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Death Of Innocence

@Random Asshole / Anya has been lynched​

@Random Asshole

You are Anya!

[Passive – Cheat Sheet] Anya will start with a list of every role that made it into the game.

[Passive – Seemingly Harmless Child] Anya will scan innocent to investigations and will fool lie detects.
---[Wouldn’t Hurt A Child]--- Negative actions, not including kills will be downgraded on Anya.

[Passive - Bond] Redacted

[Passive – Telepathy] Whenever another player visits Anya, she will learn their identity, along with the knowledge of anyone else they have already targeted that phase. They will also be marked for the duration of the game.
---[Telepathic Spy]--- Anya will receive chat leaks from any marked players at the end of each phase.

[Active - Telepathic Link] Anya can target another player, opening a chat with them. Anya will automatically learn the roles of any player she opens a chat with this way, as well as learn of any action they take plus the target of those actions while in the chat. They will also be marked for Anya to receive chat leaks from them. Anya may only have two chats open at a time and can close a chat at any time. Usable each phase. This ability cannot be redirected.

[Active – Twilight] Taking inspiration from her adoptive father, Anya has learned the value of going undercover. She can invade a side chat using the guise of a sock puppet account by targeting the player in said chat with this ability. Like with her created chats, she will learn the roles of any player in the invaded chat as well as learn of any action they take plus the target of those actions while in the chat. [3-Shot]

[Active - Rising Hope] Sometimes communication is still best done the old-fashioned way. Anya may throw a stiletto with a message on it to another player, giving them an option to answer. If they return the stiletto with a message they will become marked by Anya's [Telepathy]. Usable each phase.

[Active - Killer Punch] One of the first moves taught to Anya by Yor during their training. The move is performed by striking a target with a quick and powerful punch. Anya may target a player and redirect them towards another player. [2-Shot]

[Active - Star Catcher Arrow] This move was taught to Anya while training for her dodgeball game. Intended to be a knockout shot, this move requires putting one's whole body into the throw. Activating this will allow Anya to destroy the next action targeting her. [3-Shot]

[Active - Friendship Crash] Anya can slam herself into another player she wishes to become friends with, roleblocking them for a phase and also creating a chat with them that duplicates the effects of [Telepathic Link] without counting against the chat limit. [2-Shot]

[Active - Resourcefulness] Anya may use her knowledge of assassin techniques to create traps and bombs of all kinds.
---[Smoke Bomb]--- Target a player with a smoke bomb, making them untargetable for a phase. Cannot self-target. [1-Shot]
Target a player with fireworks and make all investigations during the night go to them. [1-Shot]
---[Basic Trap]---
Target a player and place a trap, the first person that visits them will become unable to visit anyone else for that phase. [2-Shot]
---[Net Trap]---
Target a post number and trap it, the person that lands on it will be roleblocked for a phase. [2-Shot]
Night 4 has ended
Day 5 has will begin in an hour or so



& to waste such an ability in night lynch opposed to regular day lynch when we have actual abilities to alter and fuck with lynches for the last 2 days straight.... ffs

reviving useless town role like flowers over reborn was already questionable..

The ??? Mafia has killed @Underworld Broker / ???
The ??? Mafia has attempted to kill @Ghostface Killa / Demonic Possession
You are Demonic Possession!

"She doesn't need a doctor, she needs a priest!"

[Passive - Non-Corporeal Entity] As a horrific manifestation of evil beyond our mortal comprehension, you have no real form, making you difficult to harm by conventional means. If you are targeted by a kill, you will instead only be banished from the game for 2 Cycles. The second time you are banished, however, it will be for good.
---[Demonic Presence]--- As a malevolent demonic entity, your very essence exudes evil, causing you to scan guilty to alignment checks.
---[Creature of The Abyss]--- Stare into the abyss and the abyss will start right back at you, whoever visits Demonic Possession twice in a row will find themselves unable to target them again for 1 cycle.

[Passive - Gradual Possession] Possession is a slow process of wiggling your way in. The first person that visits you each cycle will have one of their abilities redirected at random afterward. If they visit you again, they will lose control of their role for a phase and their abilities will begin to fire off at random.

[Passive - Demonic Pact] You can choose to forge a pact with another player. Should they accept you will force a pact with that player and will protect them from any status effects for the duration of the game. However, they will become unable to harm you, and should they die you will receive 3 random abilities from their role. You may only forge one pact during the game.

[Active - Evil’s Soft Touches] The first step to taking a victim's body for your own is to get your foot in the door. You may choose to target a player and mark them with this ability, making them vulnerable to your [Possession] in 2 Cycles. Only one player can be marked by this ability at a time.

