He is old, for a mangaka he is simple to old.
Or can you name me many old mangaka in his age who doing weekly manga release and keep working over 20years without using ai and other helps?
Read this and think twice about what you and other put thought Oda right now:
Manga Artists May Have Shorter Life Spans Than Average: Report
"The report comes from
Yaraon Blog in the wake of Aira Toriyma’a death. A group of fans were curious how many manga artists in recent years died at a young age, and that search expanded over time. As you can see here, the data gathered information from 219 manga artists who died from natural causes (i.e. no accidents, disasters, murders). It was there the data suggested the average male manga artist dies at 62.6 years old compared to the higher national average.
After all, Japan has a rather high lifespan average for its citizens. On average, Japanese men live to 83 years old. This new chart doesn’t share a bigger picture of the mangaka community, however. It is true that a number of manga artists have died young, but there are many more manga artists who’ve lived long lives. More research needs to be done into the percentage of mangaka deaths both below and at average. But in the wake of Toriyama’s death, this new chart has raised red flags with netizens.
It is no secret that making manga is hard. The industry is incredibly competitive, and the deadlines are almost impossibly difficult. From Yoshihiro Togashi (
Hunter x Hunter) to Masaoki Shindo (
Ruri Dragon), manga artists have long spoken about the toll work has taken on their health. Even greats like
One Piece‘s Eiichiro Oda have lamented work conditions in the face of manga’s global growth. And sadly, fans fear more mangaka deaths will come to pass before the industry revises its conditions. "
There are so many example, you can barely find any mangaka who still working on a manga with over 45age old...
Even Kishi and other mangaka retire and the current generation even with Ai help retire in young ages.
So yes Oda is old for being a mangaka...
And it ruin his manga, live action and other stuff could come after the manga finished, not during the most important arcs...
Then he should ask himself what is more important for him, his manga or other projects.
It sound hard but it legit a concern he should take.
The breaks prove he can´t keep up this, the breaks became more and more regular showing off that his Health is getting a worse.
With means he can´t keep doing these things.
Best example: The past weeks.
Opla alone took over 1-2month break in general this year...
And that is old.
For a mangaka this is a very old age.
Or can you show me examples of mangaka who working weekly on a manga with that age, I WAIT.
Togashi and many other mangaka literally have months of break to release 10-15chapters...
You guys keep saying "what Oda wants" but he should also think what his fans wants, what his fans fear to get.
We are the reason why One Piece got popular, why it got many movies and even a live action.
We also deserve a finished story. We also have a dream to witness the end of the manga.
We are a part of One Piece, without us fans, what is One Piece?
Oda even keep saying this.
I get it, his dream is it to get a oscar/gremmy and became popular with One Piece in Hollywood.
But let be real here, the chance for it is pretty low.
Even high rate movies like Marvel couldn´t do it.
OPLA is poor in Cgi and writing, basic actors who are not terrible or good either...
And the fact that manga keep getting worse breaks is really a big concern here..
And yes we have any right to fear something might happen to Oda if he overworks himself.
Or do you wouldn´t stop your mother/dad/brother/friend and telling him that he overworks himself?
Mangaka have a very hard jobs, best example look around, you barely find weekly mangaka works who are over 50....
And One Piece is a weekly manga who is running since 20years...
So he should take a prio, either his health became worse and cut of manga chapters to help the live action>more breaks and less research for his own manga...
Or he cut of the live action and focus on his most biggest dream>The manga...