I don't like the Nami slander tho, i just don't like the guys who pretend that the RDT is such a big deal (when we all know deep down they don't really care about it and why do they pretend to make this trio more relevant than it actually is... it has something to do with a certain blonde chef)
You've got him spending time talking about what type of women some old fart is into
Then talking about lightning hitting a branch
Then you've got nami going to castle just to come back to the party again
Not to mention wasting 3 chapters of cover story on getting a point across that ulti and p1 are WW's prisoners
So you want Oda to remove ALL the small moments and we go from A to B to C to D in like 10 chapters and the arc is done tada ? are you people purposely slow or trolling ... BOTH the lighting part and Older women parts will be important. Oda DID not name the chapter in which Loki is freed "Older women" for no reason.
Nami went with them to make things FASTER so they do not get lost , imagine Luffy and Zoro went alone it would have taken MORE chapters so he literally sent a guide with them ... Oda is literally speed running while it not feeling like its being rushed.
RDT fans were gassing their first trip of postskip like the second coming of Christ only for nami to become irrelevant and return to the party after doing nothing while sanji is in the underworld fighting loki
Actually it is the case on twitter
Idk why people call WG toxic when One PIece twitter is a thing
I don't associate with admirals fans from there by the way
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