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Argonauts, roll out!
You think there is synergy between them or?
Well, I don't want to make any claims of such with the surface level information I am sitting on at this very moment.

I've not read their interactions with one another, if there are any, so it would be disingenious for me to draw a conclusion from this alone.

That being said, with acknowledging that it is completely surface level, I think that it may be some synergy yes.
I'll see if I can find any interaction between them and see if there is any more merit to it
If activity is the only thing you're basing the read off of, then I think it is not really strong ground when it comes to Sallu.
His activity is normally in the middle to lower end, I think the content of his posts are more important than the frequency of posting.
Not so much activity but rather what you do with it. Everyone has limited time they can spend here, question is what you do with it

If I told you rn to say smth about Sallu from the top of your head what you remember he did this game, i bet you wouldn't be able to do it if you've read the game
like i said MULTIPLE times, im fine looking into anything specific
u want me to just spend all my time reading for the sake of reading

i think me playing live lets ppl get a better read on me plus get a better read on others present rn and it actually allows me to be a part of any discussions
i find it useful
You are playing mafia girl, if you don’t wanna read and catch up to scum hunt then wtf are you doing as townie?

You think going back and forth with me over something stupid and waste your time tunnelling that one point is more productive? Do you think you are bringing anything new to the table? You think you are scum hunting here? You are already in a long line of players who decided to come my way and go back and forth with me. Nothing new.

Why are you self conscious of how players view you? Don’t you want your own actions to speak for itself that you are townie? Wouldn’t you wanna spend that time pushing someone that is not named SoulKiller which if you were not paying attention half of the players are doing exactly that. You think you doing something new here?

Why don’t you start a discussion with someone else?

What are your reads anyways? Who you town read and who you scum read?


@Flower The point is not the invest, its the copy.
Soul doesn't want someone he doesnt trust to get one of his abilities. You should see it through his eyes, and not yours to understand this. Indigo isn't confirmed so why would Soul let Indigo get one of his abilities? In his case I would have done the same.


Argonauts, roll out!
Not so much activity but rather what you do with it. Everyone has limited time they can spend here, question is what you do with it

If I told you rn to say smth about Sallu from the top of your head what you remember he did this game, i bet you wouldn't be able to do it if you've read the game
Well, that's the thing, I made my debut extremely late, and I'm missing vast amounts of context for just about everything going on.

Either way, time to do some investigation


Custom title
If activity is the only thing you're basing the read off of, then I think it is not really strong ground when it comes to Sallu.
His activity is normally in the middle to lower end, I think the content of his posts are more important than the frequency of posting.
Oh yeah that's what I meant his content is pretty much non existent a bit to fluffy and on the " friendly " side if I had to base my read on activity alone there's others in worse positions lol
Lmao, I am inclined to believe it is a coincidence, but I won't deny that it is a very curious coincidence.

My impression of Alexis is that he seems to either
a) doubt their ability to solve to the point where he simply choses not to
b) he simply struggles with finding something to latch onto
c) prefers to let others take the lead so he doesn't have to be liable for mislynching

I won't say anything definitive, and this is by no means intended to be slander, only my observation from the limited games I've played with him.

Saber and Reloaded is curious though, to my knowledge these two are not well aquainted, and like it or not, the council votes are often influenced by popularity
Well, the chances favor a coincidence, its a decent synergy analysis in case one of them flips scum,

As for the popularity aspect, I found this aspect suspect also, I would have expected Reloaded to vote someone like Pot, Tac or Ratchet, he is more acquainted with these people from what I know.
@Flower The point is not the invest, its the copy.
Soul doesn't want someone he doesnt trust to get one of his abilities. You should see it through his eyes, and not yours to understand this. Indigo isn't confirmed so why would Soul let Indigo get one of his abilities? In his case I would have done the same.
You literally choose what gets copied and can always choose something weak or harmless. So no, excuse denied.
It costs you NOTHING. You are just afraid of getting checked. Also I literally tried HELPING you with it because I like playing with you and if I can clear you mechanically it would have saved us a shit ton of time.

But alas, you blew it by refusing to cooperate. I hope for your own sake you‘re scum cuz god, what Townie plays like this.
Getting checked? I am giving a copy of one of m ability to a player who I don’t trust and had as scum lean. Why would I do that? Why would any sane townie do that? And why would you think it would clear me mechanically when it won’t? From where I am standing I am giving someone a free ability. If it was a confirmed townie sure but it was not. You guys were not transparent with it, we’re not straight forward with it.

You did not try to help anyone here. You are just mad I did not give a person I don’t trust an ability. You cannot think outside of the scope. Stop acting like you were trying to cooperate with me. That’s not called cooperation.

I am townie, and you are stuck with me. Play half of what I’m capable of. All you been doing all game is crying and playing victim.
And if you don’t want the person to get something harmful you can literally choose to give them something more weak or harmless. Holy shit, stop acting like idiots when you’re not.
No, you need to start using your brain. You don’t give players you don’t trust a copy of your abilities, it’s called common sense. Your skewed way of thinking is horrendous. Literally I have to be brain dead to do what you are suggesting as town.


Argonauts, roll out!
@The Orca
@Mr. Reloaded
@Random Asshole
@Red Night
@Polar Bear

these elitist clowns are always looking down on us... policy lynching us, calling us things like "low-hanging fruits" and "easy to convince" and much more
they even got rid of our friend minamoto... before the game even started.
it's time we prove ourselves and show that we too can lead town, that we can become MVPs!
we need to fight back! and in order to do that, you all need to vote for me so i can represent you in the night council
vote council saber
Got my vote :handsup:

Vote council Saber
nothing more pure than friendships forged in the scum chat, huh? this brings me back...
So it seems that Saber and Reloaded does have some sort of history together from the looks of it.

Well, this is news to me, but I suppose it does look quite a lot less incriminating.
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