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Certified Memelord

Discord server:

You can also find all the stuff below in the #downloads channel.


The Custom Emulator

Extreme Gear Labs Dolphin Build Our custom Dolphin build with netplay improvements, controller profiles, etc... Windows, Linux (MacOS version coming soon)
Latest Release (Version 1.0.5):


Sonic Riders

Sonic Riders DX A competitive mod for the original "Sonic Riders" geared towards making the game a viable competitive esport. This means massive overhauls to the game through changes to stages, type shortcuts, gears, and mechanics in the game.
Sonic Riders DX v2.1: MEGA:
You can also check out our patch notes on our website:

Sonic Riders DX - HD Texture Pack We also have an HD texture pack for SRDX. This is seperate from the mod itself and this pack is for use with Dolphin. There's 5 versions of the pack to choose from. Pick that one that suits you.
SRDX HD Texture Pack v2.0:


Zero Gravity

Sonic Riders Regravitified A competitive mod for "Sonic Riders Zero Gravity" that adds back mechanics such as drifting and boosting in order to improve the game. This means massive overhauls to game mechanics and improvements to gears.
Sonic Riders Regravitified Patcher v1.0.1:

Sonic Riders Regravitified - HD Texture Pack We also have an HD texture pack for Regravitified. This is seperate from the mod itself and this pack is for use with Dolphin. There's 4 versions of the pack to choose from. Pick that one that suits you. SRRG HD Texture Pack: Low End (720p): Recommended (1440p): Super (4k): Texture Editors (PNGs):

Sonic Riders Regravitified v1.0 Patch Notes:
- Character Dittos Enabled
- Control Lock from Bonking on a wall, Dash Panels, and Fly Rings dyrastically reduced
- Doors in Astral Babylon never close
- Doors in MeteorTech Sparkworks have their collision removed
- Disabled Torrential water in Tempest Waterway from messing with your character's rotation while Drifting
- Disabled the ability to enter Fly State while you are in Grind State (Fixes a no-clip issue)
- A Centeral Timer in multiplayer matches to not obcure 1st player's screen
- Hold start to pause after the race has started to not have any accidental pauses in competitive play
- Single Player Maps loaded in Multiplayer
- Item RNG has been changed for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place
- Corrected Image2 errors to enable Billy Hatcher and Amigo to use Wheel Custom
- Gravity Dive Speed is now shown instead of fluctuating between numbers
- Gravity Dive Handling has been increased
- Fixed an error with lowering Gravity Dive Speeds

- Normalized GP Usable between the different Types
- Normalized Stats between Types outside their archetype
- Top Speed Archetype now gets +5 Top Speed
- Sonic, Shadow, Silver, NiGHTS, Storm
- Accel Archetpe now gets +15% Accel
- Amy, Amigo, Tails, Cream, Knuckles
- Handling Archetype now gets +10% Handling
- Blaze, Jet, Rouge, Wave, Billy Hatcher, Dr. Eggman

- Timer for linking Power Objects Doubled
- Enabled Power-Type to Boost through Power Objects
- Removed Power-Type from being able to get crushed by Power Objects
- Power Objects give 15% more GP
- Fly Rings are 10% faster

- Grind Gear Change
- normalized Gravity Dive Costs
- +7 Top Speed
- +39% Accel
- Air Ride Gear Change
- normalized Gravity Dive Costs
- +15% GP Gain
- +15 GP Tank Size
- Bike Gear Change
- normalized Gravity Dive Costs
- +7 Boost Speed
- -7 Boost Cost
- +0.25s Boost Duration
- Wheel Gear Change
- -15% Gravity Dive Cost
- -15% Gravity Control Cost
- +15 Gravity Dive Speed
- Yacht Gear Change
- +1 Trick Rank
- normalized Top Speed
- +30 Gravity Control Boost
- normalized Gravity Dive Cost
- -20% GC Charge Time
- Max Speed Up Gear Change
- Tier 1 changed to +5 Top Speed (from +1)
- Tier 2 changed to +10 Top Speed (from +2)
- Tier 3 changed to +15 Top Speed (from +5)
- Accel Up Gear Change
- replaces Starting Speed Up Gear Change
- Tier 1 changed to +25% Accel
- Tier 2 changed to +56% Accel
- Tier 3 changed to +95% Accel
- GP Usage Down Gear Change
- newly added
- Tier 1 -10% Gravity Dive and Gravity Control Costs
- Tier 2 -20% Gravity Dive and Gravity Control Costs
- Tier 3 -30% Gravity Dive and Gravity Control Costs
- GP Gauge Up Gear Change
- Removed Gravity Dive Cost Increases
- GC Boost Up Gear Change
- Tier 1 +20 Gravity Control Boost Speed, +2% GP Gain
- Tier 2 +40 Gravity Control Boost Speed, +4% GP Gain
- Tier 3 +60 Gravity Control Boost Speed, +6% GP Gain
- GP Gain Up Gear Change
- removed top speed decrease
- Tier 1 +25% GP Gain
- Tier 2 +50% GP Gain
- Boost Speed Up Gear Change
- Newly added
- Tier 1 +5 Boost Speed
- Tier 2 +10 Boost Speed
- Tier 3 +15 Boost Speed
- Dive Speed Up Gear Change
- Newly added
- Tier 1 +10 Gravity Dive Speed
- Tier 2 +20 Gravity Dive Speed
- Tier 3 +30 Gravity Dive Speed
- Base Stats Up Gear Change
- Tier 1 +2% Top Speed, +6% Accel, +4% Handling
- Tier 2 +4% Top Speed, +12% Accel, +8% Handling
- Tier 3 +6% Top Speed, +18% Accel, +12% Handling
- Durability Up Gear Change
- Tier 1 +0.16s Boost Duration, -5 Boost Cost
- Tier 2 +0.33s Boost Duration, -10 Boost Cost
- Tier 3 +0.5s Boost Duration, -15 Boost Cost

- Trick Rank Up Gear Change Removed
- Ring Cap Up Gear Change Removed
- Item Rank Up Gear Change Removed

- Beginner
- Gear Changes Removed
- Level Up special effect
- -20 GP Boost Cost
- +60 Ring Cap
- -25 GP Tank Size
- -1s Boost Duration at all levels from RG v0.5
- Boost Speed set to 210/230/250
- Accel 1 reduced to 0.2 from 20
- Accel 2 reduced to 0.1 from 10
- -10 Gravity Dive Speed

- Light Board
- Gear Changes Replaced with Gear Switches (5 top speed / 25 GP Tank)
- Level Up special effect
- Kickdash special effect
- 33 GP Boost Cost
- +60 Ring Cap
- -1s Boost Duration at all levels from RG v0.5
- Boost Speed set to 220/235/250
- -10 Gravity Dive Speed

- Shooting Star
- Instant Gravity Dive special effect
- -30 Gravity Dive Speed (From -10)
- 20/50/70 Gear Change Costs
- Gear Change 1 changed to Gravity Dive / Gravity Control Costs -10%
- Gear Change 2 changed to GP Tank Size +25
- Gear Change 3 changed to Gravity Dive Speed +30

- Big Bang
- Automatic Boost special effect removed
- -5% Accel
- -1 Top Speed (from -10)
- normalized Accel
- +0.5s Boost Duration
- +25 GP Tank Size
- normalized GP Gain
- normalized Gravity Dive Costs
- +25 Boost Speed
- 70 GP Boost Cost
- 20/50/70 Gear Change Costs
- Gear Change 1 changed to +10 Boost Speed
- Gear Change 2 changed to +25 GP Tank Size
- Gear Change 3 changed to +15 Boost Speed

- Chaos Emerald (Super Sonic)
- Ignores Archetype Stats
- +7 Top Speed
- -45% Gravity Dive Cost
- -10 Gravity Dive Speed
- 20 Ring Boost Cost
- normalized Ring Drain
- -25% Gravity Control Cost
- 20/30/40 Gear Change Costs
- Gear Change 1 changed to +20 Gravity Control Boost Speed
- Gear Change 2 changed to +10 Gravity Dive Speed
- Gear Change 3 changed to +10 Top Speed

- The Crazy
- 15 Ring Boost Cost
- -40% Gravity Dive Cost
- +8 Gravity Dive Speed
- 20/30/40 Gear Change Costs
- Gear Change 1 changed to +20 Gravity Dive Speed
- Gear Change 2 changed to -20% Gravity Dive / Gravity Control Costs
- Gear Change 3 changed to +30 Gravity Dive Speed

- Throttle
- -3 Top Speed
- 227 Boost Speed
- +15% Accel
- Accel Changed to 0.1 (from 10)
- Throttle Gear Change Changed to +10 Top Speed / +25 GP Tank / +10 Boost Speed

- GP Accumulator
- 40 GP Boost Cost

- Skill Booster
- +15% Accel
- +10% Handling

- Fastest
- +7 Top Speed
- +0.2 Accel 1
- +0.1 Accel 2
- +0.05 Accel 3
- +0.06 Handling
- +15 Gravity Control Boost
- -15 Gravity Dive Speed
- -20% GP Gain
- +15% Gravity Dive Cost
- +10 Boost Speed
- 65 GP Boost Cost
- Gear Change 1 changed to +25% Accel
- Gear Change 2 changed to +10 Top Speed
- Gear Change 3 changed to +15 Top Speed

