Or just go to his Wikipedia article and check the source links
You're worse than spoiler clowns
French wikipedia doesn't say anything about the passport :zosleepy:

Anyway, I didn't really bother doing the research nor do I cared enough to do research

I think i'm better off NOT reading the news. Everytime i watch the news, i end up angry.
Maybe watch the american news :BigW:
AfD as "extremists
Yeah yeah the evil AfD who wants to end the war. This war will end without the Ukraine winning.

The germans voted for endless imigration from the middle east, with all its "benefits" like higher taxes in health care and daily attacks of migrants on civilians. They voted for Taurus rockets which means germany will be a active party in the ukrainian war (if Trump doesn't end it).
They voted for green politics which already destroyed our economy and View abroad (like the 60 minutes report shows).

80% of the voters have voted for the right to shut up for the next 4 years if anything bad happens to them in the these political fields.