[Active - Possession] You can finally sink your claws into your new host, allowing you to target a player that has been marked by Evil’s Soft Touches and take control of 3 abilities from their role for a phase, along with gaining a neighbor chat with them. [3-Shot]
---[Demonic Takeover]---
Once you find a new body you like it's so hard to just let them go. You can activate this ability while controlling another role with [Possession] to increase the duration of your possession to 1 Cycle. [2-Shot]

[Active - Telekinesis] You can influence this material plane through more than just puppeteering your victims. You can use your ability to manipulate magnetic fields to telekinetically control objects, allowing you to target another player and redirect their next action at random. Usable once a cycle.

[Active - Malignant Influence] Sometimes full-on possession is unnecessary, you can use your ability to wriggle into another's mind to take more subtle influence over them, nudging their decisions in a way that better suits your needs without them ever seeing it coming. You can take control of another player's vote for a phase, redirecting them to a wagon of your choice. [2-Shot]

[Active - Demon's Curse] Your evil nature can't help but delight in the suffering of others. To satiate your need for suffering you can target another player and inflict them with a random status effect. [2-Shot]

[Active - Wearing Dead Skin] What? They're not wearing it. And it would look so much better on you. You can choose to target a dead role and control them for a cycle. [1-Shot] Non-refillable.

[Active - Demonic Scream] Your demonic shriek is otherworldly, chilling all who hear it with the essence of nightmares. You can activate this ability and anyone who visits you that phase will be roleblocked. [2-Shot]

Killer Punch was used on ???
Star Catcher Arrow was activated
Smoke Bomb was used on ???
??? was used to kill @Ghostface Killa / Demonic Possession
was used to kill @Indigo / Nocturnal Detective Agency
You are The Nocturnal Detective Agency!

"We're not superheroes or anything...We’re just detectives."

[Passive - Detectives For Hire] The agency will be given 20 karma each cycle as a salary, regardless of anything else they do to earn karma.

[Passive - Got Your Back] Every member of the agency looks out for each other. Each cycle the rest of the agency will be able to choose one of its abilities to protect from destruction and amputation, making it immune to both for the cycle.

[Passive - Ragtag Crew] The agency is a tight knit group and will not take lightly losing one of its members. If one of the agency’s abilities are amputated or destroyed, their next action will be upgraded

[Active - Yakou Furio] Yakou is the head of the Nocturnal Detective Agency. Each night he can have the agency take one investigative action from the list below. The agency must cycle through each one before using the same investigative again:
---[Alignment Cop]--- Target another player and learn their alignment.
---[Track]--- Target another player and see who they visit.
---[Watch]--- Target another player and see who visits them.
---[Flavor Cop]--- Target another player and learn their flavor.

[Active - Yuma Kokohead] Yuma, a detective trainee at the agency, possesses the Forensic Forte of Coalescence. This ability can be activated to use his Forte to copy an ability, in generic terms. However, the targeted player will get to decide what, if any, ability is allowed to be copied with the option of rejecting completely. [2-Shot]

[Active - Halara Nightmare] Halara is a master detective at the agency who possesses the Forensic Forte of Postcognition. The agency can use this ability to check one of their watch results to learn who the first player to visit their target. [1-Shot]

[Active - Desuhiko Thunderbolt] Desuhiko is a master detective and possesses the Forensic Forte of Disguise. The agency can use him to target another player and copy their identity for a phase, allowing the agency to hide behind that player. [2-Shot]

[Active - Fubuki Clockford] Fubuki is master detective and possesses the Forensic Forte of Time Leap. The agency can activate this ability to rewind one action in a write-up, refunding the persons ability and undoing the action. This cannot be done on kills. Or Game Removes. [2-Shot]

[Active - Vivia Twilight] Vivia a master detective and possesses the Forensic Forte of Spectral Projection. The agency can activate this ability to make their next action unstoppable. [1-Shot]

Hangman's Bet was used on ???
High and Low was activated
Roulette Wheel was used on ???,??? and ???
Rangers Scout was used on ???
Body Double was activated
Three Horse Mahai was used on ???
Thanatoplum Rebloom was used on ???
Spectral Rescue was used on ???
Abyssal Slash was used on ???
Hide Nebby was used on ???
Autonomous was activated
Bite was used on ???
Sucker Punch was activated
Hide Nebby was used on ???
Florist was used on ???,??? and ???
Ensnare was used on ???
Extradimensional Visitor was activated
Allomancy was activated
Levitate was activated
Snag Ball was used on ???
Eyesight was used on ???
Thief Mode was activated
Invoke Duplicity was activated
Thunder Bagua was used on ???
Genius Inventor was Activated
Portal Shenanigans was used on ???,??? ??? and ???

@TheAncientCenturion has come back to the game
@MangoSenpai has come back to the game

The Loser of the Annihilation Tournament

@SoulKiller is the loser of the loser’s bracket by default having never claimed a victory.

He has died.

Day 5 has begun
You have 48 hours to discuss



Custom title

Guys stop entertaining scums!

The Lisan al Gaib is here

Zemmi --> Random Asshole --> Yoho --> Michelle

This is your PoE let's end this once and for ll!
I gave you the memes.....

Here is the PoE


Now do as you please....

Vote Lynch Mango
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