Spoiler One Piece Chapter 989 Spoilers Discussion

Who is stronger?

  • King

    Votes: 106 41.2%
  • Katakuri

    Votes: 91 35.4%
  • Raid Suit Sanji

    Votes: 60 23.3%

  • Total voters
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When were you under the impression this game is..
I would honestly don't mind Sanji soloing King if its just Luffy + Zoro vs Kaido which is not far from a realistic match up.
As this chapter shows, Yonkou are weak as fuck anyways. Honestly won't surprise me if Oda has both Luffy and Zoro surpass Yonko after Wano and they still no where near Admirals and Mihawk.

Can you imagine Kizaru getting rag dolled by Robin lmao?
He would be moved out/away If he was in big mom's situation right now, because the straw hats cannot be killed/threatened by something they cant beat. So oda will find a way to save them. Take off the blinders man, if any top tier was in big mom's situation right now, oda will find a way to have the straw hats move him away/run from him/stupid bat him.
Spoilers are misleading by saying Luffy was blocked by King and Queen. Reality is Luffy is stil being trash. Fucking Queen trashed him out. Sanji is better than both Zoro and Luffy. Luffy amd Zoro going for Kaido means nothing. Hope people don't forget how many people started going after Doflamingo and how many actually fought him.
the fuck are you talking about
In case you didn't notice Mihawk is a coward who picks his battles wisely. That's why he ran from the marines. He was scared an admiral was aboard one of those ships.

No one cares that your PK level ++++ got replaced. No one :milaugh: He doesn't have the status you seem to think he does
cOwArD lmaoo
Mihawk literally went to Shanks' camp and called him one armed turd and his pathetic weak ass couldn't even provide a rebuttal because he knows he couldn't do shit to Mihawk in his prime, what would he do with one arm.

RaN fRoM tHe mArInEs
See this is the difference between defensive Yonko army on their last legs and actual reasonable debators.
In Manga Mihawk is excited, ready to wreck all the Vice Admirals and Admiral Marines send after him while in your wild ass fantasy where One armed turd like Shanks stands a chance at pushing God Tier WSM Pirate King Level++ fighter like Mihawk past mid diff, he is scared and running away.

Mihawk loves a good fight, hence why he is waiting for Zoro to surpass Shanks so he can push him past mid diff. Which surpassing Shanks would happen right after Wano. Shanks is too weak for Elbaf Zoro.

Status? The whole world still calls him strongest swordsman in the world.
Mihawk could give two shits about that warlord title
These fanboys never listen

Luffy himself says it, they agreed to handle the rest.

I don't wanna hear "Zoro will fight alongside Luffy Kidd law vs Kaido" again

Luffy Kidd law vs Kaido... Kaido wins
The raid fails, navy arrives.end of act 3

Last round in act 4 SNs Navy vs Kaido then will end with luffy vs Kaido
Ignoring Zoro own words classic Ndule.
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