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Well the way Oda "removed" these 2 legends absolutely sucked, Wano was a disaster that One Piece has yet to recover from if it ever does; and there is still lots of old legends left such as Rayleigh, Garp, Shakky and others.

Plus this is One Piece where the dead don't say dead and come back, this chapter being another proof of that.
We have to accept the way Aaokiji's DF works. That's why he was there against saul.

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
I understand the sentiment. But I think him surviving isn't kinemon or pell levels of ass. It's an acceptable development in my book.
Kuzan was introduced freezing Robin completely, and she was fine, what, a few hours later?

Robin is a Haki-less women in Long Ring Long Land, Saul is a Vice Admiral with Haki.

The idea that Saul survived was never ridiculous to begin with, especially in a series that generally shows the corpses of characters who die.

Kuzan wasn't willing to kill a woman with a near 100 million Berry bounty, who had actively helped take over Alabasta with Crocodile.

Kuzan is gonna kill Saul, though? Meh. If we wanted it, Saul would be dead.
Kuzan was introduced freezing Robin completely, and she was fine, what, a few hours later?

Robin is a Haki-less women in Long Ring Long Land, Saul is a Vice Admiral with Haki.

The idea that Saul survived was never ridiculous to begin with, especially in a series that generally shows the corpses of characters who die.

Kuzan wasn't willing to kill a woman with a near 100 million Berry bounty, who had actively helped take over Alabasta with Crocodile.

Kuzan is gonna kill Saul, though? Meh. If we wanted it, Saul would be dead.
The real question is if Kuzan knows Saul is alive.
I think it is unlikely.
You cannot build new legends until you tear down the old ones.
Wano marked the end of the old era, removing the last 2 powerhouses that remained from it.

All other powerhouses that are focused on in the final saga are from the mid gen or Void Century people.
Tho there is still Garling that belongs to that old gen so he can be used to tell us some relevant info if needed.
They are joining cg:willight:
Bro who reads stories for the story? That's dumb

The only smart thing to do with One Piece is to be a Zoro and Mihawk fan I mean that's what I do and it's how I get all my self esteem and it works for me