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Destroya is probably town, Charlie is probably town, York is probably town. Those are the three reads that stood out to me in some sembelence while I was playing the game. Destroya is applying pressure to me in what I consider to be a "genuine" so to speak way, Charlie's mech posts and posts around the mech - while I believe misguided, I don't think a wolf sticks out there neck like that so early on in the game in such a way to make them the center of it. York is probably town for going against Charlie's mech reasons for similar to mine, shows some level of paranoia.
I also did genuinely town lean Flower as well, she likes reading me as village, and she would do so as wolf imo rather than accuse my entrance for being LAMISTY.
I'm not sure like, what exactly I'm doing is annoying. I'm capable of playing a more "serious" game so to speak - I just tend to find that when I do people don't enjoy that mechanism of gameplay from me, and people tend to wolf read it. I've largely resigned myself to just "having fun" in worstgen games with the occasional read left and right - especially in role madness games like this one. If you have anything specific that you don't like it that I do, please let me know. I try to be friendly to everyone since I'm self conscious and sometimes that reflects negatively and I'm sorry if it does :3.
I'm sorry, Luka, I don't want to hurt your feelings, and I certainly don't want you to change the way you act to appease me. I admit I find how... saccharine you are a little grating sometimes, but I find most of the players here grating sometimes, and I'm sure I grate on people a lot too. I actually enjoy it, because I'm nasty like that.

Regardless, I was less so referring to you being annoying and moreso to reading you being annoying, because you are a frustratingly consistent player between your town and scum self.
I probably didn't need to include that first paragraph but I am nothing if not honest. Anyway, I like you, and you make me paranoid


No dude... that's a bike...!!
I was just going to hide behind Ratchet but York's posts made me feel bad and I'm not sure Ratchet wants me to just hide behind them every time so I'll actually address this.

I didn't like Luka's entrance into the game. He said he was fine sheeping Ratchet and that pinged me because we had multiple people saying that they'd be fine sheeping Ratchet. I have the slightest of town vibe for Ratchet, so maybe it's possible he's town and wolves want to buddy him. Not saying all who said they'd sheep him are wolves, just too many cute comments about Ratchet from others and that doesn't feel great.

Ratchet is a very good player and a very strong town. I ISO'd them and came to the conclusion that I probably lean them town since:
1) The thoughts on Ekko felt real, and a sentiment I shared after skimming his posts
and 2) Ratchet as a wolf would try to "go with the flow" a bit more, to not be like, super apparent with the gamestate how they're acting. It's very easy to wolf read that type of behavoir, especially from a strong player like Ratchet - and I think that they would know that, so I leaned them town.
Since I came to the conclusion that Ratchet was town, I felt like it was at the very least apt to try to sheep them a bit since I genuinely believe they're a really good player with really good reads.
I'm also overly friendly to Ratchet at points to try to get them to like me but don't tell anyone

Luka also voted for Ekko at a time where there was a vote or two on him, which I didn't love.
Ratchet voted them, I was sheeping them with the afformentioned logic.

Then his interactions with Flower made me feel like he is a dog showing his belly, same with how he's interacted with me slightly. All in all, I'm getting an off vibe from him and don't mind applying some pressure.
I mean, that's just how I act? Like, read the post above - if you don't like how I act let me know so I can change it, I try to play without actually upsetting anyone in my gameplay since I don't like it when people are upset at me. But this isn't suitable justification to wolf read me.
wat ratchet's thoughts on me?
I'm sorry, Luka, I don't want to hurt your feelings, and I certainly don't want you to change the way you act to appease me. I admit I find how... saccharine you are a little grating sometimes, but I find most of the players here grating sometimes, and I'm sure I grate on people a lot too. I actually enjoy it, because I'm nasty like that.

Regardless, I was less so referring to you being annoying and moreso to reading you being annoying, because you are a frustratingly consistent player between your town and scum self.
I probably didn't need to include that first paragraph but I am nothing if not honest. Anyway, I like you, and you make me paranoid
Ty <3. I don't think that you explicitly hurt my feelings, even if I was a little upset to find out that you did find me grating, but like - that's not particularly your fault, you didn't really say something wrong, just me being sensitive :3, moreso I don't want to devolve your enjoyment of the game due to my posting style. Thank you for posting this, genuinely <3. It makes me happy to know that you like me
I don't really have much experience playing with you, since the games I have played with you I've uh, slanked a bit :3. But I do find you to be a enjoyable and levelheaded person, which is kind of shocking. I consider a lot of people on worstgen to like, this isn't an insult by the way - this is a sign of admiration, play the game on a different axis then I do entirely? Like, it's just so almost strange to me how the game operates on this forum and to some extent forums like OLF when compared to forums like MU. Yet you're one of the few players who I can consistently vibe with your logic and like, understand where you're coming from I guess. So yay! Also, I love your pfp :3
I just realized this is a but saccharine but I don't wanna delete it help
Sorry <3

Also, calling myself "frustratingly consistent" as a player kinda makes me giggle since I consider myself to be omega polarized tbh, I like, feel so different playing both alignments, even if I am theoretically capable of playing both to some degree of success. Like, my last few town games I get found really easily and usually die by nk fairly quickly just due to being unkillabel and my wolf games I get caught like, page 1. I don't wanna yap about how much I'm polarized since like, I'm sure that doens't help anyone read me nor do you wanna hear it - but it does make me giggle.
Sliding Luka over to town
I am NOT beating the polarized allegations
vote lynch yo tan wa

afk for rest of the day
Vote: Emil

Seeing UwU actually play is somewhat jarring, but happy to let him grow into the game, though I do have to note that in my experience he only ever tends to care when he's not town.

Rest of the posters I think are generally fine, YTW lean town.
Not an accusation persay, but the fact that the above post is wolfy. It's kinda an awk entrance to the game and an entrance I usually see exhibited more by scum players - myself included.
Also, you didn't actually afk
I'd probably launch Kweh into the sun right about now for a few reasons. One, chicken thighs sound really good right now. Two, their one interaction with the social part of the game is asking Ekko a flagrant question that means nothing and not coming to any conclusions based off of that question.
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