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Imagine if Loki runs wild and accidentally killed Sanji during the rampage

Luffy would feel guilty for the rest of his life because of his retarded, not caring of consequence action.
Low quality bait lol but 10/10 for the effort :BigW:
Glad we are in agreement on Luffy tho :p
Recklessness is fine if you're the only one taking an L from you stupid actions and hell can be fun at times even but this "I'm gonna do whatever the fck I want coz reasons and don't give a fck about Elbaf" attitude even though the Giants have welcomed the SHs with open arms and are supposedly Luffy's friends is just not computing. Dude refuses to eat dead animals coz "friends are important" lol but is at the same time telling his so called friends to fuck off coz reasons💀
No, that attack jacked them up.

Lucci was left in such poor condition he couldn't even walk inside the building and rescue a friend. When I say by rescue I mean he couldn't Walk inside a building, pick up his friend, and carry him outside. That was one of Zoro's weaker attacks.
He was literally going to attack Zoro and jinbei if not for Jinbei's 5000 brick chop and still couldn't go unconcious

Lucci is just him in terms of endurance

That's why G5 Goofy needed 3 named attacks to take him down
Low quality bait lol but 10/10 for the effort :BigW:
Glad we are in agreement on Luffy tho :p
Recklessness is fine if you're the only one taking an L from you stupid actions and hell can be fun at times even but this "I'm gonna do whatever the fck I want coz reasons and don't give a fck about Elbaf" attitude even though the Giants have welcomed the SHs with open arms and are supposedly Luffy's friends is just not computing. Dude refuses to eat dead animals coz "friends are important" lol but is at the same time telling his so called friends to fuck off coz reasons💀
How is that a bait, I just create a what if scenario and going by the usual formula, the one who got the shortest straw always happens to be Sanji. Not that complicated.

Yeah you are right. The motives for freeing Loki sounds really weak. Luffy has been acting strangely in Elbaf, when he got triggered just because Loki lightly making fun of Shanks, and now this. He may looks confident he can tame Loki, but for someone that already lost beloved person (Ace), he feels reckless and doesn't learn his lesson yet.
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