Kuma’s mind is dead but his body is alive
Vegapunk’s body is dead but his mind is alive
They’ll combine them so Vegapunks mind and kuma’s body become one

Even with kuma and vegapunk being “dead” there has been a ton of emphasis on keeping them safe and saving them regardless. That’s probably because they won’t be “dead” for long
Kuma is a man without a mind but with a living body
Vegapunk’s main body is dead but his mind still lives on within his satellites and his actual brain/punk records
Vegapunks physical body doesn’t really matter since he in a way lives regardless through his mind anyway. Similar to how kuma is able to somehow live even tho he lost his mind
The fact they both still have their devil fruits is proof of that
So basically they’ll put Vegapunks apple antenna on kuma’s head to fully bring him back. The living vegapunk satellites will be more than enough to represent vegapunk imo