lol u are simply being impatient for bb are you not? Oda offscreened the fight how do u know oda didn' t have him use coco with he quake punch after the kurozu? The man has permanently scarred shanks prior to his dfs. You want to talk about will power go reread chapter 434 when shanks is talking about bb with his own will he aimed for wb seat and he took it. ( I can go on). Were you also one of those people that thought zoro would never get coc and look how late into the series he got it? Do you think mihawk has coc even though he has not shown it this late in the series? Why do you expect oda to rush and show bb using coc when its already established via shanks own words he won't be satisfied until he reaches the top? In order for him to reach the top his haki has to be on point and that includes him being a conqueror.

Are you saying fuji needs coc because he is the weakest and that the other admirals are stronger simply because of there df powers
When Blackbeard has been around since chapter 200, seen in over two major fights, and had multiple chances to show it after Oda established Luffy as a conqueror but never has. That’s not impatience, that’s acceptance.

Because if Blackbeard was going to use CoC why not use it to block Laws attack? Why not to block S-Hawks? Why not show basic CoC? There’s no point in hiding it. You don’t need CoC to be on the top.

Comparing this to Mihawk who has never been shown in a serious fight is a wild statement…

And yeah Fujis fruit is significantly worse than the logias. Giving him CoC coating to put him comparable to them would work to keep the admirals in similar strength.
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HINTS (so far):