Real women are female. They need to get over this.
Quod erat demonstrandum once again.

You are proving that you don't accept the legitimacy of Trans people.

Hormone therapy and surgeries dont change ones sex
Actually it can change a part of sexual characteristics :

- The genetals
- Most physical attributes

It won't change chromosom but Chromosom alone don't define sex. "Sex" is defined by a variety of sexual attributes:

Double standards then
The feelings of people that agree with you = matter
The feelings of people that disagree with you = dont matter
No, you don't understand. It's not about the feeling or every person. We DON'T CARE about the feelings of every persons.

We care about the feelings of those who are under oppression. If you don't understand that, take a political class.
This is 1000x times more entertaining than the full Egghead Arc :carrocorn:

Kinda sad if you think about it :josad:
Who cares :arnoling:
Not going to lie, that is part of the reason why I have finally decided to hover around this section now. One Piece utterly bores me these days.

That and I had an unpleasant cold which put me in an unusually foul mood. I saw the Trump vs Kamala section and decided to mock both of them.
I mean woke people are trying to normalize calling normal people "cis" just so that they can have theirs ways
I have no issue with this, it's MUCH better than using the category 'woman' for both born women and trans women because it would be inaccurate.
The cis-prefix is not unlike the word 'bio bike'. Idk if the English language uses it too but in German the bio prefix arose as a response to the increasing number of e-bikes in order to specify a bicycle as human-only powered.
It's a normal linguistic process.

If people here are so much into this, it should probably have its own thread. Otherwise it would be impossible to discuss politics.
Yes I agree. Make one thread for the silly never ending trans debate and let's discuss the more important topics of
invad[ing] Montenegro
and the multiple ongoing military conflicts.
I have no issue with this, it's MUCH better than using the category 'woman' for both born women and trans women because it would be inaccurate.
The cis-prefix is not unlike the word 'bio bike'. Idk if the English language uses it too but in German the bio prefix arose as a response to the increasing number of e-bikes in order to specify a bicycle as human-only powered.
It's a normal linguistic process.
Bio bike? :pepeke:

Every week I learn of another German L. :tchpepe: