Chapter Discussion Zoro wouldn’t have done anything different to Luffy then Sanji in 1119

He would have been completely useless with swords, because he isn't focused at raw strength blunt attacks that can push the target away, like Sanji's attacks do specifically, everyone can see how far he sent Queen flying so quickly.

And thats the main reason of why Zoro would hurt Luffy more tho, but in Fuusen mode, wouldn't do much

I think some retards failed to get the idea that Mars was the one who absorbed the vast majority of the attacks, not Luffy.

In this scenario, Zoro would need something like Nunchakus (like the stone pillar he used against Zombie Oars) in order to contribute at sending Mars flying and taking his out of the arc. So if he was there, his impact would be very low compared to what he can do.

But Sanji was there so thats was the main reason they achieved their goal anyways
Buddy, Lanji is a weakling, he's not a benchmark for anything strength related and he 100% contributed the least in the combo with his fraudulent non blue flame and his barely existent haki.

The strawhats need to send the Gorosei flying? Easy, Zoro already did that to a blocking Gorosei, even S-Hawk sent a blocking Yonko flying.
No Gorosei can one shot him and Luffy has already faced a stronger Gorosei than base Sanji's victim.
Buddy, Lanji is a weakling, he's not a benchmark for anything strength related and he 100% contributed the least in the combo with his fraudulent non blue flame and his near non existent haki.

The strawhats need to send the Gorosei flying? Easy, Zoro already did that to a blocking Gorosei, even S-Hawk sent a blocking Yonko flying,

Buddy, Sanji destroyed Nusjuro's face with a base fucking kick, imagine what a Ifrit Hell Memories would've done to him, probably vaporized his whole body, and Fuusen Luffy practically tanked it.

Luffy already sent Saturn flying to the other end of the island on his own, Zoro and Nusjuro's clash sent them both back like twenty feet lmao.


admitting that luffy wouldnt be able to take an attack from something he's weak to is not a shame luffy fans, i have luffy > zoro too and i'm pretty sure if that was a koh asura instead of kitchen flames jambe luffy would've been fucked up
Buddy, Sanji destroyed Nusjuro's face with a base fucking kick, imagine what a Ifrit Hell Memories would've done to him, probably vaporized his whole body, and Fuusen Luffy practically tanked it.

Luffy already sent Saturn flying to the other end of the island on his own, Zoro and Nusjuro's clash sent them both back like twenty feet lmao.
Luffy pulling G6 to go against this bad boy! :arnoling:
Buddy, Sanji destroyed Nusjuro's face with a base fucking kick, imagine what a Ifrit Hell Memories would've done to him, probably vaporized his whole body, and Fuusen Luffy practically tanked it.

Luffy already sent Saturn flying to the other end of the island on his own, Zoro and Nusjuro's clash sent them both back like twenty feet lmao.
"Destroyed his face"? His face looks the same way before and after lmao.
The gorosei have been very clearly shown by Oda to explicitly not block any attacks, because they don't give a fuck about the damage. Except Nusjuro blocking Zoro...
"Destroyed his face"? His face looks the same way before and after lmao.
The gorosei have been very clearly shown by Oda to explicitly not block any attacks, because they don't give a fuck about the damage. Except Nusjuro blocking Zoro...
The power of regeneration, doesn't change that Sanji destroyed his face.

Nusjuro wasn't fast enough to block it, even with Sanji running straight at him while yelling, that's the speed difference between them.
The power of regeneration, doesn't change that Sanji destroyed his face.

Nusjuro wasn't fast enough to block it, even with Sanji running straight at him while yelling, that's the speed difference between them.
"Destroyed" doesn't mean what you think it does. It didn't do anything at all.
Literally 1 page later, first panel, Sanji gets chewed on by Nusjuro. Meaning, Nusjuro had time to go into his full zoan form and bite down on Sanji. Was that a speedblitz, or did Sanji not care?

