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Yeah yeah
But hyping up a featless jobber like Weevil to yonko level is acceptable right?
Or how about mr invincible katakuri?
I don’t know where you get the idea that I think overhyping Katakuri is fine when literally the page before this one I called out Kat fans.

Portrayal >> Feats is a consistent belief to have in One Piece. Weevil might be featless, but to be compared to prime WB off strength alone by an admiral is huge. I wouldn’t blame anyone that scales him above any commander
Yeah yeah
But hyping up a fearless jobber like Weevil to yonko level is acceptable right?
Or how about mr invincible katakuri?
Weevil did get compared to Young WB strenght wise, but nobody actually put him anywhear near yonko level except the Lee & co when they're ragebaiting.
Even Ndule doesn't actually claim Katakuri beat top tiers, he limit himself to saying he can push some of them to mid-high diff

Sword boys write serious paragraphs about how King is a top tier and get upset if you disagree that he beats admirals or that he can solo Tottland
Notice how Kuri wasn't used as a hype tool during WCI cover story?
That's the main difference between Katakuri and King
One is loved by author, the other isn't.
Oda decided to have ceasar gas him while he wws beating up german, than to make him lose to Kuzan on a cover page
:milaugh:He sacrified Cracker in the place of Katakuri

King lost to zoro, then lost badly to GB
Cracker lost to Luffy, then losty badky to Kuzan

:kayneshrug: If King was on katakuri level,
He and Queen + gifters should push GB to high diff
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