Character Discussion Akainu the living L machine

Akainu fans are known for their delusions and extreme denialism ...
But what hard days for Akainu fans today:doffytroll:

It was already Shanks> Akainu but now there is another guy who looks like Shanks and he is already above him:kobeha:

And that's not to say that the father of both “Shanks” is also above him :risitameh:

@Elder Lee Hung lmaooooooooooo
It seems like it's a pattern that every red-haired guy in this manga is above Akainu in strength and hierarchy.
Even Garling's grandchildren will be above Akainu, they were born to rule and walk their dog, right?:suresure::suresure::suresure::doffytroll::doffytroll::doffytroll::nikalaugh:

See if anyone can boss around any Yonkou in this manga. LOL :whitepress::endthis::nikalaugh::fullmom::kailaugh::zehaha:

But a Yonkou can command an FA level admiral-Kuzan is there to prove it.