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The Honoured One
He can react but Sanji’s kicks are superior to King’s so Zoro would be blown away

Plus King’s an idiot and decided not to use his flame enhanced kicks for… some reason

Sanji wouldn’t make the same mistake
Saying Sanji has better physical strength than King is disingenious, especially considering early on in the arc King swats him away after grabbing his kick. Casually.

Can move Zoro, sure. But blow him away lol. Come on man don't lie. Zoro is the physical monster here not Sanji.

Also why wouldn't Zoro be able to react to Sanji once he attacks Zoro. He has to pop out of his invisibility "speed mode" to attack as shown with vs Queen.

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
No? It’s just Sanjis strong moments are less flashy. Speedblitzing Nesjuro, and face tanking attacks from an amped water Jinbe for examples.

Sanjis never going to be the highest AP fighter but he’s the most well rounded in the Monster trio.
Yeah. That's exactly what I'm saying.

Luffy and Zoro get all the hype and it's gross.

You're a well-rounded One Piece fan, so it doesn't piss you off that much.

I'm a crazy person and I'm sick of Oda shortchanging Sanji and Usopp on panel.

Sanji and Usopp are awesome, they deserve the flashy moments, too.

Mr. Prince as a non-fighter was better than this. I don't need Sanji to kick ass.


I'm glad you still think that, but I can't blame the people who want Sanji to be portrayed better, they have every right to complain.

Time-Skip made Sanji's weaknesses worse, it sucks.
Nah, I just get easily distracted by other stuff nowadays. I've read a lot of books before, but I stopped during uni and eventually lost interest.
I feel like I’ve had the reverse version of this, I fell out of love with manga and don’t think I’ll read any of it when one piece & kingdom end.
I hope you find your way back to books
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