer Lord Melkor Lynched Day 4
23- @Neeko Replaced by @MangoSenpai Team Maximum Leader MangoSenpai Lynched Day 6
24- @Ultra
25- @xenos5
26- @Gadonkadonk Pokemon Trainer Gadonkadonk Lynched Day 1
I never figured this out from the last time lol
Well, now that’s the game over. @Fujishiro What was used on me that prevented my kill and redirect from showing up in the write-up on Night 4?

And for anyone who’s curious I think Fuji just told Yo Tan Wa the wrong Pokémon because I never targeted YTW with anything.
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