Bougya Are You Bitches Ready

My degeneracy? You see an official manga panel of a female character as a pfp and you're already calling me a gooner? U sure you're not the one projecting here? Or maybe you're scared of fictional depictions of women? Either way it's hilarious.
"Official manga panel", yes, Oda is also a pervert, everyone knows that


The only one who can beat me is me
If you're gonna stand on something then stand. Don't back out as soon as you get minimal pushback.
Bro is big mad. I ain't judging, just making observations. I don't know you bruh, your back and forth with Germinator made me think of how I never see certain pfps from Admiral bros and Zoro bros, but I do see them from Yonkoubros often.
@EmperorKinyagi This is the reason why I refuse to do powerscaling in this forum my dear Linyagi. It's just not fun. Users suck, the topics suck, and the trolling isn't even that funny.
That's why you just cherrypick
Threads like this fucking suck because of how haughty and conceited a lot of the Admiral fans here are, it's hard to talk to them without immediately losing brain cells tbh
But there are some genuinely fun powerscaling threads sometimes. Can't think of any examples right now but there definitely are some
Bro is big mad. I ain't judging, just making observations. I don't know you bruh, your back and forth with Germinator made me think of how I never see certain pfps from Admiral bros and Zoro bros, but I do see them from Yonkoubros often.
If you really think bro is out here cuz he is anti-gooner and not because he's "big mad" over me calling powerscalers "contempt-worthy" then I got a bridge to sell you.


The only one who can beat me is me
If you really think bro is out here cuz he is anti-gooner and not because he's "big mad" over me calling powerscalers "contempt-worthy" then I got a bridge to sell you.
Nah i think he genuinely despises gooners :rolaugh: he's said something similar before