Who is the leader of Conejo Blanco: Election for the Leader!

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Why is "greed" the satelite that betrayed him? If he has a bad side that would superpose that?

And both York's actual plan and theme doesn't make sense, she started taking out cameras and faked her own death for what? She shot Shakah and then achieved nothing
You didn't read what I said ?

Greed is by essence a negative behavior. York betrayed vegapunk because of her greed, simple as that.

Her theme makes perfect sence on the contrary ! York was blinded by her greed, she thought too much of herself and had too much desillusion about reality.

You need to take a bird's view of the arc instead of stopping at little plot knot that you think don't make sence.

Its an opposition of value system and behaviors. Vegapunk undersestimated his own greedyness and implanted it in the conscious of a person, this is what caused if fall.

But he also OVER estimated and MISSunderstood his bad side. this is why Lilith will survive and be a good character.

The point is that Vegapunk was a complexe HUMAN character. He had contradictions and blindspots despite being a genius.
That doesn't make any sense so his greed acted as greed but his "bad" side turned out good.

You're just defending random outcomes

Also violence is a negative behaviour and it didnt do anything
That doesn't make any sense so his greed acted as greed but his "bad" side turned out good.

You're just defending random outcomes

I'm telling what the storytelling, the NARRATION of the arc is telling. I'm telling you the message of Oda about the story of Vegapunk.

The point is simple and AS CLEAR AS WATER:

Even a genius can make mistakes and fail to understand who he really is

I will repeat again in different words :

Vegapunk splitted himself into 6 part by vanity. He thoughts he was all knowing even of his own conscience but made a MAJOR AND DANGEROUS mistake and a BEAUTIFUL AND UNEXPECTED one:

He underestimated the dangerosity of his greed AND he overestimated the dangerosity of his bad nature !

This resulted in :

One very straightfoward character who betrayed him and her family
On more complexe and subversive character who stayed loyal to everyone around her

Hence why the character who is being saved right now, is the most interesting one ! Simply because its the most interesting part of Vegapunk.

Its all about the value of keeping and protecting the things that really counts. Knowledge, memories and our curiosity !

Also violence is a negative behaviour and it didnt do anything

The point is that Vegapunk didn't knew himself ! He wasn't violent ! He used violence to protect others !
I overall liked at egghead but I consider visiting this forum on the future to be honest
Dealing with the mentally challenged fictional character stans that insult people personally is one thing but it feels like the majority at this point is just here to hate read so rarely there is fruitful discussion, altho this week was a nice change hat some good exchanges like with @GrandmasterChef Zonji @DarkWitch or @Kizaruber Eats

Ever week is the Same Programm, "Art Bad Story Bad character bad" reading chopped up spoilers big leddit circle jerk vibes, not even remotely talking about what happened thematically even

Obviously you can citizen the chaptera but this is just a regular occurrence now almost for years no matter how the chapter is

@Mr. Reloaded how you do it and whats your advice ? :josad:
I cannot deny that the story our forum is centered around is a low-quality product. That's why i stopped following it.
But it is a fact that users here need to make an effort to be polite and make the forum a healthy,comfortable place. If the forum is just a place of jerks,it doesn't deserve to exist.
I say this as someone who was once rude,but saw the light and improved himself.
I really got attached to the people here. I have low-level autism in real life,and it caused me problems throughout my childhood and growing up. Because of these problems,i was unable to build a circle of friends during my school life. I'm pinning my hopes of building a social life on my college life. This forum was one of my first contacts with people outside of my family,so i want it to continue.
I'm not following any manga currently. Japanese pop culture is in a sad state where there are no worthwhile franchises. I decided to continue consuming only the Western entertainment industry,which has always been a part of my life.
Currently,when i'm online on the forum,i only spend time in the waiting room thread,as i enjoy the chat there. From now on,i will also be active in the "What was the last movie you watched?" thread,as i am a regular movies lover.
By the way,i will create a thread about the sad state of Japanese pop culture. It's already typed and saved here on the computer. I'm just waiting for the time when the forum is active,and all the users from the tag list are present. Would anyone here like to be added to the tag list? I swear this isn't another complaints thread or a wall of text. It will be a important topic for our community. Since we are a online community about Japanese pop culture,we are certainly in danger of a situation where Japanese pop culture is as dead as prehistoric animals.
Would anyone here like to be added to the tag list? I swear this isn't another complaints thread or a wall of text. It will be a important topic for our community. Since we are a online community about Japanese pop culture,we are certainly in danger of a situation where Japanese pop culture is as dead as prehistoric animals.
Tag me
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