Powers & Abilities Which devil fruits would or do you expect to appear in Elbaf?

Kizaruber Eats

Loki gon give it to ya.
What devil fruits would you guys like or expect to see? I'm expecting some Norse mythical zoans but I hope theyre are not going to take the spotlight AGAIN, sigh.

I'm hoping for some new logias, especially wind and earth, I HOPE to see giants with devil fruits especially a logia. If Dragon doesnt have the wind logia, a giant with one would be absolutely INSANE!

I want to see something relating to Fables specifically and also Runes,. Some kind of duelling focused fruit too. I wanted a guillotine fruit for Catarina Devon, if one could appear in Elbaf or One Piece in general somehow, by the SLIMMEST (slimmer than Slim Shady) chance, I would be so happy too!

A thorny vine or at least thorn fruit could be cool too. Maybe seed fruit too? Feast feast fruit? Meat fruit? Haha.

I did toy with the idea of a Drum Drum fruit or something similar too. A Bone devil fruit could be pretty sick too or a blood related one.

I want to see Valkyries in Elbaf too even if we only get one via a devil fruit at least, maybe a woman with a wing devil fruit at least? Or a mythical zoan?

I expect to see a canon Shrink fruit in One Piece at some point, Im really surprised we dont have one yet! Funnily enough a female giant had a shinking fruit in that one filler arc ofc but it only affected herself as opposed to other people or objects or w/e ofc!


I'm trying to think what else right now, lets see some great ideas! I might ask AI for some ideas too...

A death related fruit would be sick too, like necromancy or and causing death to others like Zerefs death aura in Fairy Tail or with a single touch Grim Reaper style! Grim Reaper Zoan? Lmao. (Finally we'll get a damn explanation for that grim reaper in Onigashima then somehow I guess? /s)

Some devil fruits to help giants move faster and be more nimble would be great too generally.

I hope Jozu returns or if he is dead his diamond fruit returns too and I hope for Tokis and Corazons fruits to FINALLY reappear too sooner or later, in Elbaf or not....

Kizaruber Eats

Loki gon give it to ya.
Damn this thread straight up just ignored like my other threads on here.

Probably won't appear here but I hope Orochi's fruit appears again and is in the hands of someone who's actually competent and strong
Western dragon please Oda...

Thanks for responding though guys, I appreciate you guys giving some responses though.

I'm still furious about how Oda handled Orochis fruit especially when the game Okami made Orochi look far more impressive an extremely long time ago now too.

A western dragon is a must too definitely, Oda just drew another one for this colour spread ofc and I've been hoping for them since punk hazard with that cloned dragon.

I still believe the giant egg on Rogers ship was a western dragon and maybe it's protecting Rogers ship now or on laugh tale protecting the one piece itself. If it's the last surviving dragon, of the western variety at least, then it being on laugh tale especially would be perfect for it's safety.

Some ideas i generated:

* Oil-Oil Fruit: (As before) Control and become oil.

* Sky-Sky Fruit: (As before) Control weather, summon storms, and become intangible.

* Runes-Runes Fruit: (As before) Manifest runes with various magical effects.

* Wind-Wind Fruit: (As before) Control and become wind.

* Earth-Earth Fruit: Control and become earth, manipulating rocks, sand, and even creating earthquakes.

Mythical Zoan
* Jötunn-Jötunn Fruit: (As before) Transform into a Jötunn with earth and stone manipulation.

* Valkyrie-Valkyrie Fruit: (As before) Become a Valkyrie with flight and enhanced combat skills.

* Sleipnir-Sleipnir Fruit: (As before) Transform into Sleipnir with speed, stamina, and all-terrain movement.

* Dragon-Dragon Fruit, Model: Lindworm: (As before) Become a Lindworm with strength and a serpentine body.

Ancient Zoan
* Irish Elk-Irish Elk Fruit: (As before) Transform into the Irish Elk with massive antlers.

* Tyrannosaurus Rex-Tyrannosaurus Rex Fruit: (As before) Transform into a Tyrannosaurus Rex with immense size and power.

* Dire Wolf-Dire Wolf Fruit, Model: Wargs: (As before) Transform into a powerful Dire Wolf.

* Giant Short-Faced Bear-Giant Short-Faced Bear Fruit: (As before) Transform into the massive, extinct bear.

Regular Zoan
* Bear-Bear Fruit, Model: Cave Bear: (As before) Transform into the powerful Cave Bear.

