No fool the force is what pushes picas body forward, gravity is what actd upon it to fall towards ussop . You understand. Have you ever cut sugarcane stsnding with share force before? It moves forward and falls
This is my first time hearing about it. But now that I think about it, zoro cutting the moon is more likely than Sanji getting CoC, so is it that bad of a take?
This is my first time hearing about it. But now that I think about it, zoro cutting the moon is more likely than Sanji getting CoC, so is it that bad of a take?
Wait you dont mean to imply zoro lifted picas body up do you ? Cos it tilts because of gravitational force as seen .Man please go back to school cos this is bad. The only other thing of note here would be air resistance which was negligible by the way. Zoro cuts due to force of gravity picas body starts falling. Because of its massive weight its tilts slightly whiles still falling . Zoro cuts it all to defeat pica but its still falling king punch comes with another force to clear it . Wake wakakruka? You understand ?
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