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Why even try to catch them when you can't evn do anything or lynch them. They spamming it on SoulKiller here, indicating they got more of these Ban Hammers to use. :few:
Death New
Verbotenes Obst was used on ???

Greatest Trick was activated

Saboteur was used to destroy this action from a write-up

Ban Hammer was used on ???
but nothing happened

House was used on ??? and ???

Maximum: Uzumaki was used to super kill @Flower/Eric Cartman
You are Eric Cartman!

"Alright, I would like to kick the baby."
[Passive - Menace To Society] Cartman is principally characterized by his amorality, and his bigoted, especially antisemitic disposition, as a result of his general awfulness, he will not gain karma during this game by traditional means.
---[Wanted For War Crimes]--- Due to Cartman's various crimes and ill deeds, there has been a bounty placed on his head that will be announced at the start of the game, awarding the player that kills or is the first voter on Cartman's wagon with karma for getting him out of the game.

[Passive - Can't Be Canceled] No matter what Cartman does he can't be canceled since people expect that kind of behavior from him. He is immune to roleblocks and vote drains.

[Passive - Unsavory Schemer] Cartman exhibits increasingly psychopathic and manipulative behavior, showcased through Cartman's various schemes, the majority of which fail either due to opposition from other characters or Cartman's own hubris, frequently leaving Cartman in complete humiliation. But this time will surely be different.... probably. Cartman will attempt to navigate around his karma ban by operating a get-rich-quick karma ponzi scheme this game, hoping to trick foolish fellow players out of their karma. On Day 1, Cartman will attempt to open up a rival karma shop to his competitors with a write-up, offering the first five players to quote the write-up a chance to become investors for his shop under the promise of special privileges. The players that quote the write-up will be forced to pay Cartman a fluctuating tax between 10-50% of the karma they earn each phase in tax for the rest of the game. This tax will fluctuate for each individual tax payer each phase at random.

[Active - Delayed Opening] Each day phase starting from Day 2, Cartman can make an announcement explaining the delayed opening of his shop, informing his fellow players that he hasn’t yet collected enough taxes to open it yet, but that it will be opening soon. Cartman will be immune to the actions of the first 2 players dumb enough to quote that write-up each day.

[Active - Biological Warfare] Cartman really is a despicable human being, child or not. He can try to intentionally infect another player with a needle containing HIV. The targeted player will be hit by the HIV status effect which will amplify the effects of other status effects while under it. Players are not informed of this status effect. [2-Shot]

[Active - Master Manipulator] Sure, Cartman’s schemes often come back to bite him in the end, but he still has an impressive knack for manipulating others right up until it gets to that point. Cartman can target another player and redirect their next action. [1-Shot]

[Active - You Want To Play That Game Huh?] Cartman, fed up with his bounty, can put up a fake bounty on another player with a fake announcement, hoping to draw the heat off of himself or at least takedown someone else in the process. If another person does eliminate that player, Cartman will take 25% of their karma for falling for his trick. [3-Shot]

[Active - Early Bail] Although he has committed many atrocities and crimes, he has only been arrested a handful of times and never seeing a proper sentencing due to his mother’s constant bail. If Cartman is jailed and finds himself in a jailor chat, or should he find himself game removed for his crimes, he can activate this ability to escape. [2-Shot]

[Active - Vandalism] Sure, Cartman has committed murder and various acts of terrorism, not to mention attempted cannibalism, which are all bigger crimes, but vandalism is definitely the one he commits the most often. He can activate this ability to commit some more, destroying another player’s ability for a phase. [3-Shot]
Verbotenes Obst was used on ???

Greatest Trick was activated

Saboteur was used to destroy this action from a write-up

but nothing happened

House was used on ??? and ???

Maximum: Uzumaki was used to super kill @Flower/Eric Cartman

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