* Boar-Boar Fruit, Model: Giant Forest Hog: (As before) Transform into the aggressive Giant Forest Hog.

* Lion-Lion Fruit, Model: Cave Lion: (As before) Transform into the extinct Cave Lion.


* Battlecry-Battlecry Fruit: (As before) Enhance their voice for powerful attacks and morale boosts. (Make it more like black bolt in marvels powers too maybe)

* Endurance-Endurance Fruit: (As before) Gain superhuman stamina and resilience.

* Magic-Magic Fruit: (As before) Perform various magical spells and abilities.

* Alchemy-Alchemy Fruit: (As before) Transform and manipulate objects and materials.

* Blacksmith-Blacksmith Fruit: Enhance the user's blacksmithing skills to superhuman levels, allowing them to create weapons and armor of incredible quality and power.

* Sail-Sail Fruit: Manipulate and control sails, potentially allowing the user to fly, create powerful gusts of wind, or even generate shields.

* Drum-Drum Fruit: Create and control drums, using them to generate powerful sound waves, enhance the user's physical abilities, or even control the rhythm of a battle.

* Axe-Axe Fruit: Generate and control axes of various sizes and materials, using them for powerful melee attacks or even throwing them with incredible accuracy and force.

Unique Paramecia

* Saga-Saga Fruit: (As before) Record their actions as epic sagas, influencing the world around them.

* Berserker-Berserker Fruit: (As before) Enter a berserker rage, increasing strength and resilience but losing control.

* Giants' Spirit-Giants' Spirit Fruit: (As before) Channel the spirits of giant heroes.

* Feast-Feast Fruit: (As before) Create endless feasts to boost morale and strength.

* Fable-Fable Fruit: Bring fables and stories to life, summoning characters and creatures from legends or even altering reality to fit a narrative.

* Duel-Duel Fruit: Create a dueling arena with specific rules and enhanced abilities.

* Shield-Shield Fruit: Generate and manipulate shields of various sizes and materials.

* Flying Fruit: Grant the user the ability to fly, with a variety of potential styles and techniques.
Damn this thread straight up just ignored like my other threads on here.

Thanks for responding though guys, I appreciate you guys giving some responses though.

I'm still furious about how Oda handled Orochis fruit especially when the game Okami made Orochi look far more impressive an extremely long time ago now too.

A western dragon is a must too definitely, Oda just drew another one for this colour spread ofc and I've been hoping for them since punk hazard with that cloned dragon.

I still believe the giant egg on Rogers ship was a western dragon and maybe it's protecting Rogers ship now or on laugh tale protecting the one piece itself. If it's the last surviving dragon, of the western variety at least, then it being on laugh tale especially would be perfect for it's safety.

Some ideas i generated:

* Oil-Oil Fruit: (As before) Control and become oil.

* Sky-Sky Fruit: (As before) Control weather, summon storms, and become intangible.

* Runes-Runes Fruit: (As before) Manifest runes with various magical effects.

* Wind-Wind Fruit: (As before) Control and become wind.

* Earth-Earth Fruit: Control and become earth, manipulating rocks, sand, and even creating earthquakes.

Mythical Zoan
* Jötunn-Jötunn Fruit: (As before) Transform into a Jötunn with earth and stone manipulation.

* Valkyrie-Valkyrie Fruit: (As before) Become a Valkyrie with flight and enhanced combat skills.

* Sleipnir-Sleipnir Fruit: (As before) Transform into Sleipnir with speed, stamina, and all-terrain movement.

* Dragon-Dragon Fruit, Model: Lindworm: (As before) Become a Lindworm with strength and a serpentine body.

Ancient Zoan
* Irish Elk-Irish Elk Fruit: (As before) Transform into the Irish Elk with massive antlers.

* Tyrannosaurus Rex-Tyrannosaurus Rex Fruit: (As before) Transform into a Tyrannosaurus Rex with immense size and power.

* Dire Wolf-Dire Wolf Fruit, Model: Wargs: (As before) Transform into a powerful Dire Wolf.

* Giant Short-Faced Bear-Giant Short-Faced Bear Fruit: (As before) Transform into the massive, extinct bear.

Regular Zoan
* Bear-Bear Fruit, Model: Cave Bear: (As before) Transform into the powerful Cave Bear.

* Boar-Boar Fruit, Model: Giant Forest Hog: (As before) Transform into the aggressive Giant Forest Hog.

