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The HKs serve only to give the others something to do.

Also, all will be related to Nika since at the end of this arc all are probably going to recognize Luffy as Nika.

Yeah, I don't know too lol.

I have never seen something like this since ZKK probably.

In that instance part of the fandom, based on some hints/possible plot leads, managed to brainwash itslef that Zoro could kill the main enemy and fist Emperor to fall in Luffy's place (not to mention all the other problems).

This time a part of the fandom brainwashed itslef about, idk, being somehow all a giant plot to make the good-hearted Loki look like the worst being on the planet. And all, from Gaban to Shanks, are part of this plot.
We’re talking about a group who can summon in reinforcements at a moments notice due to the abyss. These aren’t all the HKs and WG fighters tbh.
If Oda wanted, he had all the chances in the world:

- Shamrock could have stayed, he had the standing to be the villain --> Oda sent him away;

- he could have sent someone when the HK explicitly called for help --> two bozos came.

Not to mention, in big arcs the main villain Is always deeply rooted in the background of the arc, as Loki is.
Loki also has the power we know Is the most dangerous to whole Erbaf (screams countdown), he thinks he Is Nika and we know there are two visions of Nika: one destoryer (Loki, clearly wrong), one liberation (clearly Luffy):

Idk why part of the fandom managed to have this big auto-gaslighting ZKK style about Loki not being the villain/adversary of this arc when It has been clear from literally day one:
Everything we know about Loki is being set up to be a false narrative.

Oda wouldn't make the CDs and the Holy Knights the enemies of Loki while they're the ones terrorizing Elbaf.

Oda wouldn't have Luffy be the one to release the villain terrorizing the country when he had previously been perfectly detained.

Luffy is supposed to be the ultimate judge of character. Loki's introduction also directly parallels Zoro's introduction, with Oda even noting the connection.

Zoro was made out to be a terrible monster, yet Luffy saw through this and released him, turning him into an ally. The same will happen with Loki
Is kaido afraid of the other Yonko and Fujitora then? He never attacked their main territory and cried when fujitora arrested his main business partner, notably didn't try freeing him
GB admitted outright (sadly so) that he couldn’t go to Wano cuz of Kaido. We know how impulsive and reckless GB is

BM provoked the Marines to try and stop her when she was calling Kaido thru unprotected transmission

Kaido sent Jack to retrieve Doffy. Tho he failed all Kaido did was delegate menial tasks to his henchmen. He was also busy with breaking off SN alliances before they got a headstart as Apoo had indicated

But anyways, Gunko fearing Nika is no different than Gorosei fearing his Awakening and risking Kaido’s anger over that. Nika is literal pirate Jesus who threatens CD way of life. They even tell children D clan eats them up
We’re talking about a group who can summon in reinforcements at a moments notice due to the abyss. These aren’t all the HKs and WG fighters tbh.
What I am saying is if that was the choice, Oda could easily done...the opposite of what he did: keep Shamrock, calling a Gorosei, etc.

He deliberately sent away the strongest HK (who was already here) and decided to send in his place two dudes that clearly are not built for being final villains.
All while giving Loki, a character deeply connected to the arc we are in, incredible hype, a legendary fruit, Nika connections and now even the Power that Is most dangerous to Erbaf.

Let's say this: one might wonder why.
If that's the case, then I guess it is now Usopp vs Killingham instead of Usopp vs Sommers then?:AlexChills:
you know what

as much as Usopp has been shown as a fodder, I suppose it would make sense for him to get a spotlight in elbaf, if any arc.

He is still a fodder. He couldn’t beat Rodo’s cat or Page One. But I suppose Oda could create some stupid way for him to defeat a Holy Knight.

Reveal Qilingham is allergic to peanuts and have Usopp shoot a peanut into his mouth to defeat him.

This nightmare power is similar to Sugar’s ability. A hax power that can enslave others and create minions.
GB admitted outright (sadly so) that he couldn’t go to Wano cuz of Kaido. We know how impulsive and reckless GB is
yeah cause wano is a natural fortress

same reason WB didn't go and avenge his "brother" and save his people in wano

If marines actually rolled up with all 3 admirals, kaido and his forces are getting fucked. But marines will also suffer some losses. Giving the other emperor's a chance to fuck up the world. That's what the whole balance of powers and shit is all about.
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