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Kaku isn’t awakened lmao you aren’t listening
My sister, Luffy did have clouds before awakening in Gear 4.
lol, my fault for expecting a serious answer.

The hybrid zoan forms have clouds at a certain level.
And here the cope starts.

Usually, people don’t spend so much time on things they don’t understand and aren’t good at, so why do you spend so much time on this forum? Get to an 8th grade reading level so you can understand Oda’s writing and come back.
You know it's bad when someone stars rage-blabbing. Not my fault though if you had an horrendous take.
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It can't be another inu inu no mi dawg. We got 3 of them already. Oda needs to pay his local zoo a visit. Redon posted a gif of a western dragon, could that have anything to do with Loki? yea sure give us more dragons than another fckass dog. Although I'd be cool with fenrir just bcs it's the most obvious, i prefer to see some new animals.
Would have preferred if we got a mythical zoan per type but it doesn't seem Oda cares about that it's easy to pump out mythical zoans, and he seems to love drawing them more than ancient zoans, there are more Mythicals than ancients also
remember in wano where

- yasuie dies for the samurai's cause
- zoro seethes so hard that he puts the entire crew in danger, forcing everyone to fight smack in the middle of the flower capital
- fails to atleast kill (which wouldnt have worked if his slash landed) orochi, and is stopped by base denjiro
>was a crew wipe if any of the all stars appeared
>was a crew wipe if kaido appeared (he was watching the broadcast but magically didnt feel like coming)
>was a crew wipe if they sent their overwhelming amount of fodder from the beast pirates

they call him ryuma 001
0% chance of survival if anyone stronger than denjiro appeared
0 lives of orochi claimed
1 panel of him saying franky's name
These are the type of people that debate other people:

Man did knew that lolo, our favorite mc, vanished from the manga for 7 months but i didnt expect his fans also tried to gaslight people by erasing egghead from the public concious too

Nibbas are so ass mad they arguing with zoros in universe crew mates
he aint real bro

"Ehm actually my essay overrules the authorial intent of the manga" aah type shit
Will we get an gerd ass shot thanks to WANJI?
:shocked: @Fujishiro @MonochromeYoru
He saw Gerd's backshots and then came
Sanjino was not having one nose bleed while hugging gerds booba skin to skin
He is stronger than me now, he alone is the honored one
Sanji on the way of conquering Gerd. Like Scoopers has done before with a giant :stealthblack:

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