* Lion-Lion Fruit, Model: Cave Lion: (As before) Transform into the extinct Cave Lion.


* Battlecry-Battlecry Fruit: (As before) Enhance their voice for powerful attacks and morale boosts. (Make it more like black bolt in marvels powers too maybe)

* Endurance-Endurance Fruit: (As before) Gain superhuman stamina and resilience.

* Magic-Magic Fruit: (As before) Perform various magical spells and abilities.

* Alchemy-Alchemy Fruit: (As before) Transform and manipulate objects and materials.

* Blacksmith-Blacksmith Fruit: Enhance the user's blacksmithing skills to superhuman levels, allowing them to create weapons and armor of incredible quality and power.

* Sail-Sail Fruit: Manipulate and control sails, potentially allowing the user to fly, create powerful gusts of wind, or even generate shields.

* Drum-Drum Fruit: Create and control drums, using them to generate powerful sound waves, enhance the user's physical abilities, or even control the rhythm of a battle.

* Axe-Axe Fruit: Generate and control axes of various sizes and materials, using them for powerful melee attacks or even throwing them with incredible accuracy and force.

Unique Paramecia

* Saga-Saga Fruit: (As before) Record their actions as epic sagas, influencing the world around them.

* Berserker-Berserker Fruit: (As before) Enter a berserker rage, increasing strength and resilience but losing control.

* Giants' Spirit-Giants' Spirit Fruit: (As before) Channel the spirits of giant heroes.

* Feast-Feast Fruit: (As before) Create endless feasts to boost morale and strength.

* Fable-Fable Fruit: Bring fables and stories to life, summoning characters and creatures from legends or even altering reality to fit a narrative.

* Duel-Duel Fruit: Create a dueling arena with specific rules and enhanced abilities.

* Shield-Shield Fruit: Generate and manipulate shields of various sizes and materials.

* Flying Fruit: Grant the user the ability to fly, with a variety of potential styles and techniques.
Well, uh, I could help promote the thread if you want. No skin off my back after all

Kizaruber Eats

Loki gon give it to ya.
Well, uh, I could help promote the thread if you want. No skin off
my back after all
That would be great thank you. Appreciate the offer.


No idea, honestly I don't remember arc themed devil fruits bar Orochi Yamato no Orochi and Wano (Japan).
No worries, thanks for your reply anyway. I was too grumpy about the lack of replies earlier, just having a really shitty time IRL lately.

I hope Oda goes very fantastical and fable themed in this arc, something like WCI was, I really loved the vast range of DFs and abilities in that arc, it felt like pre TS on steroids. Really fun arc for that reason especially along with musical sections especially in the anime.

Read and responded, interesting thread, thanks!

If DFs are desires, then in Elbaf I expect a DF to
-become smaller, Tontatta height
-become taller than the tallest giants
Oh yeah true, the whole desire thing too. Yeah that would make sense, there must be a giant who wanted to be smaller and hate their height too. I expected San Juan Wolf to have this fruit maybe but Oda could do something interesting with it regardless if the fruit appears in Elbaf ofc.
Shrink/compression powers have a lot of potential and Luffy showed the sheer power of compression with Kong Gun for example ofc.

Thats interesting you mention that too, maybe a tower tower fruit for the taller one? We have San Juan Wolf a giant with a DeviantArt I mean inflation fruit (Will of Deviancy goes strong) so that could tie into that, as we know NOTHING about him still! I hope he appears in Elbaf and actually gets a role finally too, as opposed to being the ultimate giant fodder and getting offscreened and almost killed by Garp lol sigh.

Hito Hito no mi Model Jika

ㅡ Gui, The Grass Owner.
Lmao I see what you did there, GOAT response! Greatest Of All Thread Responses hahaha!

Im so heartbroken, angry, devastated etc that Oda really couldnt let us have a serious fight with Shanks and Kidd. Even though Kidd would get bodied still ultimately ofc. Law got to fight Blackbeard and lose even though there was still a lot of offscreening but Odas bias is shameless after all.

Well maybe we can pray that SOMEHOW not only Kidd will return but he will get a rematch against Shanks, even if it damn near feels like a miracle for it to happen at this point now, sigh.


In terms of new fruits:
Human Human fruit Model Elbaf
Bridge Bridge Fruit (basically a fruit that created the rainbow bridge)
Wait an Elbaf Zoan?


