Imu is technically the biblical devil
His beast form looked like a dragon
He has a crush on Lily -> Lilith?
The holy animal of the CD's is a dragon (Imu)
The whole Devil Fruit Tree stuff
Mihawk and Imu have the same eyes, Dracula means son of Dracul which means devil
Nerona -> black dragon
Ryuma slayed a dragon -> Zoro will beat Dracule Mihawk
Shanks and Mihawk = connected to the WG
It’s all coming together
His beast form looked like a dragon
He has a crush on Lily -> Lilith?
The holy animal of the CD's is a dragon (Imu)
The whole Devil Fruit Tree stuff
Mihawk and Imu have the same eyes, Dracula means son of Dracul which means devil
Nerona -> black dragon
Ryuma slayed a dragon -> Zoro will beat Dracule Mihawk
Shanks and Mihawk = connected to the WG
It’s all coming together
Imu destroys his head to bestow powers to individuals (Godheads) ->
The seventh Godhead is the secret individual who meets with Imu in the room of flowers ->
Nerona family is the original Monarchs of the Lulusia kingdom (why Imu blew it up and before he was the devil, Lucifer was the Light bringer)