General & Others What is your favorite panel in One Piece?

For me its this one:

After being shown how significant the Straw Hat is for Luffy, he gives it to a Nami in distress as if to comfort her even though he doesnt know anything about what is causing her discomfort.

What is yours?
Hands down one of my favorite luffy and nami moments in the series. Op live action had me in tears from how good the moment was pulled off.

Zoro saving luffy with shishi sonson is my favorite panel. So clean, one dash and strike. Also love the anime moment no extra fluff just a 1 to 1 with the manga


I will never forgive Oda

My #1 is the same as you, Arlong Park is what made me a One Piece fan. So my second pick is Crocodile firmly defeating Luffy, which was the first real defeat Luffy ever faces. This chapter and tbh Alabasta as a whole made me really appreciate the story. I don't think my enjoyment of Op has ever climbed up to my first read through of Alabasta.
Hands down one of my favorite luffy and nami moments in the series. Op live action had me in tears from how good the moment was pulled off.

Zoro saving luffy with shishi sonson is my favorite panel. So clean, one dash and strike. Also love the anime moment no extra fluff just a 1 to 1 with the manga
Every scene we have Kuma One Piece gets better