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Other than Yamato probably becoming the new captain of the Beasts Pirates, it seems like Oda is basically having Yamato pull off a Oden by having her find her own Scabbards.

First starting with Ulti and Page One, then later on I'm assuming Jack and Black Maria will join as well.
I wonder if there will be a cover story about how Charlotte Dogtooth becomes the new captain of the big mom pirates
Lol your reading skills defo needs work. Read again. The biggest shit we seen zoro lift, is fucking hybrid giant fishman with sanjis help. Read slowly and carefully.
Reading comprehension from this dummy? "Oda is talking about Zoro? How do I make this about Lanji!" :josad:

And the most weight that Zoro lifted was giant Pica's upper body and the Onigashima horn, both lifted hundreds of meters in the air. Just a few trillion of tons. :risisweat:
Reading comprehension from this dummy? "Oda is talking about Zoro? How do I make this about Lanji!" :josad:

And the most weight that Zoro lifted was giant Pica's upper body and the Onigashima horn, both lifted hundreds of meters in the air. Just a few trillion of tons. :risisweat:
No he didnt lift it clown. He slashed it in half, which is a good feat, it fell off on its on. And even for that fest he needed help . Zoro aint one of those guys. Sit your ass down .
No he didnt lift it clown. He slashed it in half, which is a good feat, it fell off on its on. And even for that fest he needed help . Zoro aint one of those guys. Sit your ass down .
Brainlet talking about powerscaling and feats doesn't understand powerscaling and feats!
Had to be from that group that turns cheapsots into blitzes and use gags and side by side panels to powerscale. :risiflip:
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