what are all the strawhats biggest fears?
im guessing something manifestable instead of " oh the people u love die :( "
I’ll fill it in for you
luffy - An illusion of losing his friends or Ace/Akainu, since he’s an idiot it will work
nami - Chained up by Arlong
zoro - Swords crumbling, illusions of defeat/Kuina, he’s an idiot also
usopp - Could be anything but most likely he will beat Sommers Perona style
sanji - himself but evil
chopper - Being a reindeer and no one can hear or understand him, can’t transform, losing control as a monster/ illusion maybe won’t work
robin - Visions of her mother/Saul dying, which is already possible, so it may happen and make her real fear come true which would work
franky - Won’t be involved
brook - Actually dying, illusion may work
jinbe - Resists
Fear fruit doesn’t have to kill you, just handicaps