Ranbihaku the Berserker is a Heavenly King Level Commander

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars

The main thing we need to see from subordinate generals to determine if they are Heavenly King level is direct comparisons to Qin6 or Zhao3 level commanders to some extent. For example:

-Kyou En was said to have “burned Renpa’s hands” by Renpa himself, and had battled against 4 of the original Qin 6.

-Kaishibou was said to have brute power on par with Renpa by Genpou.

-Rinko was hyped as breaking through Ouki’s defense and landing a blow on Ouki himself.

These are just some examples but in general, the Heavenly King caliber of General are the ones who are capable of giving Qin6 level commanders serious trouble.

Well, Tou hyped Ranbihaku like this:

Both Ouki and Kyou found him troublesome. It was never said that Ouki and Kyou defeated or overcame him outright, it was simply said that they found him troublesome.

So right there, Ranbihaku being hyped as someone who didn’t get immediately curbstomped by Qin 6 is similar portrayal to Renpa saying Kyou En had “burned his hands”.

The portrayal continued:

Ranbihaku clashed equally with Tou, and Tou retreated after this clash. Tou who is of course himself Qin 6 level, who Ouki praised as having equal talent to Ouki himself.

This portrayal continued at Juukou:

As Yoku clashed evenly with Tou only for Ranbihaku to intercept Yoku.

Now of course individual clashes don’t always tell us levels accurately, but these individual clashes seem to be consistent with the hype Ranbihaku received as being troublesome even to Qin 6 level commanders. Contrast Ranbihaku’s clash with Tou and statement of giving Ouki and Kyou trouble, with even a powerful general like Shoumou getting one shot by Ouki, and Ranbihaku certainly seems more impressive.

If stats are your game, then Ranbihaku has a 94 strength stat, putting him statistically on par with Great General Kyou as well as other Warrior Heavenly Kings like Gyou’Un and Bananji.

Ranbihaku also briefly fought equally with Sento’Un:

Now yes Sento’Un did stall both he and Rokuomi, but Sento’Un himself is also Heavenly King level or perhaps even higher.

Overall Ranbihaku certainly seems to be a Heavenly King caliber warrior general, having good portrayal against three Qin 6 level commanders and having seemingly never been defeated by any of them.

This is one of many reasons that I say the Fire Dragons should not be underestimated,as Ranbihaku is very strongly hyped and he has served two Fire Dragons lol.

@Owl Ki @Blackbeard @God Buggy @TheKnightOfTheSea @FutureWarrior123 @RayanOO @Rumble @Greenbeard @Dark Admiral @Jailer @Peroroncino @Monet @Topi Jerami @Shanks @Cichy @Bullet @mmd @Yo Tan Wa @𝓓𝓡 . 𝕋𝒆ñ𝐦𝐚 @Darkrai1381 @tcb @Pirao @Luffy is the mc @Warchief Sanji D Goat @Bepo @Daniel @Pot Goblin @centurion
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@Ou Zen


𝕷𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝖔𝖋 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖓'𝖘 𝕾𝖕𝖆𝖜𝖓
I agree to some extent

I would trust him to kill opponents that Gyou'un and Rinko could kill, but I would not trust him to actually lead an entire wing of a battle like KyouEn or Kaishibou did.

I think of him and Zenou as Heavenly King level "tools" for generals without significant martial might to use


Always helpful to have someone who can dish out extra firepower in a battlefield on your side, even if he may be mentally unsound.

Physical strength and combat capability is a trait that is prized amongst kings and generals of pretty much every faction so Ranbihaku would easily be on the level of a Heavenly King or higher.
In that case Rankai is a great general level commander lmao.

The problem with Ranbihaku is that he doesn't check the basic requirement of a general - the ability to command an army on your own. I'm pretty sure this dude doesn't even know how to talk, so how is he suposed to give orders to people during the battle?

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
In that case Rankai is a great general level commander lmao.

The problem with Ranbihaku is that he doesn't check the basic requirement of a general - the ability to command an army on your own. I'm pretty sure this dude doesn't even know how to talk, so how is he suposed to give orders to people during the battle?
I’ve seen some strange Ranbihaku downplay, but suggesting the guy can’t even talk? Lmfao

I mean do yall really think Rankai poses a threat to Ouki or Renpa martially? They would wound him once and he would retreat cowering lol. Rankai is terrifying until he gets wounded once. Then he’s a non factor.

Ranbihaku legit was a troublesome opponent for Ouki and Kyou. I don’t see how you can compare him to Rankai.
Heavenly King has to be the most abused tier ever
How do you place an ape with 45 int and 70 leadership on that level

As a mad dog under the leadership of a good strategist like Reiou he can be dangerous to anyone in a war scenario
Someone like Zenou is far more deserving in hype and feats to be considered HK level, though that still sounds ridiculous
Zenou crushed Riboku's cage lol, that's far above Ranbihaku's paygrade
Not to mention he's far stronger and boasts higher intelligence

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Someone like Zenou is far more deserving in hype and feats to be considered HK level, though that still sounds ridiculous
Zenou crushed Riboku's cage lol, that's far above Ranbihaku's paygrade
Not to mention he's far stronger and boasts higher intelligence
Zenou never gave two of the old Qin 6 trouble lol.