Bridge bridge fruit is a dope idea man, I Love that! I wanted a fruit to link to the Bifrost, the rainbow bridge ofc, I was gonna go with rainbow rainbow no mi, but I thought it would be risky to say that, given what "controversies" come associated with rainbows these days.


Seriously though, a bridge fruit is such a simple but great idea with a LOT of potential!

I workshopped some ideas with AI based on the bridge bridge fruit concept and got this:

Basic Abilities:

  • Manifestation: Create bridges of any material imaginable - stone, steel, ice, even light or pure energy. These bridges can be any size, spanning vast distances or forming intricate networks.
  • Manipulation: Control existing bridges, altering their shape, size, and properties. Imagine a bridge that twists and turns to evade attacks or one that morphs into a cage to trap an opponent.
  • Connection: Connect anything with a bridge. This could be physical locations, but also abstract concepts like emotions or even dimensions. Imagine bridging the gap between two people's hearts or creating a bridge to a different realm!
  • Environmental Control: Turn the environment itself into bridges. Imagine the ground rising up to form pathways, buildings morphing into interconnected structures, or even the air solidifying into bridges in the sky.
  • Conceptual Bridging: Manipulate the very concept of "connection". This could involve:
    • Teleportation: Create instant bridges between two points in space, effectively teleporting oneself or others.
    • Power Augmentation: Bridge the gap between one's own power and another's, amplifying their abilities or sharing their strength.
    • Fate Manipulation: Influence the "bridges" of fate, subtly altering the course of events or creating unlikely connections between people and situations.
Abstract Applications:
  • Bridging emotions: Heal rifts between people, soothe anger, or inspire hope by creating bridges of empathy and understanding.
  • Bridging realities: Connect to different dimensions or timelines, opening up possibilities for travel and exploration beyond imagination.
  • Bridging the gap between life and death: A truly abstract and potentially terrifying ability - imagine creating a bridge to the afterlife or even resurrecting the dead.
The Bridge-Bridge Fruit, in the hands of a creative and powerful user, could be one of the most versatile and formidable abilities in the One Piece world. It could be used for travel, combat, healing, and even manipulating the very fabric of reality. The possibilities are truly endless, limited only by the user's imagination and mastery of their powers.

Elbaf's Influence:
  • Colossal Bridges: Imagine bridges on an Elbaf scale, spanning across entire oceans, connecting islands, or even reaching into the sky. These structures wouldn't just be pathways; they would be monumental feats of architecture, embodying the strength and spirit of the giants.
  • Runic Enhancements: Incorporate the runes and symbols of Elbafian culture into the bridges, imbuing them with magical properties like enhanced durability, increased speed, or even elemental powers.
  • Warrior's Path: The bridges could be designed as trials or tests of strength, with obstacles and challenges woven into their structure, reflecting the warrior culture of Elbaf.
Bifrost Inspiration:
  • Rainbow Bridge: Create shimmering, rainbow-hued bridges that arc across the sky, evoking the majesty of the Bifrost. These bridges could pulse with energy, crackling with lightning or shimmering with an ethereal glow.
  • Gateway to the Gods: Just as the Bifrost connects Asgard to Midgard, these bridges could lead to hidden realms, sky islands, or even the moon, allowing travel to places previously thought unreachable.
  • Divine Protection: Imbue the bridges with a divine aura, making them impervious to harm and capable of repelling evil.
Awakening: Bridge Between Worlds
  • Life and Death Connection: The ultimate bridge - a pathway between the world of the living and the realm of the dead. Imagine being able to summon the spirits of fallen warriors, commune with ancestors, or even guide souls to the afterlife.
  • Spiritual Energy: Tap into the spiritual energy of Elbaf and the World Tree, Yggdrasil, which connects the nine realms in Norse mythology. This could grant the user immense power, allowing them to manipulate the forces of life and death itself.
  • World-Shaping: At the peak of their power, the user could reshape the world itself, creating new lands, bridging continents, or even altering the very flow of time.
This Bridge-Bridge Fruit user would become a legendary figure, a bridge-builder on a cosmic scale, wielding the power to connect not just physical locations, but also the realms of the living and the dead, shaping the destiny of the world. It's a truly epic concept, worthy of the grand tales of Elbaf and the mythology of the Norse gods.

Thanks for the replies so far guys, very interesting discussion so far already as I hoped for! Appreciate it!

That would be great thank you. Appreciate the offer.


No worries, thanks for your reply anyway. I was too grumpy about the lack of replies earlier, just having a really shitty time IRL lately.

