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What could have been...
if he flipped town id actually look even more at those who didnt towm read him yet didnt join his wagon, like naomi and tepig for instance

saber and han r probably indies / can be disposed of anytime


Arbiter of Truth
Ratchet 5 (Flower, Relo, Alexis, Yoho, Ekko)
Saber 2 (Charles, Saber)
Handium 1 (Tepig)

With that @Ratchet has been set for the Lynch

Write up will come soon

hi frens, muugen is town so gonna put on ignore to not decrease my effectiveness

vote lynch ratchet

this is a real vote, reasons will come out in a bit, let me finish reading
i'll just do it I guess, really doubt i'd go for anyone else anyway

Vote Lynch Saber
i know this sounds edgy as hell, but i’ve realized the only way i can help the town faction (full of inexperienced players) win is by literally dying
even though my mafia skills are way better than the rest of you, me staying alive is the kind of thing that could cost us the game later on so, i’ll sacrifice myself and then snag the MVP like always
won't mess with the balance since i didn’t start the game as town and don’t have any abilities that could help you newbies sorry asses anyway

vote lynch saber
Ye w/e.

Vote Lynch Alexis.
Vote Ratchet

Let's see what you cooking :endthis:
Vote Ratchet.

Will likely change again, but let‘s see where it goes.

Yes I'm willing to send Ratchet to the Gallows Vote Lynch Ratchet
btw lads, lets slow down with the votes now i forgot this is majority

u can keep ur votes i'll unvote. he was at L-2 i believe

vote lynch ratchet

wanna say we could also have roasted bacon for lunch but its kinda not halal

anyway think ratchet's a hit. how much left for the day


What could have been...
Day 2 Lynch, Spartacus Falls


Arbiter of Truth
The Hero of the Oppressed falls

@Ratchet Has been Lynched

They were Spartacus, a member of The Mafia

You are Spartacus, a member of the Mafia

[Passive - Hero of the Oppressed] - Fighting tyranny and oppression, Spartacus is no stranger to insurmountable odds. Yet his cause is a noble one, he truly believes in his mission and few can fault him. He will scan innocent on investigations.

[Passive - Pain is gain] - Spartacus fights to the bitter end, some pain doesn’t stop him, quite the contrary, it empowers him. He is immune to basic kills and his killing power will increase for each time he has been attacked. Every third time Spartacus is targeted with a kill he will explode and kill the attacker and any visitors they may have, resetting the process; turning fk back to basic kill and will upgrade again

[Active - ARE YOU AN OPPRESSOR?!] - Any Servant who is summoned as a Berserker has a madness enhancement placed on them, and in many cases this makes the servants mad and irrational to the point where they can’t talk or be reasoned with.

In Spartacus’ case his madness takes form in his extreme obsession with saving the Oppressed and ending all oppression. If he believes you are an oppressor he will stop at nothing to exterminate you.

Target a player and make the next action from your faction bypass any protections or immunities with the exception of jailed target. Also works for Faction Kill. [1-shot]

Wincon - Eliminate all threats to the Mafia
Day 3 starts


Arbiter of Truth
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