So, I'm a polyamorist, to begin with. Gaban rocks, LOL. I like variety. Small boobs, big boobs. Small women, big women.
People would look at Wanda and immediately mark the teeth as a negative, by comparing her mouth to a human mouth. IE, we're looking at the negatives.
My counterpoints:
1: Would white women bother with the peanut butter trick if it didn't work? No. Dogs are TOP TIER lickers in the Animal Kingdom. What you're losing the most of is cheek action, and, in return, maxing out on licking stats. As a tongue fanatic (I think the tongue is the sexiest part of the human body), I enjoy this greatly. There's something else that makes up for the cheek action: the vacuum glizzy suck.
2: This is a small dog, and look at it huck that thing down. Unlike humans, who rely on their cheeks to create suction, dogs are natural throat goats who inhale food at ridiculous rates. Wolves were trained over thousands of years to swallow all manners of meat, and in some cases bones.
Their throats have literally evolved to gulp down ridiculous amounts of raw meat.
So, Dog/Wolf Minks would be top tier glizzy gobblers. On top of this, the long tongue is easily able to provide... uh, extra service.
3: Beyond the dick, there is a hole, with a special prize inside.
4. Electro play.
So, once you look at the possibilities, not the limitations, a whole new world opens up.
A wide, wonderful world called "Zou"
Carrot simps are the real freaks, those buckteeth would be a NIGHTMARE to deal with.