- Hyperdrive
- 20/40/60 Gear Change Costs
- -5 Top Speed
- +50 Gravity Dive Speed
- Normalized GP Gain
- -5% Gravity Control Cost
- +55% Gravity Dive Cost
- Gear Change 1 changed to +25 GP Tank Size
- Gear Change 2 changed to +20 Gravity Dive Speed
- Gear Change 3 changed to -20% Gravity Dive / Gravity Control Costs

- GP Tank
- normalized Top Speed
- +50 GP Tank Size
- normalized Gravity Dive Costs
- 20/50/70 Gear Change Costs
- Gear Change 1 changed to +50 GP Tank Size
- Gear Change 2 changed to -20% Graity Dive / Gravity Control Costs
- Gear Change 3 changed to Tank

- GC Booster
- -3 Top Speed
- -66.6% GC Charge Time
- -10 Gravity Control Boost Speed
- 20/50/70 Gear Change Costs
- Gear Change 1 changed to +20 Gravity Control Boost
- Gear Change 2 changed to -20% Gravity Dive / Gravity Control Costs
- Gear Change 3 changed to +60 Gravity Control Boost

- Cover S
- now gains an additional 10% Grind Rail Speed if played on a Speed-Type

- Cover F
- now gains an additional 10% Fly Ring Speed if played on a Fly-Type

- Cover P
- now gains 20 speed for every Power Object destroyed if played on a Power-Type

- Angel Devil
- Accel reduced to 0.1 from 10
- Angel's effect changed to give Garunteed 50 GP boxes from random boxes
- Devil's effect changed to give Garunteed Speed Shoes from random boxes

- Magic Broom
- Accel Normalized

- Hang-On
- Accel reduced to 0.1 from 10

- Reserve Tank
- Accel reduced to 0.1 from 10

- ?Stat2 normalized on various Gears

- ?Stat1 Changed into Boost Duration Stat
- ?Stat2 Changed into GC Charge Time Stat
- Handling changed to increment GC Turning
- Gravity Void Added into the game
- 25 GP cost / 10 Ring cost
- Reduces Speed by 40 when used
- Dissepates on contact
- Can only have 2 active at a time, placing more causes the oldest GV you have to immediately vanish.
- Charge Jump system replaces Trick System
- Hold A to charge Jump
- trick rank determined by how much jump was charged and location where you jumped off the ramp
- tip of ramp nerfed from S to AA rank inherent
- Charge Jump can cancel Boost enabling Speed and Fly to take type shortcuts out of boost
- Charge Jump Speed Cap determined by your Accel Stat
- Ring Gears now use on GP gear functions, and have been fully recoded.
- GP Gain affects Passive Ring Drain
- Passive ring drain no longer applies in non-cruising states
- Ring Gears now start with 30 rings out of the startline
- Ring Gears gain rings from attacking people instead of GP
- Ring Gears can now boost by paying rings opposed to GP
- Grind Rails Reset your ability to Gravity Control
- Dash Panel Speed now scales with your Accel
- Turbulence sets you to 250 speed and gives you automatic S rank for flying off of it
- Gravity Dive Rings and Meteorburst Objects no longer set your speed, instead they give you +20 Speed
- All Gears now have access to drift via the X Button on the ground
- You can now attack other people in Boost State
- You can now use Slipstream while in Boost State
- Super Sonic's Boost is now his Hyperstate
- Hyperstate now works with the Boost Speed stat
- Super Sonic's Gravity Dive is no longer canceled when his Hyperstate Boost runs out
- Level Up no longer fully refills GP, instead gives 25 GP

from Regravitified v0.5

- Gravity Dive Speed increased to 280
- Gravity Control Boost increased to 195
- Gravity Dive Rings changed to give you 30 GP when used
- Reduced Gravity Control charge time, and increased Gravity Control handling
- Startline GP changed to always give you 100 GP
- 100 Ring Box and Max GP Box disabled
- Parts Lock and Ball & Chain boxes changed to give 30 GP instead
- Flying with skates animation updated
- Grinding with air rides, bikes, wheels, and yachts animations updated
- Boot to menu applied
- Everything unlocked by default
- AI opponents removed in Free Race
- Motion Blur disabled

- Character Top Speed, Acceleration, Off-road, and Handling increased
- Type Shortcuts added to characters based on their type.
- Speed: Sonic, Amy, Jet, Shadow, Blaze, Amigo
- Fly: Tails, Wave, Rouge, Cream, Silver, NiGHTS, SCR-HD
- Power: Knuckles, Storm, Dr.Eggman, Billy Hatcher, SCR-GP
- Characters divided into Top Speed, Handling, and Accel architypes
- Sonic and Shadow as Top Speed Speed-Type
- Jet and Blaze as All Handling Speed-Type
- Amigo and Amy as Accel Speed-Type
- Silver and NiGHTS as Top Speed Fly-Type
- Rouge and Wave as Handling Fly-Type
- Tails and Cream as Accel Fly-Type
- Storm as Top Speed Power-Type
- Dr.Eggman and Billy Hatcher as Handling Power-Type
- Knuckles as Accel Power-Type

- Grind Rail speed increased by 15%
- Grind Rail GP gain increased by 25%
- Fly GP gain decreased by 25%
- Made it possible to Gravity Control onto a Grind Rail

- Type Shortcuts removed from gears except for the Rainbow, Cover-S, Cover-F, and Cover-P
- Removed Transformation Gear Changes icreasing Gravity Dive Cost
- Changed Transform Gear Changes to give stats accordingly
- Yacht Top Speed nerf removed
- Gravity Dive cost increase from transforms removed, wheel's cost increase changed to 5.357%
- Super Sonic has all types
- Super Sonic Gravity Dive and Control Costs dyrastically reduced

- Normalized Wheel Gravity Control
- Attack duration stat changed into Boost Speed
- attack duration
- set to a 32 bit int where 1 = 1 boost speed
- base 230 boost speed
- Item Luck stat changed into Boost Cost
- item luck stat no longer accounted for in item rng
- set to an 8 bit int where 1 = 1 GP cost
- base 50 cost
- Boosting added to the game.
- Boost Cost set to 50 GP by default
- Boost duration set to 5 seconds
- Stun duration set to 2 seconds
- Boost Speed set to 230 speed by default
- Turning Speed loss decreased while in attack state
- Added delay so you cannot re-boost while boosting
- Added effect to where you gain some GP back for attacking someone
- Slipstream effect applied to all gears
- Added the ability to cycle through your available Gear Changes with the Z button
- Drifting modified
- Drifting can now be performed on the ground by pressing B and a direction
- Gravity Control disabled on the ground but still accessible in air
- Time required to drift boost has been reduced
- Pause between ending a drift and getting a drift boost removed
- Stall from failing a drift boost no longer reduces your speed
- Level up added into the game
- only certain gears have level up
- level 2 attained at 60 or more rings
- level 3 attained at 120 or more rings
- You can level down if you drop below the ring threshold
- Leveling up increases your Top Speed and Acceleration
- Leveling up increases your Boost / Kick Dash speed by 20 (15 for Kick Dash), boost duration, and GP tank size by 25
- Leveling up fully restores your GP tank
- Kick Dash Added into the game
- Replaces Boost when applied
- Kick Dash Cost set to 50 GP by default
- Kick Dash speed set to 230 speed by default
- Given Kick Dash some duration
- Kick Dash works off of the same stats that boosting does
- Effects and voices called when performing a Kick Dash
- Instantanious Gravity Dive Special Effect Added