Not saying Zenou isn’t HK level because I think he is, but Ranbihaku legit has giving multiple Qin 6 members trouble on his resume lol

Escaping Riboku’s cage is cool but Riboku was never amazing on the battlefield itself, he is more dangerous with pre planning and information manipulation.

Y’all sleeping on Ranbihaku lol, as a warrior he is similar to Bananji and Gyou’Un
Zenou never gave two of the old Qin 6 trouble lol.

Not saying Zenou isn’t HK level because I think he is, but Ranbihaku legit has giving multiple Qin 6 members trouble on his resume lol

Escaping Riboku’s cage is cool but Riboku was never amazing on the battlefield itself, he is more dangerous with pre planning and information manipulation.

Y’all sleeping on Ranbihaku lol, as a warrior he is similar to Bananji and Gyou’Un
What do you mean exactly by HK level? If you're only concerned with a simple head on clash then you can enlist half kingdom's generals in HK tier, but that's not how it works. Heavenly kings are legends among men, we are talking about someone like Genpou being capable of serving as Zhao's chief of military, or Kyouen who survived Renpa, Ouki and Hakuki etc as the commander in chief of an army
Rinko with his own understanding of tactics and using brute force broke through Ouki's legendary defense formation, along with other unique abilities that mark him as even more dangerous than Genpou and Kyouen.

Ranbihaku is just some berserker ape without intellectual abilities, no understanding of tactics nor leadership
In certain scenarios he can be stronger than a HK, same applies to a multitude of generals, but that doesn't make them on the level of such elite commanders, they are a completely different class of individuals
I’ve seen some strange Ranbihaku downplay, but suggesting the guy can’t even talk? Lmfao
Eh? I tought that him not being able to talk is a commonly known fact. I'm surprised you actually want to argue about it.

Don't you think it's weird he never spoken a single time? It's especially clear during the scene where he faces Sento'un and Rokuomi. He acts like he's pissed off about Rokuomi and any normal person in his place would say something to him. But Ranbihaku just growls and attacks him without saying a word. And later we see that his lieutenant is the person that acts as Ranbihaku's "voice" and communicates with others in his place.

Ranbihaku legit was a troublesome opponent for Ouki and Kyou. I don’t see how you can compare him to Rankai.
He was a troublesome opponent only when he was directed by Reiou. This man can't do shit on his own. Compare that to Kaishibou who was hyped as someone who won a hundred victories while operating on his own.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
What do you mean exactly by HK level? If you're only concerned with a simple head on clash then you can enlist half kingdom's generals in HK tier, but that's not how it works. Heavenly kings are legends among men, we are talking about someone like Genpou being capable of serving as Zhao's chief of military, or Kyouen who survived Renpa, Ouki and Hakuki etc as the commander in chief of an army
Rinko with his own understanding of tactics and using brute force broke through Ouki's legendary defense formation, along with other unique abilities that mark him as even more dangerous than Genpou and Kyouen.
The Heavenly Kings are legends because they pulled off certain feats on the battlefield. And Ranbihaku has matched some of those feats. Kyou En fought against literally five members of the old Qin6/Zhao3 and seemingly wasn’t defeated by any of them. Ranbihaku has very similar feats. He fought against two of the old 6 and Tou and was never defeated. Tou even retreated from Ranbihaku which tells us that Ranbihaku is strong enough that Tou can’t just dispatch of him easily.

How is that not Heavenly King level hype? Legit Ranbihaku is like, the only non-HK in the manga aside from Gyou’Un and Garyuu who was outright said to be a troublesome foe for the old top tiers. Literally no other generals can say the same.

Don't you think it's weird he never spoken a single time? It's especially clear during the scene where he faces Sento'un and Rokuomi. He acts like he's pissed off about Rokuomi and any normal person in his place would say something to him. But Ranbihaku just growls and attacks him without saying a word. And later we see that his leutenant is the person that acts as Ranbihaku's "voice" and communicates with others in his place.
I’m not saying Ranbihaku is an intellectual lmfao. But do you really believe a Rankai level ape would actively pledge his service to Reiou and Houmei? I don’t see that at all. If anything the fact that Ranbihaku has his own subordinates shows that he isn’t Rankai level intellectually lol. Rankai was never given his own subordinates and troops like Ranbihaku was.

