Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1136 Spoilers Discussion

I don't get offended over fanservice but it ain't the best way to make your antagonist threatening.
Maybe it'll be proven wrong but just based on it I don't her being a threat to the M3 (well, outside Sanji).
I don’t get offended either but sometimes it just too much. Like the Egghead designs? Okay I can deal with it for one arc. But to give it to ANTAGONIST arcs later? Jesus
Again, re read my post. Never did I say that theory was real not believe in it. In fact another one of my post is literally me saying I hope Kid kills every Nika clearly showing that I don’t like the form itself

So it is ironic you claim I have low reading comprehension when your dumbass can’t even read a comment correctly
The correlation between low IQ and temper is so strong, you might even argue that it is causation 😵‍💫