RG_v1.0_Patch_Notes.txt15 KB

Sonic Riders Regravitified v1.0 Song List:
(Also shows what buttons to hold to select music during loading.)
MENU It Begins - Acceleration of Suguri 2 Electronica in the Velvet Room - Persona 4 Arena Options - Sonic Riders Zero Gravity Start up your EX Gear - Sonic Free Riders Windmill Isle - Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games 2016 Fly Me To The Moon - Bayonetta END OF RACE Results / Credits - Sonic R Results - Initial D Arcade Stage Zero Ver2 Cooperation - Gunvolt 2 Concert Hall - Aquapazza MEGALO STATION: B Button: Megalo Station Default D-PAD UP: Mute City - F Zero GX D-PAD DOWN: Grand Metropolis - Sonic Heroes D-PAD LEFT: Market Street - Team Sonic Racing D-PAD RIGHT: Force Addiction - Yakuza 0 X Button: Megalo Station Default Y Button: Mute City - F Zero GX NIGHTSIDE RUSH: B Button: Megalo Station Default D-PAD UP: Aquarium Park Boss - Sonic Colors D-PAD DOWN: Stardust Speedway Present (JP) - Sonic CD D-PAD LEFT: Stardust Speedway Bad Future (US) - Sonic Generations D-PAD RIGHT: Lethal Highway - Shadow The Hedgehog X Button: Fighting Onward ~ Space Port - Sonic Forces Y Button: Megalo Station Default BOTANICAL KINGDOM: B Button: Botanical Kingdom Default D-PAD UP: Jungle Joyride - Sonic Unleashed D-PAD DOWN: Eggman's Facility (Rhythm and Balance) - Sonic Forces D-PAD LEFT: Sky Road - Team Sonic Racing D-PAD RIGHT: Luminous Forest - Sonic Forces X Button: Botanical Kingdom Default Y Button: Jungle Joyride - Sonic Unleashed SNOWY KINGDOM: B Button: Botanical Kingdom Default D-PAD UP: Cool Edge Day - Sonic Unleashed D-PAD DOWN: Press Garden Act 2 - Sonic Mania D-PAD LEFT: White Arcopolis Snowy Peak - Sonic 2006 D-PAD RIGHT: Snow Sisters (Vatista) - Under Night in Birth X Button: Ice Cage - Sora Y Button: Botanical Kingdom Default METEORTECH PREMISES: B Button: MeteorTech Premises Default D-PAD UP: Crank The Heat Up!! - Sonic Adventure D-PAD DOWN: Egg Factory - Mario & Sonic At The Olympic Games D-PAD LEFT: Power Plant - Sonic Heroes D-PAD RIGHT: Eggmanland Day - Sonic Unleashed X Button: MeteorTech Premises Default Y Button: Crank The Heat Up!! - Sonic Adventure METEORTECH SPARKWORKS: B Button: MeteorTech Premises Default D-PAD UP: Bad Taste Aquarium - Sonic Adventure D-PAD DOWN: E.G.G.M.A.N. [Doc. Robeatnic Mix] - Shadow The Hedgehog D-PAD LEFT: Soarin' Over Space - Sonic Adventure 2 D-PAD RIGHT: Crazy Gadget - Sonic Adventure 2 X Button: MeteorTech Premises Default Y Button: Bad Taste Aquarium - Sonic Adventure AQUATIC CAPITAL: B Button: Aquatic Capital Default D-PAD UP: Aquarium Park Act 1 - Sonic Colors D-PAD DOWN: Aquos - Bakugan Battle Brawlers D-PAD LEFT: Ocean Palace - Sonic Heroes D-PAD RIGHT: That's The Way I Like It - Sonic Adventure 2 X Button: Aquatic Capital Default Y Button: Aquarium Park Act 1 - Sonic Colors TEMPEST WATERWAY: B Button: Aquatic Capital Default D-PAD UP: Aquarium Park Act 2 - Sonic Colors D-PAD DOWN: Moonlight Battlefield ~ Aqua Road - Sonic Forces D-PAD LEFT: Kingdom Valley - Sonic 06 D-PAD RIGHT: White Acropolis The Base - Sonic 06 X Button: Aquatic Capital Default Y Button: Aquarium Park Act 2 - Sonic Colors GIGAN ROCKS: B Button: Gigan Rocks Default D-PAD UP: Dragon Road Day - Sonic Unleashed D-PAD DOWN: Back in Time - Sonic R D-PAD LEFT: Rocky Ridge - Sonic Free Riders D-PAD RIGHT: Quartz Quadrant Present (JP) - Sonic CD X Button: Gigan Rocks Default Y Button: Dragon Road Day - Sonic Unleashed GIGAN DEVICE: B Button: Gigan Rocks Default D-PAD UP: Boo's House - Team Sonic Racing D-PAD DOWN: Dragon Road Night - Sonic Unleashed D-PAD LEFT: Keys the Ruin - Sonic Adventure 2 D-PAD RIGHT: Underground Zone - Sonic Official Youtube X Button: Relic Maze 1 - Freedom Planet Y Button: Gigan Rocks Default CRIMSON CRATER: B Button: Crimson Crater Default D-PAD UP: Crisis City Modern - Sonic Generations D-PAD DOWN: Skyscraper Scamper Day - Sonic Unleashed D-PAD LEFT: Terminal Velocity - Sonic Colors D-PAD RIGHT: Midnight Waves - CXLDR3 X Button: Crimson Crater Default Y Button: Crisis City Modern - Sonic Generations SECURITY CORRIDOR: B Button: Crimson Crater Default D-PAD UP: Anti Hero - Persona 5 Scramble D-PAD DOWN: Final Fortress - Sonic Heroes D-PAD LEFT: Get Edgy - Sonic Rush D-PAD RIGHT: Ventus - Bakugan Battle Brawlers X Button: Westopolis - Shadow the Hedgehog Y Button: Crimson Crater Default ASTRAL BABYLON: B Button: Astral Babylon Default D-PAD UP: Asteroid Coaster Act 1 - Sonic Colors D-PAD DOWN: The Ark - Shadow The Hedgehog D-PAD LEFT: Volcanic Rim Stage (Oceania) - Super Street Fighter 4 D-PAD RIGHT: Jack Atlas Theme - Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links X Button: Astral Babylon Default Y Button: Asteroid Coaster Act 1 - Sonic Colors MOBIUS STRIP: B Button: Astral Babylon Default D-PAD UP: Open Your Heart - Sonic Generations D-PAD DOWN: Mephiles Boss - Sonic 2006 D-PAD LEFT: For True Story - Sonic Adventure 2 D-PAD RIGHT: Astral Babylon Default X Button: Open Your Heart - Sonic Generations Y Button: Mephiles Boss - Sonic 2006 80s BOULEVARD: B Button: 80s Boulevard Default D-PAD UP: Funky Dealer - Jet Set Radio Future D-PAD DOWN: Jeh Jeh Rocket - Sonic Rush D-PAD LEFT: Metropolis Speedway - Sonic Free Riders D-PAD RIGHT: Sneakman - Jet Set Radio X Button: 80s Boulevard Default Y Button: Funky Dealer - Jet Set Radio Future 90s BOULEVARD: B Button: 80s Boulevard Default D-PAD UP: Hi-Spec Robo Go! - Sonic Mania D-PAD DOWN: Customer Creed - Yakuza 0 D-PAD LEFT: Neon Nights - Phantasy Star Online 2 D-PAD RIGHT: Run Through The Speed Highway - Sonic Adventure X Button: 80s Boulevard Default Y Button: Hi-Spec Robo Go! - Sonic Mania HANG-ON: Catch Me If You Can - Sonic Riders Zero Gravity BGM CHANGE HANG-ON Un-Gravitify - Sonic Riders Zero Gravity

Discord server:

You can also find all the stuff below in the #downloads channel.


The Custom Emulator

Extreme Gear Labs Dolphin Build Our custom Dolphin build with netplay improvements, controller profiles, etc... Windows, Linux (MacOS version coming soon)
Latest Release (Version 1.0.5):


Sonic Riders

Sonic Riders DX A competitive mod for the original "Sonic Riders" geared towards making the game a viable competitive esport. This means massive overhauls to the game through changes to stages, type shortcuts, gears, and mechanics in the game.
Sonic Riders DX v2.1: MEGA:
You can also check out our patch notes on our website:

Sonic Riders DX - HD Texture Pack We also have an HD texture pack for SRDX. This is seperate from the mod itself and this pack is for use with Dolphin. There's 5 versions of the pack to choose from. Pick that one that suits you.
SRDX HD Texture Pack v2.0:


Zero Gravity

Sonic Riders Regravitified A competitive mod for "Sonic Riders Zero Gravity" that adds back mechanics such as drifting and boosting in order to improve the game. This means massive overhauls to game mechanics and improvements to gears.
Sonic Riders Regravitified Patcher v1.0.1:

Sonic Riders Regravitified - HD Texture Pack We also have an HD texture pack for Regravitified. This is seperate from the mod itself and this pack is for use with Dolphin. There's 4 versions of the pack to choose from. Pick that one that suits you. SRRG HD Texture Pack: Low End (720p): Recommended (1440p): Super (4k): Texture Editors (PNGs):

Sonic Riders Regravitified v1.0 Patch Notes:
- Character Dittos Enabled
- Control Lock from Bonking on a wall, Dash Panels, and Fly Rings dyrastically reduced
- Doors in Astral Babylon never close
- Doors in MeteorTech Sparkworks have their collision removed
- Disabled Torrential water in Tempest Waterway from messing with your character's rotation while Drifting
- Disabled the ability to enter Fly State while you are in Grind State (Fixes a no-clip issue)
- A Centeral Timer in multiplayer matches to not obcure 1st player's screen
- Hold start to pause after the race has started to not have any accidental pauses in competitive play
- Single Player Maps loaded in Multiplayer
- Item RNG has been changed for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place
- Corrected Image2 errors to enable Billy Hatcher and Amigo to use Wheel Custom
- Gravity Dive Speed is now shown instead of fluctuating between numbers
- Gravity Dive Handling has been increased
- Fixed an error with lowering Gravity Dive Speeds

- Normalized GP Usable between the different Types
- Normalized Stats between Types outside their archetype
- Top Speed Archetype now gets +5 Top Speed
- Sonic, Shadow, Silver, NiGHTS, Storm
- Accel Archetpe now gets +15% Accel
- Amy, Amigo, Tails, Cream, Knuckles
- Handling Archetype now gets +10% Handling
- Blaze, Jet, Rouge, Wave, Billy Hatcher, Dr. Eggman

- Timer for linking Power Objects Doubled
- Enabled Power-Type to Boost through Power Objects
- Removed Power-Type from being able to get crushed by Power Objects
- Power Objects give 15% more GP
- Fly Rings are 10% faster