He was a troublesome opponent only when he was directed by Reiou. This man can't do shit on his own.
? Gyou’Un and Kaishibou were the exact same way. They never attacked unless their lords were directing them.
I’m not saying Ranbihaku is an intellectual lmfao. But do you really believe a Rankai level ape would actively pledge his service to Reiou and Houmei?
No, I believe he is a very low IQ person who also happens to be a mute. Which poses a problem when it comes to his commanding capablities.

I'm not even expecting from him to be an intellectual, just someone who can do basic commanding. For example look at Shin in this scene:

He is not pulling any 100 IQ plays, but he is recognizing the weak spots in his unit and is giving orders to his underlings to fix them. "You go there and do this" type of thing. This is something you would expect from pretty much any general including martial ones like Batei or Shoumou. However, when it comes to Ranbihaku this is beyond him. Any army movements seem to be handled either by his superiors (Reiou, Gohoumei) or his lieutenant Gyo'En.

? Gyou’Un and Kaishibou were the exact same way. They never attacked unless their lords were directing them.
Kaishibou is someone that was said to win 100+ battles while operating on his own. Gyou'un on Shukai Plains for the most part was also directing and positioning his troops himself. The point is, Even when HK-tier guys are used as "blades" by their superiors they still are fully capable of doing things on their own if the situation demands it.
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Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
He is not pulling any 100 IQ plays, but he is recognizing the weak spots in his unit and is giving orders to his underlings to fix them. "You go there and do this" type of thing. This is something you would expect from pretty much any general including martial ones like Batei or Shoumou.
So it seems to me like you just made an assumption that a general is someone who must make commands themselves on a battlefield, when I’m not sure the canon supports this is any form. Have we ever seen Zenou actually command his men? Or Jiaga? Or Gaimou?

And then you made the assumption that it’s impossible for someone to be Heavenly King level unless we can actually see them physically relaying orders to their men. Which is again an assumption not supported by any statements in the actual series.

Even if Ranbihaku were a mute who never gives any physical commands himself…would that disqualify him from being Heavenly King level? Again there’s nothing in the series that supports this, it seems to just be something you made up.

The fact of the matter is that Ranbihaku gave multiple Qin 6 members serious trouble. Who cares if that’s because he’s such a good warrior or if it’s because he’s commanding his troops to use certain tactics lol…one method is not necessarily more valuable than the other in this series.

Any army movements seem to be handled either by his superiors (Reiou, Gohoumei) or his lieutenant Gyo'En.
The same thing applies to Gaimou who both outranks Ranbihaku and is on an overall higher level than him. Are we now going to start questioning Gaimou’s level because we’ve never seen him issuing any commands to his troops? Lol

That’s not what a general is in this series. A general is someone who leads troops to victory, nothing more. If Ranbihaku leads his troops by simply charging in and being a nut case of a warrior while his troops support him from the rear, then that’s the style of a general he is. He isn’t any more or less of a general based on commanding troops lol, this is @kom5 logic, not Kingdom logic.

Gyou'un on Shukai Plains for the most part was also directing and positioning his troops himself.
No he wasn’t, Garyuu planned everything at Shukai Plains. Gyou’Un didn’t make a single move Garyuu didn’t approve of him making in a strategic sense. Is Gyou’Un less of a commander now because Garyuu was the overall strategist at Shukai while Gyou’Un wasn’t? Does the same thing apply to Bananji who is always going by someone else’s battle plan?
The Heavenly Kings are legends because they pulled off certain feats on the battlefield. And Ranbihaku has matched some of those feats. Kyou En fought against literally five members of the old Qin6/Zhao3 and seemingly wasn’t defeated by any of them. Ranbihaku has very similar feats. He fought against two of the old 6 and Tou and was never defeated. Tou even retreated from Ranbihaku which tells us that Ranbihaku is strong enough that Tou can’t just dispatch of him easily.

How is that not Heavenly King level hype? Legit Ranbihaku is like, the only non-HK in the manga aside from Gyou’Un and Garyuu who was outright said to be a troublesome foe for the old top tiers. Literally no other generals can say the same.
Ranbihaku is still functioning under Reiou, without instructions what’s a man like him gonna do
Tou was facing the Reiou army, RBH is a powerful tool under her command, but on his own he’s just some ape running wild, so retreating from him in that exact scenario with the strategy he had for claiming the fortress is just your average tactic

Kyouen fought these guys as commander in chief, his own strategy tactics and leadership, totally different realm

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Ranbihaku is still functioning under Reiou, without instructions what’s a man like him gonna do
? Seems to me like you just assumed he would be helpless with no evidence at all lol

Tou was facing the Reiou army, RBH is a powerful tool under her command, but on his own he’s just some ape running wild, so retreating from him in that exact scenario with the strategy he had for claiming the fortress is just your average tactic
Can you prove anything you’re saying about Ranbihaku lol? I mean legit you and Cichy have just formed some pretty baseless opinions on him lol