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✌𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓲𝓶𝓹𝓵𝓲𝓬𝓲𝓽𝔂 𝓸𝓯 𝓛𝓲𝓯𝓮✌
Well he claimed Draco, Draco while he was with the death eaters for a time it was mostly out of his control to be with them and the story point that Draco was ordered to kill Dumbledore makes me think Luka's win con is find and kill Dumbledore whihx if I'm right in my suspicions, I believe someone said they are Dumbledore and luka if he was paying attention can kill him tonight and win


✌𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓲𝓶𝓹𝓵𝓲𝓬𝓲𝓽𝔂 𝓸𝓯 𝓛𝓲𝓯𝓮✌
Can you elaborate on why you think he's specifically serial and not Mafia?
It makes sense for his role to be the SK In movie 4 or 5 idk they all blend together he was tasked to kill Dumbledore I can see Fushi making that into his character and making finding Dumbledore and killing him his wincon

If there's a SK no other character that I know about would fit that role going off of the lore


What could have been...
my previous posts on him, thats about it to be honest. blud barely has any posts so im squeezing water from rock here
AM keeps on deflecting every time i try to interact with him, i think for me thats reason to scum read him, and i was right on him in the aries game where everyone wanted my head and i shot AM but the shot killed myself due to fuji's redirect

im accusing u of being frozen and scared to OMGUS me when i threw shade your way, discuss

wats ur read of me rn? and any other thoughts
ok did some budget catchup, lets yeet AM or polar. polar gives more info given the amount of people that give thoughts on him or thoughts on his pushers but im more confident on AM being scum. we shud get both to claim and move from there

budget case on AM - he's usually more confident to omgus me or throw jabs my way when i shade him or even when im just doing nothing or low posting, he often times talks about my post counts not being inflated and votes my way casually, something that usually helps me identify him as town. i've prodded him here and received nothing of value back but deflection, he either magically learned how to read me or is scum. gonna no diff the flavor hint charlie is talking about. it could be a fake claim even tho AM generally prefers not to claim real or fake

there is also a lack of interest from the peanut gallery regarding the greatest PoE fodder of all time, AM, means he prob scum forreal and some of them his mates
I am once again asking you to play my POE game:
Claims I believe:
RA - mech clear by Jag
Stargate - Hagrid (consensus + 2x commute)
Charlie - Hermione. Investigator. is known to exist by Flower
Flower - Ron. dies instead of Hermione. Has protective stuff
Ratchet - Watcher + student (if UwU is a correct claim)
Emil - Sirius black. cleared(?) by Charlie.
Yoho - cleared by Charlie
Uwu - Umbridge
Crying - Reloader

Claims I don't believe:
Mr. Reloaded - Roleblocks ppl who target his target. Targeted Charlie N1 (I hope this isn't scum investigator but how else would Alexis know that Charlie is Hermione unless Alexis found out D2?). If the role is real tho it looks good for Mr. Reloaded to block Charlie though.
Alexis - claims redirector and then messenger. Idk how they knew who Hagrid or Hermione were.
Luka - Draco Malfoy. also a messenger who can give tamper immunity
Dr. Watson - can protect from vote manipulation and rolecrushing
Indigo - Roleblocker on odd nights. rolecrushes who targets them on even nights. I think this is 3p.

The Orca

So if I believe all 10 claims,
I would say KWEH, CW, Destroya, AM(?), YTW(?), Muugen(?) + 1 are maybe the other towns left?
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