I would MUCH rather have Mr Goatloaded as president over Mr Beast! Beast wants to run for president in 15 years time!

I rather have @MonsterKaido (Mr Beast Pirate) than Mr Beast!
Is 15 years even possible? 8 years max is a good rule otherwise the longer you have the power the easier it becomes the modern dictatorship (looking at you Erdogan) :seriously:.
On the other hand only Mr Goatloaded can wonderfully rule.:steef:


Actually one of my country politicians, François Mitterand staged a fake assassination attempt against him for this purpose, though it failed as he was unmasked quickly after and became the subject of ridicule, though he still managed to become president years after.
Yeah it's a very common tactic. Most likely this one's staged as well. Not like he needed it he was gonna win anyway. Not that it actually matters who the US president is but that's a whole other discussion :willight:

Kizaruber Eats

Rest In Peace James Earl Jones (Mufasa)
Well, your friend is lucky to be able to use your experience
I hope he will do well in his next exams. Life is full of strange events and we know that we should not give up
Thank you! You're completely right! It's like folding when you get a bad hand of cards but then finding out you could have won potentially though!

I hope your exams will result well for you too, i can't even imagine the stress! University drove me into a mental breakdown lol.

Kizaruber Eats

Rest In Peace James Earl Jones (Mufasa)
Is 15 years even possible? 8 years max is a good rule otherwise the longer you have the power the easier it becomes the modern dictatorship (looking at you Erdogan) :seriously:.
On the other hand only Mr Goatloaded can wonderfully rule.:steef:
Ah what I meant is Mr Beast has to be 15 years older to run for president apparently. He said he's too young atm to be allowed to.