Sanji got tossed aside like fodder, and then did nothing after. If his Ifrit Jambre move could've vaporized Nusjuro, why didn't he? Seems kind of weird not to since it would've helped the Straw Hats greatly.
"Destroyed" doesn't mean what you think it does. It didn't do anything at all.
Literally 1 page later, first panel, Sanji gets chewed on by Nusjuro. Meaning, Nusjuro had time to go into his full zoan form and bite down on Sanji. Was that a speedblitz, or did Sanji not care?

He got tossed aside like fodder, and Sanji did nothing after. If his Ifrit Jambre move could've vaporized Nusjuro, why didn't he? Seems kind of weird not to since it would've helped the Straw Hats greatly.
Base Sanji fucked up his face bro, stop coping

Nusjuro creating a head out of his stomach is unexpected, nobody would predict that, and that bite did literally nothing.

Because Nusjuro can't be defeated here, if base Sanji can annihilate Nusjuro's face, Ifrit Hell Memories is erasing his head.
Base Sanji fucked up his face bro, stop coping

Nusjuro creating a head out of his stomach is unexpected, nobody would predict that, and that bite did literally nothing.

Because Nusjuro can't be defeated here, if base Sanji can annihilate Nusjuro's face, Ifrit Hell Memories is erasing his head.
I can hardly believe you read that as "fucked up his face", but I guess given the fact that you think what Nusjuro did was "create a head out of his stomach" I'm not surprised.

Again, if Ifrit Hell Memories would've erased his head, Sanji's a fucking fraud for going base form and doing nothing anyway.
I can hardly believe you read that as "fucked up his face", but I guess given the fact that you think what Nusjuro did was "create a head out of his stomach" I'm not surprised.

Again, if Ifrit Hell Memories would've erased his head, Sanji's a fucking fraud for going base form and doing nothing anyway.
Both those things happened, no level of cope will change them.

As I said, Nusjuro can't be defeated here, the only reason IJ wasn't used is plot, and lucky for Nusjuro that it's the case because if base can fuck him up like that, Ifrit Jambe which is many times stronger would've reduced him to a pile of goo.
Both those things happened, no level of cope will change them.

As I said, Nusjuro can't be defeated here, the only reason IJ wasn't used is plot, and lucky for Nusjuro that it's the case because if base can fuck him up like that, Ifrit Jambe which is many times stronger would've reduced him to a pile of goo.
I'm glad for you that Nusjuro is a pile of goo in your headcanon. If only it wasn't for the literal story itself preventing that from being a reality; I'm sorry to hear that.

For the record, I don't have an agenda regarding any Straw Hats, so I have no interest in Sanji being weak/strong outside of what might be better for the story. As it stands, Sanji's IJ: Hell Memories couldn't even damage hakiless Luffy, so it's not looking great for him at the moment. Which, to be clear, I think Oda is being a fucking clown the last chapter having Sanji look weak and pathetic like he did.
"Zoro EDGES out Sanji in AP"

"Hells memories isn't Sanji's strongest attack, it's the Anti-manner kick course"

"Luffy would take Zoro's slashes and convert it into energy"

Seriously, who takes KOL seriously? Him being a Shanks wanker is one thing cause Shanks at least is protrayed to be that GUY, but being a Sanji wanker is just a exercise in ignorance when you start to compare him to Zoro.
I'm glad for you that Nusjuro is a pile of goo in your headcanon. If only it wasn't for the literal story itself preventing that from being a reality; I'm sorry to hear that.

For the record, I don't have an agenda regarding any Straw Hats, so I have no interest in Sanji being weak/strong outside of what might be better for the story. As it stands, Sanji's IJ: Hell Memories couldn't even damage hakiless Luffy, so it's not looking great for him at the moment.
Not is goo, would've been goo. Nusjuro being saved by plot armor is a sad fact indeed.

Which shows just how insanely more durable Luffy is than Nusjuro, that Ifrit Jambe Hell Memories, potentially Sanji's strongest attack, could do nothing significant to him when a base unnamed kick fucked up Nusjuro's face.