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A sneak attack by definition is blindsiding someone, he launched an attack on Nusjuro who was attempting to attack the Sunny and was focused on that. Just like Sanji attacked him when he was focused on Bonney and her friends.
Nice Shanks snuck Akainu.
How does that change the fact that Zoro is being treated like a Yonko while Sanji is getting Mid Trio treatment?


Lead them to paradise.
If you read more carefully, Oda already dropped the foreshadowing of Goroisei's weakness

Cursed / Kitetsu swords.

Zoro is shocked because he just sees Shodai Kitetsu which is higher quality than his Sandai, in the first time of their life.
Nusjuso is shocked not because he sees Sandai in first time, he is hundred years old he should have encountered other Kitetsu before. He is shocked because his weakness is in front of his eyes.
No lol hes just shocked at seeing a dude with a Kitetsu. The Gorosei rarely leave Mary Joie.
Hello Topi chan,

For classic YC2 I have only Jozu Smoothie and Queen
For guys like Roo or BB YC2 they will be stronger than your traditional YC2 etc

so among Jozu Smoothie and Queen I have :
Jozu as the strongest
Queen in the middle
Smoothie as the weakest

So yeah I disagree, Queen is not low tier YC2 he is middle pack YC2

yeah I think that attack hurt him, but not a lot at all

There was no indication of real pain or injuries etc

Sanji was tossed aside that’s it and recovered in no time without any sequels


Well I'm not sure Queen is above Smoothie. We don't know Smoothie's real powerlevel yet but we know Smoothie is more competent she never attacked her own subordinates unlike Queen during raid of Onigashima.
It had been decides since their headquarters got attacked like that and that dumb clown attacking his own subordinates in danger moment like that. Actually Smoothie asked for Baron Tamago's advice once and showed she has good teamwork with her crew, respecting the weaker / lower ranked but older and more experienced crewmember.

Compared to Blackbeard's YC2 Aokiji, Queen is low diff material. Even if we count Ace which is like Whitebeard's YC3, Queen is still below Ace. In the end he even lost to Straw Hats' YC3.
Yeah he is lower YC2 compared to average YC2, no reason to exclude Aokiji and Roo just because they are stronger.

Sanji was hurt. But as shown in Queen fight now he has regeneration, so the damage is recovered now.
Finally.... SMOKER my booooooooy he's back! Did I want a more grant return? Yeah, but this is also good Smoker is going to learn what happened and is going to confront Kuzan.

Oda is setting up parallels Kuzan was riding a bicycle now Smoker rides a motorbike. Oda is setting up something spectacular for him let's fucking go! Lmaooooooo why the hell is Cryby in hospital?
Let's go King!
Wmoker vs Kuzan set up!
Respect the vice captain
Its nice to see Zoro commanding both Jinbei and Nami.
Zoro is playing Role of a Captain and Jinbei of Vice Captain while Luffy is eating Shit with Pig unironically.
Sanji well he's just literally a clown.

As @Chrono said he just distracts stronger opponents by throwing attention to himself and gets tossed aside like trash seconds later.


Different opponent, same story lol
At least Doffy and Vergo acknowledge Sanji a little, but in the big leagues, Sanji is complete worthless fodder material.
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