Kidd greatness this chapter?

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Are we sure about this? I assumed Bonney has it all. OK we will see Vegapunk's last words
Punk gave Bonney the control over Kuma pacifista because he didn't want Bonney dying to weapons that look exactly like her father.

That is not a problem with the seraphs minus S-bear.

So if Bonney had control over all seraphs too, it would be just bad plot convenience imo
What this chapter confirms is that the Strawhats won't do shit, it's an alliance and only the strongest will fight, no eye or bite diff fodders vs Admirals or Gorosei. :saden:
Bro atleast Lanji saw and squared up against an admiral and multiple gorosei(one of which is literally zoro's eos fight lol)

Zoro hasn't even seen a single top tier this damn arc lmao

High diff vs Gucci is not better than what lanji has gone through :shame:
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