- Grind Gear Change
- normalized Gravity Dive Costs
- +7 Top Speed
- +39% Accel
- Air Ride Gear Change
- normalized Gravity Dive Costs
- +15% GP Gain
- +15 GP Tank Size
- Bike Gear Change
- normalized Gravity Dive Costs
- +7 Boost Speed
- -7 Boost Cost
- +0.25s Boost Duration
- Wheel Gear Change
- -15% Gravity Dive Cost
- -15% Gravity Control Cost
- +15 Gravity Dive Speed
- Yacht Gear Change
- +1 Trick Rank
- normalized Top Speed
- +30 Gravity Control Boost
- normalized Gravity Dive Cost
- -20% GC Charge Time
- Max Speed Up Gear Change
- Tier 1 changed to +5 Top Speed (from +1)
- Tier 2 changed to +10 Top Speed (from +2)
- Tier 3 changed to +15 Top Speed (from +5)
- Accel Up Gear Change
- replaces Starting Speed Up Gear Change
- Tier 1 changed to +25% Accel
- Tier 2 changed to +56% Accel
- Tier 3 changed to +95% Accel
- GP Usage Down Gear Change
- newly added
- Tier 1 -10% Gravity Dive and Gravity Control Costs
- Tier 2 -20% Gravity Dive and Gravity Control Costs
- Tier 3 -30% Gravity Dive and Gravity Control Costs
- GP Gauge Up Gear Change
- Removed Gravity Dive Cost Increases
- GC Boost Up Gear Change
- Tier 1 +20 Gravity Control Boost Speed, +2% GP Gain
- Tier 2 +40 Gravity Control Boost Speed, +4% GP Gain
- Tier 3 +60 Gravity Control Boost Speed, +6% GP Gain
- GP Gain Up Gear Change
- removed top speed decrease
- Tier 1 +25% GP Gain
- Tier 2 +50% GP Gain
- Boost Speed Up Gear Change
- Newly added
- Tier 1 +5 Boost Speed
- Tier 2 +10 Boost Speed
- Tier 3 +15 Boost Speed
- Dive Speed Up Gear Change
- Newly added
- Tier 1 +10 Gravity Dive Speed
- Tier 2 +20 Gravity Dive Speed
- Tier 3 +30 Gravity Dive Speed
- Base Stats Up Gear Change
- Tier 1 +2% Top Speed, +6% Accel, +4% Handling
- Tier 2 +4% Top Speed, +12% Accel, +8% Handling
- Tier 3 +6% Top Speed, +18% Accel, +12% Handling
- Durability Up Gear Change
- Tier 1 +0.16s Boost Duration, -5 Boost Cost
- Tier 2 +0.33s Boost Duration, -10 Boost Cost
- Tier 3 +0.5s Boost Duration, -15 Boost Cost

- Trick Rank Up Gear Change Removed
- Ring Cap Up Gear Change Removed
- Item Rank Up Gear Change Removed

- Beginner
- Gear Changes Removed
- Level Up special effect
- -20 GP Boost Cost
- +60 Ring Cap
- -25 GP Tank Size
- -1s Boost Duration at all levels from RG v0.5
- Boost Speed set to 210/230/250
- Accel 1 reduced to 0.2 from 20
- Accel 2 reduced to 0.1 from 10
- -10 Gravity Dive Speed

- Light Board
- Gear Changes Replaced with Gear Switches (5 top speed / 25 GP Tank)
- Level Up special effect
- Kickdash special effect
- 33 GP Boost Cost
- +60 Ring Cap
- -1s Boost Duration at all levels from RG v0.5
- Boost Speed set to 220/235/250
- -10 Gravity Dive Speed

- Shooting Star
- Instant Gravity Dive special effect
- -30 Gravity Dive Speed (From -10)
- 20/50/70 Gear Change Costs
- Gear Change 1 changed to Gravity Dive / Gravity Control Costs -10%
- Gear Change 2 changed to GP Tank Size +25
- Gear Change 3 changed to Gravity Dive Speed +30

- Big Bang
- Automatic Boost special effect removed
- -5% Accel
- -1 Top Speed (from -10)
- normalized Accel
- +0.5s Boost Duration
- +25 GP Tank Size
- normalized GP Gain
- normalized Gravity Dive Costs
- +25 Boost Speed
- 70 GP Boost Cost
- 20/50/70 Gear Change Costs
- Gear Change 1 changed to +10 Boost Speed
- Gear Change 2 changed to +25 GP Tank Size
- Gear Change 3 changed to +15 Boost Speed

- Chaos Emerald (Super Sonic)
- Ignores Archetype Stats
- +7 Top Speed
- -45% Gravity Dive Cost
- -10 Gravity Dive Speed
- 20 Ring Boost Cost
- normalized Ring Drain
- -25% Gravity Control Cost
- 20/30/40 Gear Change Costs
- Gear Change 1 changed to +20 Gravity Control Boost Speed
- Gear Change 2 changed to +10 Gravity Dive Speed
- Gear Change 3 changed to +10 Top Speed

- The Crazy
- 15 Ring Boost Cost
- -40% Gravity Dive Cost
- +8 Gravity Dive Speed
- 20/30/40 Gear Change Costs
- Gear Change 1 changed to +20 Gravity Dive Speed
- Gear Change 2 changed to -20% Gravity Dive / Gravity Control Costs
- Gear Change 3 changed to +30 Gravity Dive Speed

- Throttle
- -3 Top Speed
- 227 Boost Speed
- +15% Accel
- Accel Changed to 0.1 (from 10)
- Throttle Gear Change Changed to +10 Top Speed / +25 GP Tank / +10 Boost Speed

- GP Accumulator
- 40 GP Boost Cost

- Skill Booster
- +15% Accel
- +10% Handling

- Fastest
- +7 Top Speed
- +0.2 Accel 1
- +0.1 Accel 2
- +0.05 Accel 3
- +0.06 Handling
- +15 Gravity Control Boost
- -15 Gravity Dive Speed
- -20% GP Gain
- +15% Gravity Dive Cost
- +10 Boost Speed
- 65 GP Boost Cost
- Gear Change 1 changed to +25% Accel
- Gear Change 2 changed to +10 Top Speed
- Gear Change 3 changed to +15 Top Speed

- Hyperdrive
- 20/40/60 Gear Change Costs
- -5 Top Speed
- +50 Gravity Dive Speed
- Normalized GP Gain
- -5% Gravity Control Cost
- +55% Gravity Dive Cost
- Gear Change 1 changed to +25 GP Tank Size
- Gear Change 2 changed to +20 Gravity Dive Speed
- Gear Change 3 changed to -20% Gravity Dive / Gravity Control Costs

- GP Tank
- normalized Top Speed
- +50 GP Tank Size
- normalized Gravity Dive Costs
- 20/50/70 Gear Change Costs
- Gear Change 1 changed to +50 GP Tank Size
- Gear Change 2 changed to -20% Graity Dive / Gravity Control Costs
- Gear Change 3 changed to Tank

- GC Booster
- -3 Top Speed
- -66.6% GC Charge Time
- -10 Gravity Control Boost Speed
- 20/50/70 Gear Change Costs
- Gear Change 1 changed to +20 Gravity Control Boost
- Gear Change 2 changed to -20% Gravity Dive / Gravity Control Costs
- Gear Change 3 changed to +60 Gravity Control Boost

- Cover S
- now gains an additional 10% Grind Rail Speed if played on a Speed-Type

- Cover F
- now gains an additional 10% Fly Ring Speed if played on a Fly-Type

- Cover P
- now gains 20 speed for every Power Object destroyed if played on a Power-Type

- Angel Devil
- Accel reduced to 0.1 from 10
- Angel's effect changed to give Garunteed 50 GP boxes from random boxes
- Devil's effect changed to give Garunteed Speed Shoes from random boxes

- Magic Broom
- Accel Normalized

- Hang-On
- Accel reduced to 0.1 from 10

- Reserve Tank
- Accel reduced to 0.1 from 10

- ?Stat2 normalized on various Gears

- ?Stat1 Changed into Boost Duration Stat
- ?Stat2 Changed into GC Charge Time Stat
- Handling changed to increment GC Turning
- Gravity Void Added into the game
- 25 GP cost / 10 Ring cost
- Reduces Speed by 40 when used
- Dissepates on contact
- Can only have 2 active at a time, placing more causes the oldest GV you have to immediately vanish.
- Charge Jump system replaces Trick System
- Hold A to charge Jump
- trick rank determined by how much jump was charged and location where you jumped off the ramp
- tip of ramp nerfed from S to AA rank inherent
- Charge Jump can cancel Boost enabling Speed and Fly to take type shortcuts out of boost
- Charge Jump Speed Cap determined by your Accel Stat
- Ring Gears now use on GP gear functions, and have been fully recoded.
- GP Gain affects Passive Ring Drain
- Passive ring drain no longer applies in non-cruising states
- Ring Gears now start with 30 rings out of the startline
- Ring Gears gain rings from attacking people instead of GP
- Ring Gears can now boost by paying rings opposed to GP
- Grind Rails Reset your ability to Gravity Control
- Dash Panel Speed now scales with your Accel
- Turbulence sets you to 250 speed and gives you automatic S rank for flying off of it
- Gravity Dive Rings and Meteorburst Objects no longer set your speed, instead they give you +20 Speed
- All Gears now have access to drift via the X Button on the ground
- You can now attack other people in Boost State
- You can now use Slipstream while in Boost State
- Super Sonic's Boost is now his Hyperstate
- Hyperstate now works with the Boost Speed stat
- Super Sonic's Gravity Dive is no longer canceled when his Hyperstate Boost runs out
- Level Up no longer fully refills GP, instead gives 25 GP

from Regravitified v0.5

- Gravity Dive Speed increased to 280
- Gravity Control Boost increased to 195
- Gravity Dive Rings changed to give you 30 GP when used
- Reduced Gravity Control charge time, and increased Gravity Control handling
- Startline GP changed to always give you 100 GP
- 100 Ring Box and Max GP Box disabled
- Parts Lock and Ball & Chain boxes changed to give 30 GP instead
- Flying with skates animation updated
- Grinding with air rides, bikes, wheels, and yachts animations updated
- Boot to menu applied
- Everything unlocked by default
- AI opponents removed in Free Race
- Motion Blur disabled