I hope Oda goes very fantastical and fable themed in this arc, something like WCI was, I really loved the vast range of DFs and abilities in that arc, it felt like pre TS on steroids. Really fun arc for that reason especially along with musical sections especially in the anime.

Read and responded, interesting thread, thanks!

Oh yeah true, the whole desire thing too. Yeah that would make sense, there must be a giant who wanted to be smaller and hate their height too. I expected San Juan Wolf to have this fruit maybe but Oda could do something interesting with it regardless if the fruit appears in Elbaf ofc.
Shrink/compression powers have a lot of potential and Luffy showed the sheer power of compression with Kong Gun for example ofc.

Thats interesting you mention that too, maybe a tower tower fruit for the taller one? We have San Juan Wolf a giant with a DeviantArt I mean inflation fruit (Will of Deviancy goes strong) so that could tie into that, as we know NOTHING about him still! I hope he appears in Elbaf and actually gets a role finally too, as opposed to being the ultimate giant fodder and getting offscreened and almost killed by Garp lol sigh.

Lmao I see what you did there, GOAT response! Greatest Of All Thread Responses hahaha!

Im so heartbroken, angry, devastated etc that Oda really couldnt let us have a serious fight with Shanks and Kidd. Even though Kidd would get bodied still ultimately ofc. Law got to fight Blackbeard and lose even though there was still a lot of offscreening but Odas bias is shameless after all.

Well maybe we can pray that SOMEHOW not only Kidd will return but he will get a rematch against Shanks, even if it damn near feels like a miracle for it to happen at this point now, sigh.


Wait an Elbaf Zoan?


Bridge bridge fruit is a dope idea man, I Love that! I wanted a fruit to link to the Bifrost, the rainbow bridge ofc, I was gonna go with rainbow rainbow no mi, but I thought it would be risky to say that, given what "controversies" come associated with rainbows these days.


Seriously though, a bridge fruit is such a simple but great idea with a LOT of potential!

I workshopped some ideas with AI based on the bridge bridge fruit concept and got this:

Basic Abilities:
  • Manifestation: Create bridges of any material imaginable - stone, steel, ice, even light or pure energy. These bridges can be any size, spanning vast distances or forming intricate networks.
  • Manipulation: Control existing bridges, altering their shape, size, and properties. Imagine a bridge that twists and turns to evade attacks or one that morphs into a cage to trap an opponent.
  • Connection: Connect anything with a bridge. This could be physical locations, but also abstract concepts like emotions or even dimensions. Imagine bridging the gap between two people's hearts or creating a bridge to a different realm!
  • Environmental Control: Turn the environment itself into bridges. Imagine the ground rising up to form pathways, buildings morphing into interconnected structures, or even the air solidifying into bridges in the sky.
  • Conceptual Bridging: Manipulate the very concept of "connection". This could involve:
    • Teleportation: Create instant bridges between two points in space, effectively teleporting oneself or others.
    • Power Augmentation: Bridge the gap between one's own power and another's, amplifying their abilities or sharing their strength.
    • Fate Manipulation: Influence the "bridges" of fate, subtly altering the course of events or creating unlikely connections between people and situations.
Abstract Applications:
  • Bridging emotions: Heal rifts between people, soothe anger, or inspire hope by creating bridges of empathy and understanding.
  • Bridging realities: Connect to different dimensions or timelines, opening up possibilities for travel and exploration beyond imagination.
  • Bridging the gap between life and death: A truly abstract and potentially terrifying ability - imagine creating a bridge to the afterlife or even resurrecting the dead.
The Bridge-Bridge Fruit, in the hands of a creative and powerful user, could be one of the most versatile and formidable abilities in the One Piece world. It could be used for travel, combat, healing, and even manipulating the very fabric of reality. The possibilities are truly endless, limited only by the user's imagination and mastery of their powers.

