Controversial Immigrants/Diaspora General Discussion Thread

Would you accept more immigrants in your country?

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So it's safe to say Globalism have reached its peak.

Especially On matters regarding Immigration.

Ask anyone from any country and they will tell you the biggest problem their country face is immigrants

Influx of massive number of immigrations in last few decades led to exposure of bizarre cultural practice and exporting cultural/religious/ethnic problems to the host country, which undoubtedly caused backlash.
Economic issues aside.

There's big nationalist revival going all around the world.

For *Nativist* , immigrants (The Other) represents everything that went wrong. They become an identity marker of all problems.

The low birth rates is making them paranoid of being *replaced* and lose their national (racial) identity

Even the idea of Civic Nationalism is heavily criticized.

Donald Trump (most likely will win) said he'll carry out the biggest deportation of others,

Maybe that will set a precedent for other semi-liberal states to carry out the same

Consider how it will impact immigrants/minorities/refugees living in third world also, where state institutions is dysfunctional and social dynamics is fragile that led to riots and final solutions/ethnic cleansings is a mainstream opinion.

What do you will happen to immigrants, in particular the vulnerables in the coming decades?

Will Nationalism rise like in 20th Century or nothing big will happen / things will just continue as it is with some level of backlash?

things will just continue as it is with some level of backlash


Nothing ever happens. The status quo never really changes
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You are not helping your name here

All I see is hatred and ignorance.
I have not said a single hateful statement here.
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You are not helping your name here

All I see is hatred and ignorance.
Ah sorry meant to say whether immigrant or not lmao
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I'm not even going to comment here since there isn't a big immigration crisis going on in Brazil. I will just lurk in here to see how many people get axed in this debate :ihaha:
Don't worry I will go on a plane rn lol
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I think people on the right overblow the topic of immigration where's the people on the left don't take it as serious

That being said I don't think Europe is in any kind of danger outside of localised crime, if we wanted we can easily deal with immigration, just vote it right wing for 4 years
Even right wingers won't stop it though
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lol did you phrase it in a way that you would bait both sides of the political spectrum ?

Yeah lol, "one crime by immigrant" would be bigger in scale than the Jewish genocide by the nazis...
And that one immigrant would be Big Daddy Saran, 6th Yonko worth 2.14 Billion berries
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It doesn't change anything to your blind and ignorant hatred mate.

When you are at a point where you hate people who simply try to flee their home to survive...

You have lost your humanity.
I love you Logiko


Hustlerversity Graduate
lol did you phrase it in a way that you would bait both sides of the political spectrum ?

Yeah lol, "one crime by immigrant" would be bigger in scale than the Jewish genocide by the nazis...
What do you mean lol?

I'm saying the social harmony is fragile that one crime by immigrants can led to widespread riots

We've seen this playing out recently in Turkey and UK

Adam 🍎

Pretty Boy
Right-wingers have been ruling in UK since 2007 and yet immigration hasn't been "dealt with". Although they have come up with the dumbest ideas recently aka : deportation of everyone in Rwanda.

In the meantime post-fascist Italy by Meloni abandoned their anti-immigration dreams because they figured out that they could get easy cheap workers for their industries.
Bcs immigrants are cheap work force they need.

But if immigration was actual real threat, not this shit going on, it could be dealt with easily

AL sama

Red Haired
i hate all illegal immigrants and widespread unregulated immigration
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some retarded mook with boogers
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Immigration is great for those in power
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The USA can learn a lot from Pakistan who kicked out 1 milion Afghan illegals in 2024

The same can be done here alongside the UK if even Pakistan can do it...
chill :seriously::seriously:
My big problem with the UK immigration riots recently is that working class communities do more damage to themselves than any amount of immigration could do to them.

I used to live in a very poor white working class area, let me tell you a little bit about their 'culture' that they're trying to protect. They protested when a mosque was under construction and successfully stopped it from being built. In it's place, they built a Ladbrooks betting shop and pretty much every day 100s of people congregate around there to use money from their last paycheck (or benefits) to bet on horses or football or whatever bullshit is going on. That betting shop has done more damage to that community than even a thousand mosques could do to them and yet they were all so happy when it got built, I've never seen them setting one of these on fire.

People in England avoid council estates like the plague, people there have done more to support immigration than any politician has ever done. They buy from immigrant businesses because they sell cheap, they refuse to do jobs that immigrants are happy to do, they would rather work for a multi-billion pound company like morrisons instead of going into caring for their elderly, even though Care work actually pays more and are always desperate for staff. They stumble out of the pub at midnight looking for a kebab shop and then for some reason wake up the next day and wonder where all the fish and chip shops have gone.

Apparently these people from council estates want less immigration, meanwhile the rest of the country wants less of them.


Hustlerversity Graduate
That line there sounded like pure satire at first, and then I was given context with video. SAD
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Basic racist bitch. I have known a few like her.
It's seems like increasingly popular rhetoric in recent years in my experience.

Some people act like you should bow your head to show gratitude to them for living in the advanced *modern civilization* that *they created*