- Character Top Speed, Acceleration, Off-road, and Handling increased
- Type Shortcuts added to characters based on their type.
- Speed: Sonic, Amy, Jet, Shadow, Blaze, Amigo
- Fly: Tails, Wave, Rouge, Cream, Silver, NiGHTS, SCR-HD
- Power: Knuckles, Storm, Dr.Eggman, Billy Hatcher, SCR-GP
- Characters divided into Top Speed, Handling, and Accel architypes
- Sonic and Shadow as Top Speed Speed-Type
- Jet and Blaze as All Handling Speed-Type
- Amigo and Amy as Accel Speed-Type
- Silver and NiGHTS as Top Speed Fly-Type
- Rouge and Wave as Handling Fly-Type
- Tails and Cream as Accel Fly-Type
- Storm as Top Speed Power-Type
- Dr.Eggman and Billy Hatcher as Handling Power-Type
- Knuckles as Accel Power-Type

- Grind Rail speed increased by 15%
- Grind Rail GP gain increased by 25%
- Fly GP gain decreased by 25%
- Made it possible to Gravity Control onto a Grind Rail

- Type Shortcuts removed from gears except for the Rainbow, Cover-S, Cover-F, and Cover-P
- Removed Transformation Gear Changes icreasing Gravity Dive Cost
- Changed Transform Gear Changes to give stats accordingly
- Yacht Top Speed nerf removed
- Gravity Dive cost increase from transforms removed, wheel's cost increase changed to 5.357%
- Super Sonic has all types
- Super Sonic Gravity Dive and Control Costs dyrastically reduced

- Normalized Wheel Gravity Control
- Attack duration stat changed into Boost Speed
- attack duration
- set to a 32 bit int where 1 = 1 boost speed
- base 230 boost speed
- Item Luck stat changed into Boost Cost
- item luck stat no longer accounted for in item rng
- set to an 8 bit int where 1 = 1 GP cost
- base 50 cost
- Boosting added to the game.
- Boost Cost set to 50 GP by default
- Boost duration set to 5 seconds
- Stun duration set to 2 seconds
- Boost Speed set to 230 speed by default
- Turning Speed loss decreased while in attack state
- Added delay so you cannot re-boost while boosting
- Added effect to where you gain some GP back for attacking someone
- Slipstream effect applied to all gears
- Added the ability to cycle through your available Gear Changes with the Z button
- Drifting modified
- Drifting can now be performed on the ground by pressing B and a direction
- Gravity Control disabled on the ground but still accessible in air
- Time required to drift boost has been reduced
- Pause between ending a drift and getting a drift boost removed
- Stall from failing a drift boost no longer reduces your speed
- Level up added into the game
- only certain gears have level up
- level 2 attained at 60 or more rings
- level 3 attained at 120 or more rings
- You can level down if you drop below the ring threshold
- Leveling up increases your Top Speed and Acceleration
- Leveling up increases your Boost / Kick Dash speed by 20 (15 for Kick Dash), boost duration, and GP tank size by 25
- Leveling up fully restores your GP tank
- Kick Dash Added into the game
- Replaces Boost when applied
- Kick Dash Cost set to 50 GP by default
- Kick Dash speed set to 230 speed by default
- Given Kick Dash some duration
- Kick Dash works off of the same stats that boosting does
- Effects and voices called when performing a Kick Dash
- Instantanious Gravity Dive Special Effect Added

RG_v1.0_Patch_Notes.txt15 KB

Sonic Riders Regravitified v1.0 Song List:
(Also shows what buttons to hold to select music during loading.)
MENU It Begins - Acceleration of Suguri 2 Electronica in the Velvet Room - Persona 4 Arena Options - Sonic Riders Zero Gravity Start up your EX Gear - Sonic Free Riders Windmill Isle - Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games 2016 Fly Me To The Moon - Bayonetta END OF RACE Results / Credits - Sonic R Results - Initial D Arcade Stage Zero Ver2 Cooperation - Gunvolt 2 Concert Hall - Aquapazza MEGALO STATION: B Button: Megalo Station Default D-PAD UP: Mute City - F Zero GX D-PAD DOWN: Grand Metropolis - Sonic Heroes D-PAD LEFT: Market Street - Team Sonic Racing D-PAD RIGHT: Force Addiction - Yakuza 0 X Button: Megalo Station Default Y Button: Mute City - F Zero GX NIGHTSIDE RUSH: B Button: Megalo Station Default D-PAD UP: Aquarium Park Boss - Sonic Colors D-PAD DOWN: Stardust Speedway Present (JP) - Sonic CD D-PAD LEFT: Stardust Speedway Bad Future (US) - Sonic Generations D-PAD RIGHT: Lethal Highway - Shadow The Hedgehog X Button: Fighting Onward ~ Space Port - Sonic Forces Y Button: Megalo Station Default BOTANICAL KINGDOM: B Button: Botanical Kingdom Default D-PAD UP: Jungle Joyride - Sonic Unleashed D-PAD DOWN: Eggman's Facility (Rhythm and Balance) - Sonic Forces D-PAD LEFT: Sky Road - Team Sonic Racing D-PAD RIGHT: Luminous Forest - Sonic Forces X Button: Botanical Kingdom Default Y Button: Jungle Joyride - Sonic Unleashed SNOWY KINGDOM: B Button: Botanical Kingdom Default D-PAD UP: Cool Edge Day - Sonic Unleashed D-PAD DOWN: Press Garden Act 2 - Sonic Mania D-PAD LEFT: White Arcopolis Snowy Peak - Sonic 2006 D-PAD RIGHT: Snow Sisters (Vatista) - Under Night in Birth X Button: Ice Cage - Sora Y Button: Botanical Kingdom Default METEORTECH PREMISES: B Button: MeteorTech Premises Default D-PAD UP: Crank The Heat Up!! - Sonic Adventure D-PAD DOWN: Egg Factory - Mario & Sonic At The Olympic Games D-PAD LEFT: Power Plant - Sonic Heroes D-PAD RIGHT: Eggmanland Day - Sonic Unleashed X Button: MeteorTech Premises Default Y Button: Crank The Heat Up!! - Sonic Adventure METEORTECH SPARKWORKS: B Button: MeteorTech Premises Default D-PAD UP: Bad Taste Aquarium - Sonic Adventure D-PAD DOWN: E.G.G.M.A.N. [Doc. Robeatnic Mix] - Shadow The Hedgehog D-PAD LEFT: Soarin' Over Space - Sonic Adventure 2 D-PAD RIGHT: Crazy Gadget - Sonic Adventure 2 X Button: MeteorTech Premises Default Y Button: Bad Taste Aquarium - Sonic Adventure AQUATIC CAPITAL: B Button: Aquatic Capital Default D-PAD UP: Aquarium Park Act 1 - Sonic Colors D-PAD DOWN: Aquos - Bakugan Battle Brawlers D-PAD LEFT: Ocean Palace - Sonic Heroes D-PAD RIGHT: That's The Way I Like It - Sonic Adventure 2 X Button: Aquatic Capital Default Y Button: Aquarium Park Act 1 - Sonic Colors TEMPEST WATERWAY: B Button: Aquatic Capital Default D-PAD UP: Aquarium Park Act 2 - Sonic Colors D-PAD DOWN: Moonlight Battlefield ~ Aqua Road - Sonic Forces D-PAD LEFT: Kingdom Valley - Sonic 06 D-PAD RIGHT: White Acropolis The Base - Sonic 06 X Button: Aquatic Capital Default Y Button: Aquarium Park Act 2 - Sonic Colors GIGAN ROCKS: B Button: Gigan Rocks Default D-PAD UP: Dragon Road Day - Sonic Unleashed D-PAD DOWN: Back in Time - Sonic R D-PAD LEFT: Rocky Ridge - Sonic Free Riders D-PAD RIGHT: Quartz Quadrant Present (JP) - Sonic CD X Button: Gigan Rocks Default Y Button: Dragon Road Day - Sonic Unleashed GIGAN DEVICE: B Button: Gigan Rocks Default D-PAD UP: Boo's House - Team Sonic Racing D-PAD DOWN: Dragon Road Night - Sonic Unleashed D-PAD LEFT: Keys the Ruin - Sonic Adventure 2 D-PAD RIGHT: Underground Zone - Sonic Official Youtube X Button: Relic Maze 1 - Freedom Planet Y Button: Gigan Rocks Default CRIMSON CRATER: B Button: Crimson Crater Default D-PAD UP: Crisis City Modern - Sonic Generations D-PAD DOWN: Skyscraper Scamper Day - Sonic Unleashed D-PAD LEFT: Terminal Velocity - Sonic Colors D-PAD RIGHT: Midnight Waves - CXLDR3 X Button: Crimson Crater Default Y Button: Crisis City Modern - Sonic Generations SECURITY CORRIDOR: B Button: Crimson Crater Default D-PAD UP: Anti Hero - Persona 5 Scramble D-PAD DOWN: Final Fortress - Sonic Heroes D-PAD LEFT: Get Edgy - Sonic Rush D-PAD RIGHT: Ventus - Bakugan Battle Brawlers X Button: Westopolis - Shadow the Hedgehog Y Button: Crimson Crater Default ASTRAL BABYLON: B Button: Astral Babylon Default D-PAD UP: Asteroid Coaster Act 1 - Sonic Colors D-PAD DOWN: The Ark - Shadow The Hedgehog D-PAD LEFT: Volcanic Rim Stage (Oceania) - Super Street Fighter 4 D-PAD RIGHT: Jack Atlas Theme - Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links X Button: Astral Babylon Default Y Button: Asteroid Coaster Act 1 - Sonic Colors MOBIUS STRIP: B Button: Astral Babylon Default D-PAD UP: Open Your Heart - Sonic Generations D-PAD DOWN: Mephiles Boss - Sonic 2006 D-PAD LEFT: For True Story - Sonic Adventure 2 D-PAD RIGHT: Astral Babylon Default X Button: Open Your Heart - Sonic Generations Y Button: Mephiles Boss - Sonic 2006 80s BOULEVARD: B Button: 80s Boulevard Default D-PAD UP: Funky Dealer - Jet Set Radio Future D-PAD DOWN: Jeh Jeh Rocket - Sonic Rush D-PAD LEFT: Metropolis Speedway - Sonic Free Riders D-PAD RIGHT: Sneakman - Jet Set Radio X Button: 80s Boulevard Default Y Button: Funky Dealer - Jet Set Radio Future 90s BOULEVARD: B Button: 80s Boulevard Default D-PAD UP: Hi-Spec Robo Go! - Sonic Mania D-PAD DOWN: Customer Creed - Yakuza 0 D-PAD LEFT: Neon Nights - Phantasy Star Online 2 D-PAD RIGHT: Run Through The Speed Highway - Sonic Adventure X Button: 80s Boulevard Default Y Button: Hi-Spec Robo Go! - Sonic Mania HANG-ON: Catch Me If You Can - Sonic Riders Zero Gravity BGM CHANGE HANG-ON Un-Gravitify - Sonic Riders Zero Gravity
fucking nerd

