Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1136 Spoilers Discussion

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Yep, that's a 1 HP severely injured, braindead, and tortured Kuma who managed to easily one shot a Vice Admiral and knocked the light outta Saturn's face so hard, he flew through the entire island in the blink of a second. Saturn even lost some limps. Meanwhile, he didn't want any smoke with Akainu, tried his best to run away and STILL ended up with a burned face and a melted foot WHILST RUNNING AWAY. You realise there's a panel of Akainu literally hitting his foot and you can also see Kuma's foot melting?
Yeah that's a 1 HP heavily injured, brain dead, already tortured Kuma who deskainu failed to beat after he used his named attack LMAO.
Melted what? 😭 The mf was seen running in Egg head, it was seen on panel that it caught his leg but nothing was burnt.

That Kuma still had the strength to beat a VA, New Pacifistas, punching Saturn and saving bonney, that's how much Kuma was affected from Deskainu's attack, with literally nothing lmao.

Unlike Base Kaido who one shotted someone stronger than 1 HP Heavily injured, brain dead, already tortured Kuma
Deskainu against a 1 HP already heavily injured, Brain dead, tortured Kuma :

Base Kaido against someone who's stronger than 1 HP already heavily injured, Brain dead, tortured Kuma :
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