That im not surprised. Blackbeard was back in Paradise for like 2 weeks for Hancock. These people know how to travel grandline and are stuck because they dont have RPs.
Scopper and the Roger Pirates actually sailed GL multiple times looking for them, so it makes sense he can travel fast
You're totally right. It's not surprising. But I still wonder if tehre is a special way, since we're so far deep into the grand line, but probably so close, in distance, to the twin capes, if we disregard de Red Line.
Maybe we get an answer, but probably not, lol
Why would luffy fans give a fuck about that ?
Luffy stop being Roger 2.0 and is now joyboy 2.0 if want to do scaling or who he parallel now.
Mind you i still think Zoro and Sanji will be close to him .
You're totally right. It's not surprising. But I still wonder if tehre is a special way, since we're so far deep into the grand line, but probably so close in distance if we disregard de Red Line.
Maybe we get an answer, but probably not, lol
While toxic Zoro fans who want him to be able to low diff Sanji took a fat L, this chapter isn't really a L for Zoro himself, Rayleigh being said to be equal to Roger is good portrayal.
It's Luffy who lost the most, now they have to ditch Roger and solely focus on Joyboy to try to distance him from his crew lol
But at what cost.
Sanji being equal to zoro
Now the competition has gotten more fierce for swordbros because you people were the one to powershaming sanji at just about anything . Oh boy!!! how sanji and his fans have awaken from the ashes.
It took literally YEARS, but yeah, in the end we won.
Kudos to the Sanji fans who resisted all these years of slanders and gaslighting.
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