Discord server:

You can also find all the stuff below in the #downloads channel.


The Custom Emulator

Extreme Gear Labs Dolphin Build Our custom Dolphin build with netplay improvements, controller profiles, etc... Windows, Linux (MacOS version coming soon)
Latest Release (Version 1.0.5):


Sonic Riders

Sonic Riders DX A competitive mod for the original "Sonic Riders" geared towards making the game a viable competitive esport. This means massive overhauls to the game through changes to stages, type shortcuts, gears, and mechanics in the game.
Sonic Riders DX v2.1: MEGA:
You can also check out our patch notes on our website:

Sonic Riders DX - HD Texture Pack We also have an HD texture pack for SRDX. This is seperate from the mod itself and this pack is for use with Dolphin. There's 5 versions of the pack to choose from. Pick that one that suits you.
SRDX HD Texture Pack v2.0:


Zero Gravity

Sonic Riders Regravitified A competitive mod for "Sonic Riders Zero Gravity" that adds back mechanics such as drifting and boosting in order to improve the game. This means massive overhauls to game mechanics and improvements to gears.
Sonic Riders Regravitified Patcher v1.0.1:

Sonic Riders Regravitified - HD Texture Pack We also have an HD texture pack for Regravitified. This is seperate from the mod itself and this pack is for use with Dolphin. There's 4 versions of the pack to choose from. Pick that one that suits you. SRRG HD Texture Pack: Low End (720p): Recommended (1440p): Super (4k): Texture Editors (PNGs):

Sonic Riders Regravitified v1.0 Patch Notes:
- Character Dittos Enabled
- Control Lock from Bonking on a wall, Dash Panels, and Fly Rings dyrastically reduced
- Doors in Astral Babylon never close
- Doors in MeteorTech Sparkworks have their collision removed
- Disabled Torrential water in Tempest Waterway from messing with your character's rotation while Drifting
- Disabled the ability to enter Fly State while you are in Grind State (Fixes a no-clip issue)
- A Centeral Timer in multiplayer matches to not obcure 1st player's screen
- Hold start to pause after the race has started to not have any accidental pauses in competitive play
- Single Player Maps loaded in Multiplayer
- Item RNG has been changed for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place
- Corrected Image2 errors to enable Billy Hatcher and Amigo to use Wheel Custom
- Gravity Dive Speed is now shown instead of fluctuating between numbers
- Gravity Dive Handling has been increased
- Fixed an error with lowering Gravity Dive Speeds

- Normalized GP Usable between the different Types
- Normalized Stats between Types outside their archetype
- Top Speed Archetype now gets +5 Top Speed
- Sonic, Shadow, Silver, NiGHTS, Storm
- Accel Archetpe now gets +15% Accel
- Amy, Amigo, Tails, Cream, Knuckles
- Handling Archetype now gets +10% Handling
- Blaze, Jet, Rouge, Wave, Billy Hatcher, Dr. Eggman

- Timer for linking Power Objects Doubled
- Enabled Power-Type to Boost through Power Objects
- Removed Power-Type from being able to get crushed by Power Objects
- Power Objects give 15% more GP
- Fly Rings are 10% faster

- Grind Gear Change
- normalized Gravity Dive Costs
- +7 Top Speed
- +39% Accel
- Air Ride Gear Change
- normalized Gravity Dive Costs
- +15% GP Gain
- +15 GP Tank Size
- Bike Gear Change
- normalized Gravity Dive Costs
- +7 Boost Speed
- -7 Boost Cost
- +0.25s Boost Duration
- Wheel Gear Change
- -15% Gravity Dive Cost
- -15% Gravity Control Cost
- +15 Gravity Dive Speed
- Yacht Gear Change
- +1 Trick Rank
- normalized Top Speed
- +30 Gravity Control Boost
- normalized Gravity Dive Cost
- -20% GC Charge Time
- Max Speed Up Gear Change
- Tier 1 changed to +5 Top Speed (from +1)
- Tier 2 changed to +10 Top Speed (from +2)
- Tier 3 changed to +15 Top Speed (from +5)
- Accel Up Gear Change
- replaces Starting Speed Up Gear Change
- Tier 1 changed to +25% Accel
- Tier 2 changed to +56% Accel
- Tier 3 changed to +95% Accel
- GP Usage Down Gear Change
- newly added
- Tier 1 -10% Gravity Dive and Gravity Control Costs
- Tier 2 -20% Gravity Dive and Gravity Control Costs
- Tier 3 -30% Gravity Dive and Gravity Control Costs
- GP Gauge Up Gear Change
- Removed Gravity Dive Cost Increases
- GC Boost Up Gear Change
- Tier 1 +20 Gravity Control Boost Speed, +2% GP Gain
- Tier 2 +40 Gravity Control Boost Speed, +4% GP Gain
- Tier 3 +60 Gravity Control Boost Speed, +6% GP Gain
- GP Gain Up Gear Change
- removed top speed decrease
- Tier 1 +25% GP Gain
- Tier 2 +50% GP Gain
- Boost Speed Up Gear Change
- Newly added
- Tier 1 +5 Boost Speed
- Tier 2 +10 Boost Speed
- Tier 3 +15 Boost Speed
- Dive Speed Up Gear Change
- Newly added
- Tier 1 +10 Gravity Dive Speed
- Tier 2 +20 Gravity Dive Speed
- Tier 3 +30 Gravity Dive Speed
- Base Stats Up Gear Change
- Tier 1 +2% Top Speed, +6% Accel, +4% Handling
- Tier 2 +4% Top Speed, +12% Accel, +8% Handling
- Tier 3 +6% Top Speed, +18% Accel, +12% Handling
- Durability Up Gear Change
- Tier 1 +0.16s Boost Duration, -5 Boost Cost
- Tier 2 +0.33s Boost Duration, -10 Boost Cost
- Tier 3 +0.5s Boost Duration, -15 Boost Cost

- Trick Rank Up Gear Change Removed
- Ring Cap Up Gear Change Removed
- Item Rank Up Gear Change Removed

- Beginner
- Gear Changes Removed
- Level Up special effect
- -20 GP Boost Cost
- +60 Ring Cap
- -25 GP Tank Size
- -1s Boost Duration at all levels from RG v0.5
- Boost Speed set to 210/230/250
- Accel 1 reduced to 0.2 from 20
- Accel 2 reduced to 0.1 from 10
- -10 Gravity Dive Speed

