Those who are honestly asking about Sanji, better not ask. :risitears:
Fleet Leader Fenaker Yesterday at 1:41 PM #335,761 Yesterday at 1:41 PM #335,761 Those who are honestly asking about Sanji, better not ask.
Fleet Leader Fenaker Yesterday at 1:42 PM #335,763 Yesterday at 1:42 PM #335,763 This is how mfs are gonna move after the chapter is out : " 1 HP Loki " " bu--uut Zoro's enma " " Loki held back "
This is how mfs are gonna move after the chapter is out : " 1 HP Loki " " bu--uut Zoro's enma " " Loki held back "
Fleet Leader Fenaker Yesterday at 1:44 PM #335,764 Yesterday at 1:44 PM #335,764 Tyki_Mikk said: I said Monstertrio, not just Zoro. Click to expand... You did mention the trio, but we said Zoro isn't an hypetool guy but guess what happened.
Tyki_Mikk said: I said Monstertrio, not just Zoro. Click to expand... You did mention the trio, but we said Zoro isn't an hypetool guy but guess what happened.
MarineHQ Yesterday at 1:44 PM #335,765 Yesterday at 1:44 PM #335,765 Damn dudes actually twerking 0.000001hp Loki doing shit to their fav lmao. Better find a new one, this is pathetic.
Damn dudes actually twerking 0.000001hp Loki doing shit to their fav lmao. Better find a new one, this is pathetic.
Fleet Leader Fenaker Yesterday at 1:45 PM #335,766 Yesterday at 1:45 PM #335,766 MarineHQ said: Wanji the Goat Click to expand...
mmd Yesterday at 1:46 PM #335,768 Yesterday at 1:46 PM #335,768 Jaguark101 said: Loki hype is Shanks hype tbh Click to expand... Everyone hype is whanks hype
S Sword God Ryuma Yesterday at 1:47 PM #335,769 Yesterday at 1:47 PM #335,769 Fleet Leader Fenaker said: You did mention the trio, but we said Zoro isn't an hypetool guy but guess what happened. Click to expand... Bro why you acting like you got the leaks?
Fleet Leader Fenaker said: You did mention the trio, but we said Zoro isn't an hypetool guy but guess what happened. Click to expand... Bro why you acting like you got the leaks?
Fleet Leader Fenaker Yesterday at 1:48 PM #335,770 Yesterday at 1:48 PM #335,770 Loki's attack was very hard, truly the Thor's successor. @Tyki_Mikk
Kōri no kokyū Yesterday at 1:50 PM #335,771 Yesterday at 1:50 PM #335,771 Fleet Leader Fenaker said: This is how mfs are gonna move after the chapter is out : " 1 HP Loki " " bu--uut Zoro's enma " " Loki held back " Click to expand... The average cope lol.
Fleet Leader Fenaker said: This is how mfs are gonna move after the chapter is out : " 1 HP Loki " " bu--uut Zoro's enma " " Loki held back " Click to expand... The average cope lol.
SkySanji Yesterday at 1:51 PM #335,772 Yesterday at 1:51 PM #335,772 Fleet Leader Fenaker said: Loki's attack was very hard, truly the Thor's successor. @Tyki_Mikk Click to expand... You and other Zoro fans have got a rough few weeks ahead of you...
Fleet Leader Fenaker said: Loki's attack was very hard, truly the Thor's successor. @Tyki_Mikk Click to expand... You and other Zoro fans have got a rough few weeks ahead of you...
mmd Yesterday at 1:51 PM #335,773 Yesterday at 1:51 PM #335,773 MonochromeYoru said: chapter is bad for goofy zolo lanji that's all i ever wanted Click to expand... Whanks victim
MonochromeYoru said: chapter is bad for goofy zolo lanji that's all i ever wanted Click to expand... Whanks victim
Fleet Leader Fenaker Yesterday at 1:52 PM #335,774 Yesterday at 1:52 PM #335,774 SkySanji said: You and other Zoro fans have got a rough few weeks ahead of you... Click to expand... You sure?
SkySanji said: You and other Zoro fans have got a rough few weeks ahead of you... Click to expand... You sure?
Roronoa-sama Magic Sword, Magic Swordsman, and Can Cut Anything Yesterday at 1:53 PM #335,775 Yesterday at 1:53 PM #335,775
SkySanji Yesterday at 1:53 PM #335,777 Yesterday at 1:53 PM #335,777 Fleet Leader Fenaker said: You sure? Click to expand... My sources are telling me that this isn't a good time to be a Zoro fan
Fleet Leader Fenaker said: You sure? Click to expand... My sources are telling me that this isn't a good time to be a Zoro fan
S Sword God Ryuma Yesterday at 1:54 PM #335,778 Yesterday at 1:54 PM #335,778 Roo said: any news Click to expand... Ain't you the one with the newd. Rate chapter for each monster trio
Roo said: any news Click to expand... Ain't you the one with the newd. Rate chapter for each monster trio
mmd Yesterday at 1:55 PM #335,779 Yesterday at 1:55 PM #335,779 Roo said: any news Click to expand... Skysanji source: zoro is trash Fenaker source: zoro one shots loki
Roo said: any news Click to expand... Skysanji source: zoro is trash Fenaker source: zoro one shots loki
Raiden7 Yesterday at 1:56 PM #335,780 Yesterday at 1:56 PM #335,780 MarineHQ said: Wanji the Goat Click to expand...