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Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Both her homies counter GB's ability + she can make powerful tree homie from her own soul. GB getting cooked.
I literally don’t think Admirals even need to use their fruits to annihilate Big Mom, she got canned by two Hakiless rookies meanwhile fruitless Admirals are all comparable to prime Garp

Imagine arguing Big Job stands a chance in hell against even old Garp lmfao.
I literally don’t think Admirals even need to use their fruits to annihilate Big Mom, she got canned by two Hakiless rookies meanwhile fruitless Admirals are all comparable to prime Gar

Imagine arguing Big Job stands a chance in hell against even old Garp lmfao.
No admiral besides akainu has AP on law's level :kayneshrug:

Even then law's ability completely bypass BM's dura unlike akainu.
@Guymieux go back into hiding into your little cave Mr. “WhY dO yoU SaNJi fanS alWaYs tRY tO groUP SANjI wiTh LuffY anD ZoRo?”

Once again, We actually read the story
You just have an unhealthy and weird obsession with hating on a drawing

Oda makes it clear that Sanji is apart of whatever Luffy and Zoro have going on otherwise Jinbe would be here

Don’t quote me again with nonsense, I’m tired of clowning you
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