- Light Board
- Gear Changes Replaced with Gear Switches (5 top speed / 25 GP Tank)
- Level Up special effect
- Kickdash special effect
- 33 GP Boost Cost
- +60 Ring Cap
- -1s Boost Duration at all levels from RG v0.5
- Boost Speed set to 220/235/250
- -10 Gravity Dive Speed

- Shooting Star
- Instant Gravity Dive special effect
- -30 Gravity Dive Speed (From -10)
- 20/50/70 Gear Change Costs
- Gear Change 1 changed to Gravity Dive / Gravity Control Costs -10%
- Gear Change 2 changed to GP Tank Size +25
- Gear Change 3 changed to Gravity Dive Speed +30

- Big Bang
- Automatic Boost special effect removed
- -5% Accel
- -1 Top Speed (from -10)
- normalized Accel
- +0.5s Boost Duration
- +25 GP Tank Size
- normalized GP Gain
- normalized Gravity Dive Costs
- +25 Boost Speed
- 70 GP Boost Cost
- 20/50/70 Gear Change Costs
- Gear Change 1 changed to +10 Boost Speed
- Gear Change 2 changed to +25 GP Tank Size
- Gear Change 3 changed to +15 Boost Speed

- Chaos Emerald (Super Sonic)
- Ignores Archetype Stats
- +7 Top Speed
- -45% Gravity Dive Cost
- -10 Gravity Dive Speed
- 20 Ring Boost Cost
- normalized Ring Drain
- -25% Gravity Control Cost
- 20/30/40 Gear Change Costs
- Gear Change 1 changed to +20 Gravity Control Boost Speed
- Gear Change 2 changed to +10 Gravity Dive Speed
- Gear Change 3 changed to +10 Top Speed

- The Crazy
- 15 Ring Boost Cost
- -40% Gravity Dive Cost
- +8 Gravity Dive Speed
- 20/30/40 Gear Change Costs
- Gear Change 1 changed to +20 Gravity Dive Speed
- Gear Change 2 changed to -20% Gravity Dive / Gravity Control Costs
- Gear Change 3 changed to +30 Gravity Dive Speed

- Throttle
- -3 Top Speed
- 227 Boost Speed
- +15% Accel
- Accel Changed to 0.1 (from 10)
- Throttle Gear Change Changed to +10 Top Speed / +25 GP Tank / +10 Boost Speed

- GP Accumulator
- 40 GP Boost Cost

- Skill Booster
- +15% Accel
- +10% Handling

- Fastest
- +7 Top Speed
- +0.2 Accel 1
- +0.1 Accel 2
- +0.05 Accel 3
- +0.06 Handling
- +15 Gravity Control Boost
- -15 Gravity Dive Speed
- -20% GP Gain
- +15% Gravity Dive Cost
- +10 Boost Speed
- 65 GP Boost Cost
- Gear Change 1 changed to +25% Accel
- Gear Change 2 changed to +10 Top Speed
- Gear Change 3 changed to +15 Top Speed

- Hyperdrive
- 20/40/60 Gear Change Costs
- -5 Top Speed
- +50 Gravity Dive Speed
- Normalized GP Gain
- -5% Gravity Control Cost
- +55% Gravity Dive Cost
- Gear Change 1 changed to +25 GP Tank Size
- Gear Change 2 changed to +20 Gravity Dive Speed
- Gear Change 3 changed to -20% Gravity Dive / Gravity Control Costs

- GP Tank
- normalized Top Speed
- +50 GP Tank Size
- normalized Gravity Dive Costs
- 20/50/70 Gear Change Costs
- Gear Change 1 changed to +50 GP Tank Size
- Gear Change 2 changed to -20% Graity Dive / Gravity Control Costs
- Gear Change 3 changed to Tank

- GC Booster
- -3 Top Speed
- -66.6% GC Charge Time
- -10 Gravity Control Boost Speed
- 20/50/70 Gear Change Costs
- Gear Change 1 changed to +20 Gravity Control Boost
- Gear Change 2 changed to -20% Gravity Dive / Gravity Control Costs
- Gear Change 3 changed to +60 Gravity Control Boost

- Cover S
- now gains an additional 10% Grind Rail Speed if played on a Speed-Type

- Cover F
- now gains an additional 10% Fly Ring Speed if played on a Fly-Type

- Cover P
- now gains 20 speed for every Power Object destroyed if played on a Power-Type

- Angel Devil
- Accel reduced to 0.1 from 10
- Angel's effect changed to give Garunteed 50 GP boxes from random boxes
- Devil's effect changed to give Garunteed Speed Shoes from random boxes

- Magic Broom
- Accel Normalized

- Hang-On
- Accel reduced to 0.1 from 10

- Reserve Tank
- Accel reduced to 0.1 from 10

- ?Stat2 normalized on various Gears

- ?Stat1 Changed into Boost Duration Stat
- ?Stat2 Changed into GC Charge Time Stat
- Handling changed to increment GC Turning
- Gravity Void Added into the game
- 25 GP cost / 10 Ring cost
- Reduces Speed by 40 when used
- Dissepates on contact
- Can only have 2 active at a time, placing more causes the oldest GV you have to immediately vanish.
- Charge Jump system replaces Trick System
- Hold A to charge Jump
- trick rank determined by how much jump was charged and location where you jumped off the ramp
- tip of ramp nerfed from S to AA rank inherent
- Charge Jump can cancel Boost enabling Speed and Fly to take type shortcuts out of boost
- Charge Jump Speed Cap determined by your Accel Stat
- Ring Gears now use on GP gear functions, and have been fully recoded.
- GP Gain affects Passive Ring Drain
- Passive ring drain no longer applies in non-cruising states
- Ring Gears now start with 30 rings out of the startline
- Ring Gears gain rings from attacking people instead of GP
- Ring Gears can now boost by paying rings opposed to GP
- Grind Rails Reset your ability to Gravity Control
- Dash Panel Speed now scales with your Accel
- Turbulence sets you to 250 speed and gives you automatic S rank for flying off of it
- Gravity Dive Rings and Meteorburst Objects no longer set your speed, instead they give you +20 Speed
- All Gears now have access to drift via the X Button on the ground
- You can now attack other people in Boost State
- You can now use Slipstream while in Boost State
- Super Sonic's Boost is now his Hyperstate
- Hyperstate now works with the Boost Speed stat
- Super Sonic's Gravity Dive is no longer canceled when his Hyperstate Boost runs out
- Level Up no longer fully refills GP, instead gives 25 GP

from Regravitified v0.5

- Gravity Dive Speed increased to 280
- Gravity Control Boost increased to 195
- Gravity Dive Rings changed to give you 30 GP when used
- Reduced Gravity Control charge time, and increased Gravity Control handling
- Startline GP changed to always give you 100 GP
- 100 Ring Box and Max GP Box disabled
- Parts Lock and Ball & Chain boxes changed to give 30 GP instead
- Flying with skates animation updated
- Grinding with air rides, bikes, wheels, and yachts animations updated
- Boot to menu applied
- Everything unlocked by default
- AI opponents removed in Free Race
- Motion Blur disabled

- Character Top Speed, Acceleration, Off-road, and Handling increased
- Type Shortcuts added to characters based on their type.
- Speed: Sonic, Amy, Jet, Shadow, Blaze, Amigo
- Fly: Tails, Wave, Rouge, Cream, Silver, NiGHTS, SCR-HD
- Power: Knuckles, Storm, Dr.Eggman, Billy Hatcher, SCR-GP
- Characters divided into Top Speed, Handling, and Accel architypes
- Sonic and Shadow as Top Speed Speed-Type
- Jet and Blaze as All Handling Speed-Type
- Amigo and Amy as Accel Speed-Type
- Silver and NiGHTS as Top Speed Fly-Type
- Rouge and Wave as Handling Fly-Type
- Tails and Cream as Accel Fly-Type
- Storm as Top Speed Power-Type
- Dr.Eggman and Billy Hatcher as Handling Power-Type
- Knuckles as Accel Power-Type

- Grind Rail speed increased by 15%
- Grind Rail GP gain increased by 25%
- Fly GP gain decreased by 25%
- Made it possible to Gravity Control onto a Grind Rail

- Type Shortcuts removed from gears except for the Rainbow, Cover-S, Cover-F, and Cover-P
- Removed Transformation Gear Changes icreasing Gravity Dive Cost
- Changed Transform Gear Changes to give stats accordingly
- Yacht Top Speed nerf removed
- Gravity Dive cost increase from transforms removed, wheel's cost increase changed to 5.357%
- Super Sonic has all types
- Super Sonic Gravity Dive and Control Costs dyrastically reduced