Elbaf's Influence:
  • Colossal Bridges: Imagine bridges on an Elbaf scale, spanning across entire oceans, connecting islands, or even reaching into the sky. These structures wouldn't just be pathways; they would be monumental feats of architecture, embodying the strength and spirit of the giants.
  • Runic Enhancements: Incorporate the runes and symbols of Elbafian culture into the bridges, imbuing them with magical properties like enhanced durability, increased speed, or even elemental powers.
  • Warrior's Path: The bridges could be designed as trials or tests of strength, with obstacles and challenges woven into their structure, reflecting the warrior culture of Elbaf.
Bifrost Inspiration:
  • Rainbow Bridge: Create shimmering, rainbow-hued bridges that arc across the sky, evoking the majesty of the Bifrost. These bridges could pulse with energy, crackling with lightning or shimmering with an ethereal glow.
  • Gateway to the Gods: Just as the Bifrost connects Asgard to Midgard, these bridges could lead to hidden realms, sky islands, or even the moon, allowing travel to places previously thought unreachable.
  • Divine Protection: Imbue the bridges with a divine aura, making them impervious to harm and capable of repelling evil.
Awakening: Bridge Between Worlds
  • Life and Death Connection: The ultimate bridge - a pathway between the world of the living and the realm of the dead. Imagine being able to summon the spirits of fallen warriors, commune with ancestors, or even guide souls to the afterlife.
  • Spiritual Energy: Tap into the spiritual energy of Elbaf and the World Tree, Yggdrasil, which connects the nine realms in Norse mythology. This could grant the user immense power, allowing them to manipulate the forces of life and death itself.
  • World-Shaping: At the peak of their power, the user could reshape the world itself, creating new lands, bridging continents, or even altering the very flow of time.
This Bridge-Bridge Fruit user would become a legendary figure, a bridge-builder on a cosmic scale, wielding the power to connect not just physical locations, but also the realms of the living and the dead, shaping the destiny of the world. It's a truly epic concept, worthy of the grand tales of Elbaf and the mythology of the Norse gods.

Thanks for the replies so far guys, very interesting discussion so far already as I hoped for! Appreciate it!

Elbaf is the name of the War God in the same Pantheon as Nika, so I figured since Nika had a fruit, Elbaf should too.

Kizaruber Eats

Loki gon give it to ya.
Elbaf is the name of the War God in the same Pantheon as Nika, so I figured since Nika had a fruit, Elbaf should too.
Oh yeah! I thought that was mentioned before but I couldn't find anything on it so I was very confused. I was adamant it was mentioned in some capacity though, thanks! That makes a lot of sense then, the land must have been named after them then I bet?
Oh yeah! I thought that was mentioned before but I couldn't find anything on it so I was very confused. I was adamant it was mentioned in some capacity though, thanks! That makes a lot of sense then, the land must have been named after them then I bet?
Yeah it was mentioned in Little Garden. When Dory got injured he said this was divine judgement of the War God Elbaf.

Yeah I figured they named the country after him. IMO seeing the importance of Yggdrasil, I’d bet that Elbaf is the Forest God just like Nika is the Sun God and God of Liberation.

Kizaruber Eats

Loki gon give it to ya.
Yeah it was mentioned in Little Garden. When Dory got injured he said this was divine judgement of the War God Elbaf.

Yeah I figured they named the country after him. IMO seeing the importance of Yggdrasil, I’d bet that Elbaf is the Forest God just like Nika is the Sun God and God of Liberation.
That makes a LOT of sense, I like that!

I really hope we see the Forest, Earth, Rain Gods or w/e. I need that payoff.

Nice one anyway thanks man!


Kizaruber Eats

Loki gon give it to ya.
If I were to guess Imus fruit is the snake snake fruit model earth god.
Oh yeah I've seen that suggest somewhere before, probably here and maybe by you ofc? That would be very cool! Would tie together really nicely with what we know and I wouldn't be surprised if Oda came up with a new Zoan for Imu like with Luffy and Nika but just inspired by real life mythology or w/e ofc.
Oh yeah I've seen that suggest somewhere before, probably here and maybe by you ofc? That would be very cool! Would tie together really nicely with what we know and I wouldn't be surprised if Oda came up with a new Zoan for Imu like with Luffy and Nika but just inspired by real life mythology or w/e ofc.
It can be both. The reason I say snake is because of the classic theming of having snakes be the devils.
Apophis the sun eater
The devil
The Leviathan
The fiery serpants of Slavia

And so forth. Plus in Jaya they had confused the giant snake for a god.

Kizaruber Eats

Loki gon give it to ya.
It can be both. The reason I say snake is because of the classic theming of having snakes be the devils.
Apophis the sun eater
The devil
The Leviathan
The fiery serpants of Slavia

And so forth. Plus in Jaya they had confused the giant snake for a god.
Oh yeah true, great point! It also goes back to Adam and Eve then too for more parallels as well. And thus "cursed/forbidden fruits" ofc.