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Nah that's an L take. Vivi should've been a crew member, she still feels more like one than the fat fish.
I thought Jinbe was okay until he joined
It really feels Oda has no idea how to use him
He's just kinda there
I guess same can be said for Brook but Oda didn't stall his joining for 7-8 years
He was good as a leader of the sun pirates. Just doesn’t fit as a straw hat.
Jinbei fits much more as an SHs allie than an SH crew member

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
Nah that's an L take. Vivi should've been a crew member, she still feels more like one than the fat fish.
I think we'll get Vivi on the crew soon. She had a lot of random panels in Egghead, despite not really being a part of the arc. Before Egghead, a lot of the Straw Hats wanted to go to Mary Geoise to rescue her (still wondering if this is foreshadowing for Imu kidnapping Vivi EOS).

Vivi IMO really helped Nami's character feel less abrasive/memey, and also was just a good general voice of reason in a crew full of crazy people.

Her introduction was via a Giant Sea Monster turned into a hollowed out ship (Laboon), and her arc, Alabasta, was centered on Crocodile trying to find Pluton.

After Alabasta, the crew went to... the Sky, Skypiea. Elbaph is full of Seaclouds/potential SKy Islands.

I believe Pluton is a giant Sea Beast (turtle) hollowed out/built around to be a Battleship, and that Laboon was advanced foreshadowing for Pluton. Vivi's first "arc" with the Straw Hats was also Little Garden, the introduction of Giants.

So, IMO, we'll get Vivi either in Elbaf, or in Wano with Pluton. Both are VERY good places to hide from the WG, which she needs to do right now.

It was pretty obvious during Egghead that the Straw Hats were heading to Elbaph afterwards.

My hope is that Vivi steals Morgans' ship (act of piracy) and sails it to Elbaph. Morgans was last seen threatening Vivi, and, IMO, he shouldn't have done that.
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