- Normalized Wheel Gravity Control
- Attack duration stat changed into Boost Speed
- attack duration
- set to a 32 bit int where 1 = 1 boost speed
- base 230 boost speed
- Item Luck stat changed into Boost Cost
- item luck stat no longer accounted for in item rng
- set to an 8 bit int where 1 = 1 GP cost
- base 50 cost
- Boosting added to the game.
- Boost Cost set to 50 GP by default
- Boost duration set to 5 seconds
- Stun duration set to 2 seconds
- Boost Speed set to 230 speed by default
- Turning Speed loss decreased while in attack state
- Added delay so you cannot re-boost while boosting
- Added effect to where you gain some GP back for attacking someone
- Slipstream effect applied to all gears
- Added the ability to cycle through your available Gear Changes with the Z button
- Drifting modified
- Drifting can now be performed on the ground by pressing B and a direction
- Gravity Control disabled on the ground but still accessible in air
- Time required to drift boost has been reduced
- Pause between ending a drift and getting a drift boost removed
- Stall from failing a drift boost no longer reduces your speed
- Level up added into the game
- only certain gears have level up
- level 2 attained at 60 or more rings
- level 3 attained at 120 or more rings
- You can level down if you drop below the ring threshold
- Leveling up increases your Top Speed and Acceleration
- Leveling up increases your Boost / Kick Dash speed by 20 (15 for Kick Dash), boost duration, and GP tank size by 25
- Leveling up fully restores your GP tank
- Kick Dash Added into the game
- Replaces Boost when applied
- Kick Dash Cost set to 50 GP by default
- Kick Dash speed set to 230 speed by default
- Given Kick Dash some duration
- Kick Dash works off of the same stats that boosting does
- Effects and voices called when performing a Kick Dash
- Instantanious Gravity Dive Special Effect Added

RG_v1.0_Patch_Notes.txt15 KB

Sonic Riders Regravitified v1.0 Song List:
(Also shows what buttons to hold to select music during loading.)
MENU It Begins - Acceleration of Suguri 2 Electronica in the Velvet Room - Persona 4 Arena Options - Sonic Riders Zero Gravity Start up your EX Gear - Sonic Free Riders Windmill Isle - Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games 2016 Fly Me To The Moon - Bayonetta END OF RACE Results / Credits - Sonic R Results - Initial D Arcade Stage Zero Ver2 Cooperation - Gunvolt 2 Concert Hall - Aquapazza MEGALO STATION: B Button: Megalo Station Default D-PAD UP: Mute City - F Zero GX D-PAD DOWN: Grand Metropolis - Sonic Heroes D-PAD LEFT: Market Street - Team Sonic Racing D-PAD RIGHT: Force Addiction - Yakuza 0 X Button: Megalo Station Default Y Button: Mute City - F Zero GX NIGHTSIDE RUSH: B Button: Megalo Station Default D-PAD UP: Aquarium Park Boss - Sonic Colors D-PAD DOWN: Stardust Speedway Present (JP) - Sonic CD D-PAD LEFT: Stardust Speedway Bad Future (US) - Sonic Generations D-PAD RIGHT: Lethal Highway - Shadow The Hedgehog X Button: Fighting Onward ~ Space Port - Sonic Forces Y Button: Megalo Station Default BOTANICAL KINGDOM: B Button: Botanical Kingdom Default D-PAD UP: Jungle Joyride - Sonic Unleashed D-PAD DOWN: Eggman's Facility (Rhythm and Balance) - Sonic Forces D-PAD LEFT: Sky Road - Team Sonic Racing D-PAD RIGHT: Luminous Forest - Sonic Forces X Button: Botanical Kingdom Default Y Button: Jungle Joyride - Sonic Unleashed SNOWY KINGDOM: B Button: Botanical Kingdom Default D-PAD UP: Cool Edge Day - Sonic Unleashed D-PAD DOWN: Press Garden Act 2 - Sonic Mania D-PAD LEFT: White Arcopolis Snowy Peak - Sonic 2006 D-PAD RIGHT: Snow Sisters (Vatista) - Under Night in Birth X Button: Ice Cage - Sora Y Button: Botanical Kingdom Default METEORTECH PREMISES: B Button: MeteorTech Premises Default D-PAD UP: Crank The Heat Up!! - Sonic Adventure D-PAD DOWN: Egg Factory - Mario & Sonic At The Olympic Games D-PAD LEFT: Power Plant - Sonic Heroes D-PAD RIGHT: Eggmanland Day - Sonic Unleashed X Button: MeteorTech Premises Default Y Button: Crank The Heat Up!! - Sonic Adventure METEORTECH SPARKWORKS: B Button: MeteorTech Premises Default D-PAD UP: Bad Taste Aquarium - Sonic Adventure D-PAD DOWN: E.G.G.M.A.N. [Doc. Robeatnic Mix] - Shadow The Hedgehog D-PAD LEFT: Soarin' Over Space - Sonic Adventure 2 D-PAD RIGHT: Crazy Gadget - Sonic Adventure 2 X Button: MeteorTech Premises Default Y Button: Bad Taste Aquarium - Sonic Adventure AQUATIC CAPITAL: B Button: Aquatic Capital Default D-PAD UP: Aquarium Park Act 1 - Sonic Colors D-PAD DOWN: Aquos - Bakugan Battle Brawlers D-PAD LEFT: Ocean Palace - Sonic Heroes D-PAD RIGHT: That's The Way I Like It - Sonic Adventure 2 X Button: Aquatic Capital Default Y Button: Aquarium Park Act 1 - Sonic Colors TEMPEST WATERWAY: B Button: Aquatic Capital Default D-PAD UP: Aquarium Park Act 2 - Sonic Colors D-PAD DOWN: Moonlight Battlefield ~ Aqua Road - Sonic Forces D-PAD LEFT: Kingdom Valley - Sonic 06 D-PAD RIGHT: White Acropolis The Base - Sonic 06 X Button: Aquatic Capital Default Y Button: Aquarium Park Act 2 - Sonic Colors GIGAN ROCKS: B Button: Gigan Rocks Default D-PAD UP: Dragon Road Day - Sonic Unleashed D-PAD DOWN: Back in Time - Sonic R D-PAD LEFT: Rocky Ridge - Sonic Free Riders D-PAD RIGHT: Quartz Quadrant Present (JP) - Sonic CD X Button: Gigan Rocks Default Y Button: Dragon Road Day - Sonic Unleashed GIGAN DEVICE: B Button: Gigan Rocks Default D-PAD UP: Boo's House - Team Sonic Racing D-PAD DOWN: Dragon Road Night - Sonic Unleashed D-PAD LEFT: Keys the Ruin - Sonic Adventure 2 D-PAD RIGHT: Underground Zone - Sonic Official Youtube X Button: Relic Maze 1 - Freedom Planet Y Button: Gigan Rocks Default CRIMSON CRATER: B Button: Crimson Crater Default D-PAD UP: Crisis City Modern - Sonic Generations D-PAD DOWN: Skyscraper Scamper Day - Sonic Unleashed D-PAD LEFT: Terminal Velocity - Sonic Colors D-PAD RIGHT: Midnight Waves - CXLDR3 X Button: Crimson Crater Default Y Button: Crisis City Modern - Sonic Generations SECURITY CORRIDOR: B Button: Crimson Crater Default D-PAD UP: Anti Hero - Persona 5 Scramble D-PAD DOWN: Final Fortress - Sonic Heroes D-PAD LEFT: Get Edgy - Sonic Rush D-PAD RIGHT: Ventus - Bakugan Battle Brawlers X Button: Westopolis - Shadow the Hedgehog Y Button: Crimson Crater Default ASTRAL BABYLON: B Button: Astral Babylon Default D-PAD UP: Asteroid Coaster Act 1 - Sonic Colors D-PAD DOWN: The Ark - Shadow The Hedgehog D-PAD LEFT: Volcanic Rim Stage (Oceania) - Super Street Fighter 4 D-PAD RIGHT: Jack Atlas Theme - Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links X Button: Astral Babylon Default Y Button: Asteroid Coaster Act 1 - Sonic Colors MOBIUS STRIP: B Button: Astral Babylon Default D-PAD UP: Open Your Heart - Sonic Generations D-PAD DOWN: Mephiles Boss - Sonic 2006 D-PAD LEFT: For True Story - Sonic Adventure 2 D-PAD RIGHT: Astral Babylon Default X Button: Open Your Heart - Sonic Generations Y Button: Mephiles Boss - Sonic 2006 80s BOULEVARD: B Button: 80s Boulevard Default D-PAD UP: Funky Dealer - Jet Set Radio Future D-PAD DOWN: Jeh Jeh Rocket - Sonic Rush D-PAD LEFT: Metropolis Speedway - Sonic Free Riders D-PAD RIGHT: Sneakman - Jet Set Radio X Button: 80s Boulevard Default Y Button: Funky Dealer - Jet Set Radio Future 90s BOULEVARD: B Button: 80s Boulevard Default D-PAD UP: Hi-Spec Robo Go! - Sonic Mania D-PAD DOWN: Customer Creed - Yakuza 0 D-PAD LEFT: Neon Nights - Phantasy Star Online 2 D-PAD RIGHT: Run Through The Speed Highway - Sonic Adventure X Button: 80s Boulevard Default Y Button: Hi-Spec Robo Go! - Sonic Mania HANG-ON: Catch Me If You Can - Sonic Riders Zero Gravity BGM CHANGE HANG-ON Un-Gravitify - Sonic Riders Zero Gravity
Thank you so much Ekko!!! :sweat::sweat::sweat::sweat::sweat:

town lock ekko!!!

gonna go download!! ^^
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