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Kizaruber Eats

Elbaf looks amazing!
Nah, this should honestly be Nami, Usopp, and Kidd's arc based on how Oda has set the story up.

I think I actually had a nightmare where Usopp beat Kidd in a fight in Elbaf and @Kizaruber Eats high-jacked a blimp and tried to crash into Oda's house, but instead landed in a conservatory for endangered species of rabbits, setting hundreds of endangered rabbits on fire to burn to their doom.

Maybe I should stop eating the talking mushrooms in the forest /s

No I seriously need more sleep LOL

@Pot Goblin



Hello CoC Colour of Clowns. I want to play a game.

It has come to my attention that you have committed a most heinous crime against logic and reason. You dared to suggest that the valiant, but ultimately ordinary Usopp could defeat the mighty Eustass "Captain" Kidd, master of magnetism and all-around badass. This transgression cannot stand!

Therefore, I have designed a game to test your devotion to the true pirate powerhouses. Before you is a stage, a microphone, and an audience of unimpressed clowns.

Your task is simple: perform a stand-up comedy routine extolling the virtues of Eustass Kidd while simultaneously juggling bowling pins and balancing a rubber chicken on your head. The punchline of every joke must be "Kidd would crush him!" Succeed in making the clowns laugh, and you will be absolved of your crimes against common sense. Fail to elicit even a single chuckle, and you will be forced to endure the most humiliating clown-themed punishment imaginable: wearing an oversized polka-dot onesie while singing "I'm a Little Teapot" in a squeaky clown voice and oversized shoes.

The choice is yours, CoC Colour of Clowns. Choose wisely, and may the odds be ever... clownishly... in your favor.
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